Group 7-day waking average?

Unlike yesterday I'm a bit more organised this morning, aka I remembered to test (5.4) when I got up.

As Wednesday is a washday I've got it all sorted and the washing machine is up and running already, but not sure if it'll get out on the line as it's overcast here at the moment, though it's quite warm and there's no rain forecast until tea time. Don't really want to give the tumble dryer a workout unless absolutely necessary. I was in Robert Dyas yesterday and they had a large display of heated airers centre stage. Anyone got one of these? Just wondering if it would be a sound investment.

@freesia, @Paul Gibbins & @Eternal422 well done on your HSs.

@Anji53 from my own experience I know how good that feels

Managed to get the grass cut yesterday, hopefully won't need to do that again until Spring, and also cut down half our blackberry bush. Maybe get round to taking down the rest of it later. In the meantime I still have the damned kitchen ceiling to paint. Can't keep putting it off (hate painting ceilings) but I'm going to have to bite the bullet sometime. My excuse so far is that it's a shame to waste the nice weather doing indoor jobs when there's things that need doing in the garden. Sounds reasonable to me.

@ColinUK hard to find the words
Good morning. 6.9 for no apparent reason except a bad night.

Almost cannot bear to read the news. Grief in so many parts of the World. Sympathy for all who have lost family, friends and homes but despair over politicians who fail to work towards peaceful solutions.

Heavy rain forecast here so shall go shopping and refill the freezer/pantry.

Hope everyone keeping well.
Morning all on a very dull day.

6.6 first thing.

Very grateful we live in a peaceful country. Words can't express the depth of my horror at the news. Hugs to @ColinUK, his friends and relatives.

Congratulations @freesia, @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422

Good luck with the shopping @TinaD - we did ours yesterday afternoon and had to visit 3 different supermarkets to get everything we needed! I fear we got distracted in each and bought far too much stuff.
And it's a 5.4 for me on a grey morning, rain in the forecast today..
Trigger warning


A friend has confirmed that his cousin has been abducted and his 18 year old daughter murdered after Hamas terrorists broke into the shelter in their house and shot her. They then decapitated his daughter
Unlike yesterday I'm a bit more organised this morning, aka I remembered to test (5.4) when I got up.

As Wednesday is a washday I've got it all sorted and the washing machine is up and running already, but not sure if it'll get out on the line as it's overcast here at the moment, though it's quite warm and there's no rain forecast until tea time. Don't really want to give the tumble dryer a workout unless absolutely necessary. I was in Robert Dyas yesterday and they had a large display of heated airers centre stage. Anyone got one of these? Just wondering if it would be a sound investment.

@freesia, @Paul Gibbins & @Eternal422 well done on your HSs.

@Anji53 from my own experience I know how good that feels

Managed to get the grass cut yesterday, hopefully won't need to do that again until Spring, and also cut down half our blackberry bush. Maybe get round to taking down the rest of it later. In the meantime I still have the damned kitchen ceiling to paint. Can't keep putting it off (hate painting ceilings) but I'm going to have to bite the bullet sometime. My excuse so far is that it's a shame to waste the nice weather doing indoor jobs when there's things that need doing in the garden. Sounds reasonable to me.

@ColinUK hard to find the words
recommend heated airers.
I’ve used one for a few years now. I bought mine from Lakeland and also bought the cover which speeds up the drying process Dryer also warms up the room its in which is an added bonus for the top floor ( old Victorian 3 storey )
Congrats to my fellow HSers @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422.

@ColinUK there are no words to express how i feel. My thoughts are with everyone affected by this. Big (((HUGS))) to you though i know that this is no help. I hope you hear about your family and friends soon.

@eggyg everything is crossed for your daughter and the baby. I hope all will be well.

@Grannylorraine congrats on the weight loss.

@Martin.A i recommend the heated airers. I bought one with a cover. Its so cheap to run and so handy at this time of year when its too wet outside but not cold enough to have the heating on.

After a day in target and the HS this morning, i am now stuck in the staff room at work unable to drive home because of a stubborn 40 min hypo which just wouldn't go up.
What spam? Was it me replying to Martin.A about heated dryers?
if so sorry didn’t know I was doing anything wrong
Don't worry. It wouldn't be you. Sometimes the site has spam messages put on, they are usually obvious to spot so anyone who sees them reports it and its blocked. I didn't see the one @ColinUK reported either so it was dealt with quickly.
I was in Robert Dyas yesterday and they had a large display of heated airers centre stage. Anyone got one of these? Just wondering if it would be a sound investment.
Hey Martin,
I know people in my line of work use an item called DryBuddi. They seem to think it works quite well, although are a little pricy, but can be bought at Robert Dyas I think… not sure how much extra electric it would use in comparison to a drier!
Hey Martin,
I know people in my line of work use an item called DryBuddi. They seem to think it works quite well, although are a little pricy, but can be bought at Robert Dyas I think… not sure how much extra electric it would use in comparison to a drier!
Didn't see any of those on display but it seems they do sell them according to their website. The ones in store looked like the common-or-garden drying racks we're all familiar with (which of course they are if they're not plugged in and switched on).

Vented tumble dryers like ours are currently reckoned to cost in the region of £1.50 per cycle according to what I'm reading and we probably use ours at least half a dozen times a week when it's cold and wet outside. On that basis a heated rack would pay for itself pretty quickly. We are fortunate in having a double airing cupboard, which we can use as a drying room for things that labels say shouldn't be tumble-dried, which helps.

Food for thought.
I was in Robert Dyas yesterday and they had a large display of heated airers centre stage. Anyone got one of these?
Yes, we have one from Lakeland. It works really well and fairly cheap to run, clothes take a good day and overnight to dry, but means we only have to use the tumble drier for bedding and towels during the winter months.
8.3 when I woke up this morning after a correction at 6.30. Then long day with trip to Moorfields eye hospital. Glaucoma is stable but they think a neurological problem affecting the movement in my “good” eye. Not what I wanted to hear so have drunk quite a bit since the appointment to numb how I feel. I know that the alcohol isn’t a good idea but c’est la vie. Back to normal tomorrow.
Didn't see any of those on display but it seems they do sell them according to their website. The ones in store looked like the common-or-garden drying racks we're all familiar with (which of course they are if they're not plugged in and switched on).

Vented tumble dryers like ours are currently reckoned to cost in the region of £1.50 per cycle according to what I'm reading and we probably use ours at least half a dozen times a week when it's cold and wet outside. On that basis a heated rack would pay for itself pretty quickly. We are fortunate in having a double airing cupboard, which we can use as a drying room for things that labels say shouldn't be tumble-dried, which helps.

Food for thought.
We have a dehumidifier which I put by the airier of clothes and it dries them in about 4 hours but is 600W so pretty cheap to run./
Hi guys remember me? Sorry i went awol again!

We've been struggling greatly lately., you might remember last time I posted we had a roof leak that was coming into our bedroom and Bruce had had a seizure, slates were replaced, the next heavy rain brought yet another leak, a slate was replaced, roll on last weekend and we hit our 5th and 6th leak in under 3 months and Bruc had his 2nd seizure since it all started because of the stress he's going through with it

We have requested a full roof inspection as we can't keep going through this but 1 - the guy we spoke to wasn't impressed because that would involve scaffolding and 2 - pur housing officer is off until next week so nothing can be done until she's back anyway, at this point we are very fed up and really need them to carry out an inspection as there is clearly a bigger issue than broken slates as one of this weekends was exactly where a previous one that was apparently fixed was

Anyway I just wanted to give a little update and let you know I am still here, I hope you are all doing well xxxx