Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.8

Have a great day everyone
Morning everyone. 6.8

Have a great day today no matter what it brings.
A very early good morning. 5.4 and a flatfish again.

Up early as we want to try and miss the Friday exodus ie the tourists leaving Devon and Cornwall. Last time we came to Cornwall it took us 12 hours to get home! A lot of that was just getting out the county! TBF it was May half term, but we saw the traffic queues two weeks ago when we arrived and don’t want to get stuck in that.

It absolutely poured down virtually all day yesterday, and all through the night, and now it’s blowing a hoolie. We have been so lucky with the weather, it’s still very mild though, so I won’t hold yesterday against it. We had a lovely relaxing day ( I read a whole book) after packing and doing the tidying up. Just what we needed before setting off back home to the frozen north!

Have a fab Friday and I’ll “see” you all tomorrow.
good morning 8.0 today
full of a cold again
maybe that’s why I’m high (or was it what I ate yesterday)

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday 😎

an oh so near oh so far 5.1 today, just can’t hit that sweet spot of a HS.

@freesia - also glad it’s Friday after a stressful week at work being thrown under the bus by colleagues who can’t follow the correct process, then involve me to try and make me the scapegoat, took all my self control not to swear on meetings, but they found a different side to me than last year, stayed clam and just stated facts followed up by evidence. Management were left in no doubt who had not followed the correct process.

@eggyg -hope you have a good journey home, going to miss the daily dose of photos.

@ColinUK - please be gentle with yourself today, after yesterday’s meeting on Top of all the other fears and worry you have.

Other than work, nothing Planned for today, was considering a gentle 6k run this evening, but quite windy and raining at the moment, I don’t mind running in the rain, but battling strong winds is not my idea of fun.
also glad it’s Friday after a stressful week at work being thrown under the bus by colleagues who can’t follow the correct process, then involve me to try and make me the scapegoat, took all my self control not to swear on meetings, but they found a different side to me than last year, stayed clam and just stated facts followed up by evidence. Management were left in no doubt who had not followed the correct process
Good for you @Grannylorraine. I shall copy you and stay calm and state facts if i'm asked soon why things haven't been done.
Morning 6.0 on waking A bit surprised as yesterday was so stressful with little time for eating expected it to be lower or am I misunderstanding?
Stress can also affect your readings, so despite the lack of food, all the running around arranging stuff and worrying about things etc will Have had an effect.

Forgot to add on my earlier post, pleased to hear that hubby is being discharged following his surgery.
Stress can also affect your readings, so despite the lack of food, all the running around arranging stuff and worrying about things etc will Have had an effect.

Forgot to add on my earlier post, pleased to hear that hubby is being discharged following his surgery.
Thank you
yesterday was very stressful. Although I can’t fault the care while in hospital the discharge was chaotic with very little communication
I only knew he was being discharged when I received a text from him to say he’d been told it was a possibility . I rang them but was told they didn’t know yet and would ring me when they did
He texted me again at 2 pm that He was so I rang to be told yes The paperwork had been started and they were waiting for meds
At 4.45 he texted he was in the discharge lounge waiting for me
I rang again to confirm and to find out how to get him ! He would be in a wheelchair so where could I park to get him. Nurse said main entrance which was drop off and 20 minute waiting but couldn’t tell me how to find it as she didn’t use the car park! But to text my husband when I had parked and shed bring him down We live 27 miles from hospital and it’s v large so quite confusing. I finally found it but you can imagine how busy it was at that time with queues for the 6 drop off spaces They brought him down and put him in the car, handed me his bag, meds and equipment and left
can’t get pacemaker monitor to talk to hospital and Have to get face to face appointment with GP for next week so ringing those are my next tasks.
Morning folks. 🙂 4.9 here.

It’s blowing a hoodie here too @eggyg - have a safe trip home.

Welsh book club / Cylch darllen this morning. Then admin (why is there so much admin? I work part-time atm). My students that have been ignoring my emails finally popped up yesterday to say they won’t be doing the course. One of them was most indignant that I expected him to answer my emails. Apparently, he’s a very busy important person...[blow a raspberry noise]...and rather rude IMHO. 😛 Ho hum. I just hope that class doesn’t get cancelled now, cos the students that do bother to turn up are bloody brilliant.:D

Keep dry folks.
Morning 5.8 end of week time in range(for 7 days) is 66% and have been ill which I think I might still be fighting a little bit) so considering that could be worse(I know the aim is to be 70%). Also I ended up trip to the dentist yesterday because something seem to need desperately but now I've been getting pain coming from there and had a stressful evening yesterday so there's that to consider to.

I decided to look to try and look at my time in range every Friday and if I do find myself looking at it in between not really taking not of what says because it's not useful data looking at it all the time.

I'm giving dexcom one fair go I figured it will take some some getting used to go again but allready found myslef thinking okay I might need look at that when I'm completely better of course. And at times doing stuff slightly different to what to what would have done on finger pricks based on what the arrow was telling me.

Frist sensor reliability and accuracy wise pretty good I do know there will be times where it won't be like if I'm falling and I deal with fast enough(plus there will be times where my meter won't be right to)
A nice round 5 for me this morning. 🙂 It's getting to that time of year when you have to put the lights on when you get out of bed. 🙄

Good morning everyone

Ate for England yesterday. No idea why. I just felt hungry. Mind you, I did a lot of exercise too.

Wake 6am
BG 4.8
Temp 36.4
Pulse 53
Oxy 97
BP 120/79

Today - rest - as my back is quite painful (all the moving of heavy stuff in the music room) but I have to go and pick up my poor, tired, worn out, but repaired shoes....and, yes, it is raining and looks set for the day too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.4 on this filthy Berkshire morning. It really is awful out there and we have a weather warning in place until 8 o'clock tonight. Set off on foot to get a newspaper and got barely 200 yds down the road when I decided it was a bad idea to walk, so turned back and took the car instead. Good decision - I would have got a right soaking.

Weekly BP check 118/69 so no issues there.

Friday is Big Shop Day so Sainsbury's and the greengrocer at the garden centre later, once I've had some breakfast and read the paper. Wife's WFH and our eldest has the day off as he's golfing this morning (well, maybe he won't be) and has a mate's wedding to go to this afternoon.

@Anji53 pleased to hear that you (eventually) got your husband home and hope you manage to get everything else organised

@eggyg I know what you mean. We've had some clear runs out of Cornwall and some severe hold-ups, and our satnav has diverted us off the A30 more than once.

Enjoy poet's day everyone, weather permitting.