Group 7-day waking average?

A cheery 5.5 for me. Unlike you @Martin.A the rain had already blown over by the time I got up, though it was pretty tasty when small dog requested a wee at 4am.
Snap @AshMc, I am also 6.3 this morning.
A dreary morning here too, need to finish some upholstery jobs and look at work going forward and maybe catch the England match this evening. Fun day a head.
Happy Friday!
Morning all - there was some blue sky when I first got up, but no longer and yes... it's raining here too.

7.9 this morning. I'm not complaining as it's come down a lot from the high teens where it ended up last evening. Although my Omnipod was still stuck on I think the cannula had come out when I caught the pod with my pants. So at gone 11pm I changed it and did some corrections.

We did quite well in the pub quiz. The winners got 32 points and we got 30.5 the half mark was for knowing the tune but not the artist. I didn't like the quizmaster, he rattled the questions off and gave no time between them to write stuff down. It was supposed to start at 8:30. He started at 8:20 (one of our team hadn't arrived) and finished in 40 minutes.

Nothing much on today except creating something out of 750g of mince. We had Chilli last week so shall it be Bolognaise, Lasagna or Shepherd's pie? I need to build up the standby dishes in the freezer. Oh... and dealing with a whole washing up bowl of unripe grapes - uck... I am sick of making grape jelly!

@Grannylorraine proud of you for staying calm.

@Anji53 My friend told me a similar story when she was discharged from hospital after a heart attack. Absolutely disorganised especially where meds were concerned. Fingers crossed you get it sorted. Glad to hear hubby is home though.

@eggyg hope you have a good drive home. Normally Saturdays are the worst day, so fingers crossed.

Congratulations to @khskel on your HS. It's very hard for T1s to hit that sweet spot.

Happy Friday all.
Good morning. 5.8

Yesterday stayed dry but grey so mixed some concrete and laid a few metres of foundation for the garden wall. The forecasts are so unreliable and changeable here that I doubted the wisdom of the works but crossed my fingers and believed the sky. It had all "gone off" nicely before heavy rain came in overnight. Wolf's breakfast bowl had an inch and a half of water in it this morning. Now settled to a determined depressing drizzle, light breeze and a temperature of 15 degrees C. Walking across the lawn to feed the fish feels like strolling on a mattress or an Irish bog.

Shall be spending some of the day sprucing up Bryallen as she is leaving for her new home tomorrow. Hopefull she will follow her Mum into the trailer...

Happy Friday everyone.
5.4 this morning for me.

The wind seems to be blowing the clouds away and we now have some sunshine! Hopefully it won’t be too windy, I always worry about damage to the house, fences, etc. when it gets bad.

Not much planned today other than work, then hopefully a nice relaxing weekend ahead of us!

Congratulations @khskel on your HS today!

@eggyg - have a safe trip back home! Thanks for all the photos, really enjoyed seeing them!

Have a good day everyone!
And it was a 6.4 for me earlier this wet morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.....
The meeting with the police yesterday was on the whole positive. The SOIT officer (basically liaison between victim and police) clearly had difficulty hearing what I was saying and she was often defensive even though I went to great lengths to make it clear I wasn’t criticising her but rather the systems she works with.
The senior officer got it.
What I basically said was that words and tone and continuity of message are key. When they are off slightly then a victim may hear X instead of the intended Y.
I got emotional. There were tears and that was the moment when both officers clearly got it.
I found the senior officer using business type language so rephrased my thoughts so as to include things like KPI’s, SLA’s and the one that really cut through ‘pain points’.

I stressed that removing those would also help the police. It would stop the temptation perhaps to get annoyed with yet another email from a victim asking the same question time and time again if they’d answered it correctly first time and that means using no jargon and asking if there’s anything else the victim wants to ask. At the moment the practice is to ask that question but in a really complicated fashion. It’s something like “Is there anything you’d like me to add?” It isn’t but it’s like that.

They apologised for the failings I’ve experienced (not in the preliminarily outcome but in the process) and we are going to try and create a training pack perhaps or get me in a room with officers who deal with these sorts of cases so that they can hear directly the impact of their semantic choices.

About ten minutes after we’d finished I had an email from the senior officer apologising again, thanking me for my time, recapping the points raised and saying that we will find a way to take this forward.

I feel heard. Exhausted. Conflicted still (it’s complicated unpicking my brain sometimes) but undeniably heard.

Therapy this morning I wept. Therapist asked if he could sit next to me and then asked if he could touch me. He put his hand on my back and I just sobbed.

It was a good session. I’m exhausted now but wanted to update you all as you’ve been following this journey and giving me support which I’m incredibly grateful for.
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Good day all. Sister has had another heart attack, not too bad but cholesterol off the scale, Consultant says highest ever recorded, maybe just by him? All the family have to go and be checked out, it's all go. 🙄

Stay warm all. 🙂
I’m exhausted now but wanted to update you all as you’ve been following this journey and giving me support which I’m incredibly grateful for.
And rest assured, we'll carry on giving it.
Good day all. Sister has had another heart attack, not too bad but cholesterol off the scale, Consultant says highest ever recorded, maybe just by him? All the family have to go and be checked out, it's all go. 🙄

Stay warm all. 🙂
Hopefully she’ll make a fast and great recovery and that the rest of you are ok.
@ColinUK with what you have been through and what you have just done you are incredibly brave in my eyes. I'm glad you got the chance to speak and that they listened to you. It's no wonder you feel exhausted. Take the time to work through therapy. Take care and know we are here for you.

@khskel congrats on the HS
Thinking of you and hope things improve .@ ColinUK
The meeting with the police yesterday was on the whole positive. The SOIT officer (basically liaison between victim and police) clearly had difficulty hearing what I was saying and she was often defensive even though I went to great lengths to make it clear I wasn’t criticising her but rather the systems she works with.
The senior officer got it.
What I basically said was that words and tone and continuity of message are key. When they are off slightly then a victim may hear X instead of the intended Y.
I got emotional. There were tears and that was the moment when both officers clearly got it.
I found the senior officer using business type language so rephrased my thoughts so as to include things like KPI’s, SLA’s and the one that really cut through ‘pain points’.

I stressed that removing those would also help the police. It would stop the temptation perhaps to get annoyed with yet another email from a victim asking the same question time and time again if they’d answered it correctly first time and that means using no jargon and asking if there’s anything else the victim wants to ask. At the moment the practice is to ask that question but in a really complicated fashion. It’s something like “Is there anything you’d like me to add?” It isn’t but it’s like that.

They apologised for the failings I’ve experienced (not in the preliminarily outcome but in the process) and we are going to try and create a training pack perhaps or get me in a room with officers who deal with these sorts of cases so that they can hear directly the impact of their semantic choices.

About ten minutes after we’d finished I had an email from the senior officer apologising again, thanking me for my time, recapping the points raised and saying that we will find a way to take this forward.

I feel heard. Exhausted. Conflicted still (it’s complicated unpicking my brain sometimes) but undeniably heard.

Therapy this morning I wept. Therapist asked if he could spot next to me and then asked if he could touch me. He put his hand on my back and I just sobbed.

It was a good session. I’m exhausted now but wanted to update you all as you’ve been following this journey and giving me support which I’m incredibly grateful for.
So pleased you have been listened to. I really feel for your ordeal and glad you have a thoughtful and concerned therapist.
So pleased you have been listened to. I really feel for your ordeal and glad you have a thoughtful and concerned therapist.
100% say the same. You deserve to be listened too but more so with the right people. So pleased you are getting help.
Unfair not for you but going forward making it better for others is really good.
Thank you.