Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.9

My school had sixth form opening evening yesterday. I want to attend my schools sixth form as they are well respected and I already know the school. I’m thinking history,philosophy & ethics and psychology as they give a good base for pastoral

Applications have already opened but I think at 6:30 in the morning, that’s too eager.

Have a great day everyone
Hi guys remember me? Sorry i went awol again!

We've been struggling greatly lately., you might remember last time I posted we had a roof leak that was coming into our bedroom and Bruce had had a seizure, slates were replaced, the next heavy rain brought yet another leak, a slate was replaced, roll on last weekend and we hit our 5th and 6th leak in under 3 months and Bruc had his 2nd seizure since it all started because of the stress he's going through with it

We have requested a full roof inspection as we can't keep going through this but 1 - the guy we spoke to wasn't impressed because that would involve scaffolding and 2 - pur housing officer is off until next week so nothing can be done until she's back anyway, at this point we are very fed up and really need them to carry out an inspection as there is clearly a bigger issue than broken slates as one of this weekends was exactly where a previous one that was apparently fixed was

Anyway I just wanted to give a little update and let you know I am still here, I hope you are all doing well xxxx
Sorry to hear you are struggling, I have wondered how you are. Sending you cyber hugs!
Good morning everyone

Tidying and shufgling stuff around in the music room and getting my wife a new keyboard serms to have triggeted a very good positive effect/response in my wife. She sprnt hours and hours yesterday playing (learning) keyboard and playing drums to recordings. She thoroughly enjoyed herself. Brilliant.

Wake 5:30
Temp 36.3
BG 5.3
Pulse 53
Oxy 98
BP 110/71

Today not sure. I may practice 'Jersalem' some more (wonderful on a pipe organ) and sort out some chord sheets for my wife. But not much else in my plans for today.

At my med review they suggested statins (don't they always?). Anyway, when I refused they offered an alternative ... Ezetimibe ... I agreed to try it. But on checking on the common side effects I decided to give it a wide berth. Has anyone here tried this med. If so, were there any side effects for you?

And they have referred me for a scan to check for osteoporosis. Now that should be interesting.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

And today’s main event is the long overdue and difficult to arrange meeting with the police.
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

Ooo, I’m pooped. Roll on the weekend.

Great to hear from you @Kaylz but sorry to hear about the stress you’re both going thru. I hope your housing officer enjoys her holiday! Er, seriously, she goes away and all her clients have to hold their breath til she gets back...crap system. o_O I hope it’s all sorted asap.

5.9 this morning, did my first run yesterday since my 1/2 marathon at the weekend, a hill run, but all was good, yoga tonight and a walk round to mums which will probably be in the rain. Just signed up to a 100 squats per day challenge in November for stand up to cancer, not sure why I can’t just scroll past these challenges without signing up.

@eggyg - thinking of you and your daughter, hoping the next scan brings more positive news.

@Kaylz - lovely to hear from you, but sorry you are having so many problems with the roof leaking and that taking its toll on Bruce.

@MikeyBikey - condolences on your loss.

@ColinUK - hope you get listened to, and get your concerns about the way things were handled acknowledged.

@Lily123 - hope you get accepted onto the sixth form.
Morning all, 6.2 for me on a damp and drizzly day.

Sincere condolences @MikeyBikey, so sorry for your loss. Were you close to your Aunt?

Hope the 6th form application goes well @Lily123 - exciting times for you. Fingers crossed for a successful outcome 🙂
Lovely to hear from you @Kaylz - I’ve been wondering how you were getting on, and you’ve been missed.

So sorry to hear what a rough time you’ve been having with the house, and how that has impacted Bruce. Hope they are able to arrange a proper inspection, and possibly replace the whole thing rather than patching it. Do you know how long it has been in place?
4.7 today for me and a nice flat fish overnight, pleased with that. Trying to reduce my grazing on snacks in the evenings and can start seeing some positive effects already.

Looks like it’s going to be another rainy day today and a bit cooler as well. Nothing planned other than a day working, thankfully from home and online!

@Kaylz - so sorry to hear of all your troubles, hope everything gets sorted quickly for you both.

@Gwynn - lovely to hear that the new keyboard has had such a nice positive effect.

@MikeyBikey - sending you my condolences.

@ColinUK - hope today’s meeting isn’t too stressful for you and goes well.

@Lily123 - wow, those are some subjects! Good luck getting on the courses you need and into your 6th form, sounds like you have a great plan.
Morning all. Mid 9s this morning. After yesterday's stubborn hypo i spiked and stayed high until bedtime when i dropped to mid 5s. Had a spoonful of peanut butter but then ended up just over 10 all night.

I'm in work early atm, had my flu jab so thought i might just come straight to work. Currently sitting in the staff room trying to muster up the will to get started. The stress at work isn't helping my levels at all.

@MikeyBikey so sorry to hear about your aunt.

@Lily123 interesting subjects. Go for it. Fingers crossed you get in where you want to.

@ColinUK i hope your meeting goes ok.

@Kaylz lovely to hear from you but sorry you're having a rough time of things.