Group 7-day waking average?

Trigger warning


A friend has confirmed that his cousin has been abducted and his 18 year old daughter murdered after Hamas terrorists broke into the shelter in their house and shot her. They then decapitated his daughter.

A oh so near oh so far 5.3 today. Lost 3lb at slimming world this week, so pleased with that. Managed to walk ok yesterday, so going to go running with the group this evening.

@freesia and @Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS
Morning all. 5.7.

Last of the good weather yesterday, so we made the most of it and after a short walk, up a high hill, we had a cream tea and spent the next two hours on the beach ( on our rock) watching the tide come in. I could watch the waves all day.

Not quite sure what our plans are today, it’s all weather dependent. We really want to finish the walk to Boscastle, we’ve done half already, but it can be quite blowy on those cliffs and we need to traverse High Cliff, the highest cliff in Cornwall! We’ll see how we feel.

It will do us good and clear our heads if we go walking, daughter had another scan yesterday as they picked up a potential issue with the baby last week, her stomach isn’t filling, this could possibly mean a connection issue between the mouth /throat and the baby’s stomach, leaving the baby unable to swallow. They won’t know for certain until the baby is born, but it’s fixable, to make things worse, quite often a baby with this condition could be Downs Syndrome. The chances are small and the consultant has to give worse case scenarios I know but it does still give you a bit of a shock, It’s all very concerning but we’re grasping at the positives at the moment. She’s having another scan in three weeks and if there’s no change she’ll be offered an amniocentesis test. She is being very stoic ( we’re all strong women in our family) but her hubby isn’t quite as positive. I’m tempted to go home sooner as I can’t even talk to her as we don’t have any mobile signal at all in the area. But she wouldn’t want that, she’s working anyways. Not long until Friday and there’s absolutely nothing I can do whether I’m here or at home. :(

@freesia and @Paul Gibbins well done both on your HS.
@ColinUK I’m heartbroken for you. The images on the news last night were horrendous. Small children being snatched from their homes. And it’s all so pointless, as is all war.

Hoping everyone gets through their days.

Blimey, all doom and gloom this morning. Here’s some beautiful scenery to help us remember that the world isn’t so bad.


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Trigger warning


A friend has confirmed that his cousin has been abducted and his 18 year old daughter murdered after Hamas terrorists broke into the shelter in their house and shot her. They then decapitated his daughter.
Colin I am so sorry to read this sad update. Honestly I do not have the words to express how I feel for all the families affect by this terrible act.
Good morning! Think yesterday was more stressful and tiring than I thought. Slept on to wake hot and dry thanks to the near uncontrollable central heating. Now having a coffee sat by open kitchen window!

After all that BG 7.9.

Heavily overcast with rain in the air. With all the rain we have had wouldn't be surprised if Affinity issue a hosepipe ban! :rofl:
Budge up @freesia and @Paul Gibbins :rofl: - I’m joining you on the HS step today with a 5.2 for me this morning!

@Grannylorraine well done on your SW loss this week! Amazing 🙂

@eggyg - I hope everything is ok with your daughter’s baby, it must be a worrying time for all of you.

@ColinUK - so, so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take care everyone.
I am 5.6 today, followed by a 4 mile walk, cup of tea now I think!

@ColinUK So sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with them.
9.5. Still ill which I have been been for almost a week now(nothing to do with the other issues I have going on). So on hold with doctor's at moment to see if I can get appointment it ia said to speak to doctor if these things don't go away after a few days
A morning reading seems rather too trivial at the moment.

As an atheist with anarchist leanings all this violence and hatred is beyond my comprehension.

Currently listening to People are people by Depeche Mode.

Love to all


Morning all. I feel ill after reading that. I'm fed-up of feeling frightened of them. Do an 'Independence Day' I say and n*** the *******

Let's all go together, World is ****** anyways. Have a good day all.