Group 7-day waking average?

Update: my wife has returned to her happier self this morning, thank goodness. (She just got up)

I have been out for a long walk but it started to rain as I got to the furthest point. Soaked by the time I got home, but had a lovely hot shower.

Now I am devouring my morning snack with a happy smile in my heart
Mine today is a higher than usual 7.8 Must be the penicillin tablets which contain glucose
that's increased it for the past four days.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Mine today is a higher than usual 7.8 Must be the penicillin tablets which contain glucose
that's increased it for the past four days.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Or much more likely, the infection that you are taking the penicillin for. The teeny tiny amount of glucose in a tablet is not going to make any noticeable difference.
Afternoon all. Grey and sparse rain on and off. Sky looked like a bruise at 8am when I got up, all black and blue.

7.8 at 8am. Had to rush round as I had an appointment for a "follow up" with the stroke nurse. I was only informed about it by letter on Tuesday. I had no idea what she was going to say. As it happened she was very nice and took BP from both arms which wasn't bad at 130/70 and then another test standing up when it was 132/70. Also did an ECG with a tiny little gadget, the like of which I've not seen before. Anyway, that was fine too. Chatted about various other health issues & gave me some advice. She was surprised I was refusing statins, but I explained my reasoning and pointed out my high HDL, low LDL and low Triglycerides, which she accepted and dropped the subject. All in all a good appointment. No further follow ups but I have her number and can call any time.

Then went on to get a few items we'd been unable to get in Lidl the other day. I was pleasantly surprised to get a free bag of cereal and a free face cream from their Cien range with the coupons we had. The cereal went into the food bank collection.

My right ear is completely blocked up and I have to keep asking Julian to repeat what he said quietly on my right hand side! I've got an appointment for microsuction on Tuesday... can't wait cos it's really irritating!

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on the HS.

Like @rebrascora, hope @eggyg and @gll can get some answers soon. Must be totally miserable for you both.

Off to peel some spuds to go with the oxtail stew tonight. I wonder why I can eat potatoes with not a blip in myh BG but have only to look at bread and it shoots up.

Hope you are all staying safe (and yes @Kaylz with her leaky roof).
I just saw your post this morning and skipped back to this post. When was her first HA? Apologies if I am asking a stupid question but my cholesterol has been checked a minimum of annually for years - nearer twice annually since bypass surgery.
Sister had her first attack 2015. She's home now. Yesterday but sent home sans meds so she had to chase Wythenshawe up this morning and they sent them in a taxi.

She is still in great pain. Very worrying as she never complains so I know it's bad. She has spray for under tongue and a replacement stent as the other calcified.
Good morning - 6.2

Off to The Somme today, I have to be at school for 3:45

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close

Today helping sort out the sound system at the church and possibly vocal recording at home.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning yawning, a drum roll please…….5.2!!!
Wow! Can’t remember when I last got one of those. I actually checked on my meter as I didn’t believe it, and that gave me 4.9 so it is true! Biggest advantage though is not having to wait an hour before eating. Yippee!

Early doors as it’s Zara day today. Third one this week but as we hadn’t seen her for over two weeks it’s fine. Other grandparents arrived home last night so back to normal next week. No walk to the park today, Storm Babet just warming up now, the wind is howling through my window vents at the moment and we’re forecast gusty winds from 7am-7pm. A nice “quiet” day, maybe a bit of painting and craft, that’ll take all of 10 minutes! Two year olds have a very short attention span! 🙄

@Lily123 hope your trip goes well, enjoy isn’t the right word I don’t think, I’ve visited the war graves in Thailand and been over the River Kwai on the train, it gives you food for thought though, especially with what’s going on in the Middle East and Ukraine at the moment. :(

@Robin hope you manage to get out of dock soon.

Everyone else have a fab-u-lous Friday.


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Morning was 6.4 when I happened to wake up a bit ago now saying 5.8.

As way of saving money I got a too good to go bag from shop yesterday and got quite a bit of food however at most of it even though from a shop doesn't have crab information on it. Some of it I could probably kind of work out.
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Morning all. A shocking and surprising 12.6!! I can only put it down to an extremely stressful week with yesterday being the worst day.

Congrats on the HS @eggyg
Morning folks. 🙂 6.9 here.

Admin this morning - one of the admin team has got a major bee in her bonnet about us teachers not doing our admin (her face is friendly, but I just know she’s seething behind that smile, eek! o_O). There’s lots of extra work for them if we don’t so I try my best to keep up, but if it involves pinning down students that have gone AWOL for a signature, well, the whole house of cards comes crashing down!😱😎

Once that lot’s done, as a reward, I’ll be going out for a ffrothi coffi @eggyg LOL.😉
A 7.6 for me this morning. Not sure why, highest for ages. I was 5.7 two hours after eating last night and didn't eat again, I'm hoping the Dawn Phenomenon lol...
Good morning although I feel like moaning! The screen fell off my SmartPhone yesterday morning so no Libre, texts and WhatsApp, and worse no calls either way and it's my only number as I don't have a landline. Trying to communicate with my provider is a nightmare and they blocked me for suspicious activity (looking at phones available) and the only way out is for them to text me a security code! Their AI is more akin to ArtificalStupidity but then mediocrity and stupidity are the increasing norm. I blame the dumbing down of educational standards and over rigid curriculums! :(

Oh and my BG is 7.4

Weather - heavy cloud and rain!
Well done @eggyg on that 5.2, a 4.8 for me this morning. 🙂
Stay safe and dry everybody.
