Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 today.

17 days with no metformin so presume it is out of my system by now
I was diagnosed in august 2022 with an HbA1c of 117 prescribed metformin, sept 2023 it had dropped to 37

Yesterday was an up and down day
Sorted out husbands remote pacemaker monitor .
Got on to doctors about face to face appointment as required by his hospital discharge papers. Then fun and games as they wanted me to photograph and email the papers (10 pages) took me at least an hour and three failed attempts as email kept bouncing back Why are they asking elderly patients to do things like this ( I’m 70 ).
Then problems with flip Flo catheter they sent hubby home with from hospital on Thursday, as it was coming out. Trying to get anyone to help was a nightmare
Doctor’s receptionist was v unhelpful I asked to speak to a medical professional No not possible.
Nothing they could do
This for a 72 year old man who had open heart surgery 10 days ago with a newly fitted pacemaker!
in the end phoned 111 who arranged for a district nurse to come which she did at 5 o’clock. Sorted everything out and is coming back next week.

sorry for the lengthy post. Just helps to unload
Oh @Anji53 what a nightmare of a day for you. Glad you were able to get the nurse out and got it sorted out eventually. I suspect the email kept bouncing back because the file size of the photos was too large to send in one email. If you ever have to do it again split the photos up and send them in several emails.
Morning all - it's a beautiful day with sunshine and just tiny white fluffy clouds here and there.

5.1 for me this morning with a flat line.

Yesterday it peed down all day but I spent all afternoon on my feet in the kitchen and it was boiling, had to have all the windows open. I made an industrial size cottage pie - 8 portions, of which 6 are going to stock up the freezer a bit. Plus we started umpteen kilos of grapes (4th and final harvest from the garden) on their way to being grape jelly. Today we're meeting friends in town and then I shall make Mary Berry's speedy sausage and spinach lasagne for dinner. Hope it's as effortless as she promises!

Congratulations @Robin and @harbottle on your HSs.

@eggyg glad you had a good drive home - hope the holiday has set you up for all the childcare. Glad Daughter seems upbeat and fingers crossed for the next scan.

Happy weekend all...
Afternoon all, much earlier this fine sunny morning it was a 5.6 for me.

Certainly, today is a pleasant change from yesterday - constant rain all day.
Late posting today for me, 6.1 this morning before the day turned pear shaped.

My wife’s uncle died this morning at 4am so our plans changed rapidly today. The funeral is Monday at 11am so we are now looking at flights over to Ireland.:(
@Eternal422 I’m so sorry for your loss.
There’s a saying us Jews say at times like this and it’s ‘may his memory be a blessing’ so may his memory be a blessing.

Wish you all a long life.
Good morning everyone. Suddenly it is really cold, and very dark. No rain tho 🙂

BG 5.3
The other readings are fine...

Upsetting, hurtful text from my daughter yesterday. as if I don't have enough to deal with already! Sigh.

Today church, exercise, working on some lyrics.

Had to put the heating on this morning. Temperature in the house dropped to 14.5C. Too cold. And our double electric blanket failed to work on one side Last night. We only normally put it on for a few minutes before bed and it makes such a difference. well, it used to. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning everyone. 7.1

You know the ask and you shall receive thing....
Why don't sensors fail when you want them to, could have been doing without needing to swap when away for just a few short days - less to pack :rofl:


New sensor been like this since I put it on yesterday morning.
100% uptime on previous one. Have restarted phone, forced app to close and restarted, bluetooth toggle with and without restarts. Short of uninstalling the app and reinstalling, done everything I can. I doubt its a phone issue to be honest given the uptime of the previous one.
Will call tomorrow if there are still issues with it. (scan is fine and fills in gaps, just no alarms)

Nothing planned today except order some scripts and some washing to get on so easy day :D
Good morning glucose-juggling champs.

Bright and clear here today, but a bit on the nippy side!

Dex was pottering along at 5.7 when my alarm went off.
I was 5.1 this morning. Currently wondering I should restart Metformin, as readings seem to indicate it's not actually doing anything.

I've finished with the 'sibionics' sensor and the experience was quite positive. Results remained close to finger pricks at most times, but could sometimes be a bit different - usually a little lower.

5.1 this morning, meter definitely has 5.2 missing on it. Today I will be going for a walk with my friend as she can’t run at the moment. Later I will be trying to finish off the Halloween wreaths I am knitting for my grandchildren, and then maybe some reading or crotchet. I don’t know why but somehow October is rushing past, I though I had more time to get their wreaths done, I started them back I. August and just keep picking up my crotchet instead.

was dry and bright here yesterday, was pleasant walk8ng in the sunshine, but felt the chil when in shady parts. Think much the same forecast today. I have gone round shutting all the windows on and didn’t have the back door open at all yesterday, I suppose next phase will be drawing the curtains to keep the chill out.

@Eternal422 - sorry to hear the sad news.