Group 7-day waking average?

Lovely to see you back with us.
Tina, I have been wracking my brains the last few days for a possible suitable driving home for Peachy after Patti tagged me, but come up blank so far. Most of the people that I know in the driving world are men and they mostly have larger ponies or horses. Dales ponies are particularly popular in this area, being the "local" breed. I haven't managed to find your post which says why you are parting with her but I assume she needs more work than you have time for. Pleased her foal loaded well and has gone to a good home. Good luck finding one for Peachy too and if I hear of anyone who might be interested, I will let you know.
Confession time! :( Yesterday I had my first evening meal out since March 2020. Since I escaped the care home I have only had lunch out; a couple of times at the local garden centre twice, the local Simmons twice and to an independent burger bar. I was taken to Nandos. Compared to the lunch venues it felt somewhat cramped and noisy. Anyway a good time was had and with a the wherlchairing I thought I was OK finishing with a Portuguese custard tart. Sadly it was not! :(
Good to hear that your high levels this morning were because you were out enjoying yourself Mikey.
Tina, I have been wracking my brains the last few days for a possible suitable driving home for Peachy after Patti tagged me, but come up blank so far. Most of the people that I know in the driving world are men and they mostly have larger ponies or horses. Dales ponies are particularly popular in this area, being the "local" breed. I haven't managed to find your post which says why you are parting with her but I assume she needs more work than you have time for. Pleased her foal loaded well and has gone to a good home. Good luck finding one for Peachy too and if I hear of anyone who might be interested, I will let you know.
Thank you very much for thinking of Peachy. Quite a few local drivers use Section As so I may be luckier in Wales - Rowena Moyse is looking for me and may have some success. She certainly has some interest.

I am just dreading the future - not a problem for me when between flares but Hell on wheels during one and recently they have just been joining up. Also she is a typical native - see it eat it - so would be better for regular exercise - I gave up driving as I cannot easily get into or out of a vehicle and cannot find anyone to drive with me who is more limber. She will only be going to a 5* loan home as we have been together for 15 years - from intensive, successful, in hand showing to cheerful driver to (not so successsful) brood mare. If one doesn't turn up she will be staying with me and we will struggle together through the winter somehow.

I was dead chuffed with the filly - followed into the trailer as if she had been doing it forever. New owners very excited and went off with lots of spare kit from the days when I had 17 GGs. I shall be seeing her on the local circuit in hand next year I hope.
Morning all - quite grey now, though the sun was shining when I woke up. People walking about with just sweaters on, so perhaps not as cold as expected.

6.2 this morning with a flat line overnight.

Yesterday when we went into town it was sunny so I wore only a light jacket. Did some shopping including queueing nearly half an hour in Boots to collect my script and then met friends. By the time we left them to get the bus home it was blooming freezing! It was lovely getting into our house as it is always warm, despite not having had the heating on. Very different to the rambling victorian we had previously with it's 18 radiators failing to heat the place and sucking up gas.

I made the Mary Berry sausage and spinach lasagna and it was absolutely delicious (though it took a lot longer than she says). Also it produced barely a bump in BGs. Thought of you @eggyg whilst I was making it, the kids would probably love it!

Today we'll finish up the grape jelly (boiling the strained juice with sugar and potting it up) and I will be glad to see the end of the blessed grapes until next year.

@rebrascora really lovely to see you back!

@Eternal422 so sorry to hear of your loss. Hope the funeral goes well.

Congratulations @Bloden on your HS.

Have a great Sunday all...
Morning …… just !
9.8 for me.
Lazy day. I’m shattered.
Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.
Afternoon all.

And another late posting for me today, a 6.1 recorded at 8.35 this morning.
Anyway, I am posting a nice 5.6 this morning and to be honest numbers recently (the last week) have all been really good, but saying that has probably now jinxed me. 🙄
I remember once at one apoiments the nurse said "everything looks perfect to me" then the next day I strating droping all the time. Haha
Afternoon all. Mid 9s this morning quickly dropping to mid 4s by the time i got out of the shower. Been out all day and levels have behaved. The sky has been cloudless and bright blue but its been freezing!

Congrats on the HS @Bloden and @TinaD.
@rebrascora lovely to see you posting again.
@Eternal422 so sorry to hear your news.

I hope everyone has had a lovely Sunday.
My favourite bit was the leader saying to stay active and and that every 30mins we should be getting up and moving around, I did point out that they had made us sit on the zoom for 4 hours pretty much continuously by that point :rofl:.
One piece of advice given by a GP running our surgery's course on managing T2 was that we should spend the first 10 minutes each day looking at the sky if it's blue, 20 minutes if it's grey, and spend some time each day with trees. Something about improving well-being, but not really my kind of thing to be honest.
My levels typical peak in the morning as soon as I start to move around they rise from between 6 to 7 to around 8 to 9 before I have anything to eat or drink. I use Libre 2 so I can see it happening! This morning it was 7.2 and rose to 9.1...
Am told this is not unusual
I made the Mary Berry sausage and spinach lasagna and it was absolutely delicious (though it took a lot longer than she says). Also it produced barely a bump in BGs. Thought of you @eggyg whilst I was making it, the kids would probably love it!
That does sound good. I’ve saved the recipe. I usually use frozen spinach, it comes in squares, fresh spinach goes to nothing and is quite pricy. I might use cream cheese instead of creme fraiche. I’ll give it a go in half term. Cheers for that.
That does sound good. I’ve saved the recipe. I usually use frozen spinach, it comes in squares, fresh spinach goes to nothing and is quite pricy. I might use cream cheese instead of creme fraiche. I’ll give it a go in half term. Cheers for that.
I thought it was a bit dry with just the creme fraiche, so I added a good splash of double cream. However, frozen spinach should release some water so you might not need the cream or anything.
A cheeky 6.4 for me. I am hovering around that mark each day for a little while...

I went to the DESMOND Diabetes seminar yesterday, had some useful info but lots of conflicting bits and some I feel people on here would have disagreed (and rightly so) with. My favourite bit was the leader saying to stay active and and that every 30mins we should be getting up and moving around, I did point out that they had made us sit on the zoom for 4 hours pretty much continuously by that point :rofl:.

Sunny with a chill this morning. Off to see the in-laws and nephews today before a meal out with the other half which will be good.

Have a Super Sunday all!
I did the DESMOND course a couple of years ago, as it was during COVID it was working through the modules on line and additional ones were released on a weekly basis. I'm afraid I did find that it followed the NHS Eat Well plate so as you say quite conflicting. There was a forum which was quite interesting and certainly revealed that some people really did not want to engage with making changes and there was a lack of basic understanding about what carbohydrates are.
One question particularly was from somebody who asked could they have tomato ketchup on their bacon sandwiches.
It was also evident that some people were misdiagnosed.
I hope you glean some gems but I suspect you will be better informed by what you learn here.
Morning all. 4.9 and a unicorn day yesterday. Where has the weekend gone again?! It's very dark out there, i really don't want to get out of bed.
Good morning 6.4 today following the best nights sleep I’ve had for ages

Happy Monday Everybody 😎
11 this morning after being around 6 before dawn kicked in. FOTF is fighting the correction I shoved in but will see how that lands in a few hours.
Tummy is giving warning signs of impending doom and sadness so might explain bloods being off 😉.
Was a tough day to get numbers down yesterday too.

Nothing on today, which I am grateful for as I don't want to be away from the bathroom 😉

Hope you all have a good week <3
Morning all. A round 6 today. Not frosty but only 3c! Brrr!

Covid booster done yesterday, no flu jab offered. In the end it was only me that had it done. A couple of hours before leaving I read Mr Eggy’s confirmation email, we couldn’t understand how I’d had a text reminder and he didn’t. He’d booked it for the 29th! I despair sometimes. He doesn’t know why he said, I do, he really is hopeless with dates and days since he retired. 🙄

Got the whirlwind this morning, first child care duties for over three weeks, think we’ll be shattered by 5.30! I’m off to GP surgery to see a nurse for full bloods, this is to rule out ( or in) a B12 deficiency. I’ll make a pan of leek and potato soup for lunch, it’s getting to that time of year and the leeks in the garden are looking good, the best we’ve ever grown. Looking forward to that. Zara loves Grandma’s homemade soup. She calls it slurp! :rofl:

Hope you all have a Happy Monday.
Morning all. 6.2

Dentist appointment this morning and I’ve not been in yonks. And the hearing came on yesterday all by itself and took the chill off the place.
Talking of chills, is anyone else watching Netflix’s updated Fall of the House of Usher?