Group 7-day waking average?

It was a 2.9 on the Libre for me. Took ages to warm my BG meter up enough for it to give me a reading and it took 3 strips to get a reading that I actually believed and I settled for 3.3 in the end. I am starting to think that, like @Lanny, the Covid vaccine has lowered my levels this time and I am getting my evening Levemir wrong as a result. That is 2 nights in the red and needing JBs which brought me up a bit but not above my alarm level and then dropped again, so no alarm to alert me that I had gone back down. The first Covid vaccine sparked a significant increase in BG that needed my Levemir doses progressively increased but since then I hadn't noticed any obvious trend but this Pfizer one I've just had on Thurs does seem to have changed things downward. I also felt really quite rough Thursday night and still not fully back to normal, but the cold wet weather is not helping especially as I am resisting putting the heating on. I am trying to make it through to Nov 1st before I give in!
6.5 this morning, my first post in this thread hope everyone has a great weekend
Hi and welcome.
What plans do you have for the day. Hopefully it involves keeping warm and dry!
It was a 2.9 on the Libre for me. Took ages to warm my BG meter up enough for it to give me a reading and it took 3 strips to get a reading that I actually believed and I settled for 3.3 in the end. I am starting to think that, like @L
I know you've had trouble getting the meter warm enough to read before. You use the reader, why don't you get the strips for that? As an added bonus you can also get ketone strips for it. I use the reader as a meter, saves carrying yet another thing.
Morning all, 4.5 today for me.

We were going to go onto the boat today, eyeing the weather conditions everything looks ok where we are going and no floods. However, best laid plans and all that . . . My wife’s aunt died this morning and the funeral is on Monday at 11. This time it’s in Dundalk (halfway between Belfast and Dublin), my wife and her sister are planning to go over for the day on Monday if they can get flights with the right times to allow it. This means we will now delay going on the boat until Tuesday and have a shortened holiday, although may take some stuff onto the boat over this weekend so we can go to the boat Monday when she gets back and are ready to leave the marina straight away on Tuesday morning. Very sad, she died just one week after her brother (whose funeral we went to last Monday).

Hope everyone is dry and not flooded out.

Take care everyone.
I know you've had trouble getting the meter warm enough to read before. You use the reader, why don't you get the strips for that? As an added bonus you can also get ketone strips for it. I use the reader as a meter, saves carrying yet another thing.
I did ask my consultant to get strips on prescription for the Libre reader a couple of years ago (during Covid), but it never happened and I didn't push it because they have far more important things to worry about. I bought some myself earlier this year but I wasn't actually that impressed with them as they read lower than Libre scan which reads lower than my Caresens.... when it can be bothered to give me a reading 🙄 and this can be quite significant so I am not sure I trust them and can see circumstances when it may strand me.... ie. My Libre will occasionally show me below 4 (maybe 3.8 ) when I am about to set off in the car somewhere but I don't feel hypo and Caresens finger prick will show something like 4.5, but the Optium test strip might show 3.5, in which case I am grounded, even though I don't feel hypo. I know Libre reads lower than BG for me because it's HbA1c prediction is always much lower than my actual HbA1c, so I believe that my Caresens is probably giving me the more accurate result and coincides with how I feel, so I am now reluctant to swap over to the Optium test strips, because I believe they are reading consistently about 1mmol low for me.
I used to think it was the ideal solution but having tried it I am now not so sure and don't have confidence in it, so have stopped pushing for them on prescription. The Caresens would probably work OK if I put new batteries in it every week, but I am not doing that as it is wasteful and expensive, so it has to go down my bra for a few mins with the batter cover removed, then swivel the batteries so that the other half of each batter gets warmed up down my bra again and then test. I wouldn't mind using the Optium test strips and accounting for that 1 mmol lower reading but when it comes to driving I can't ignore it once a blood test shows me below 4 and switching between the two seems like a fiddle in lots of ways.
And a 5.8 for me today and it's not raining, yippee.....
Afternoon all. My morning reading was so high i'm not posting it. It was probably caused by the gorgeous Thai meal i had last night in a restaurant along with a couple of glasses of a very nice Sauvignon Blanc. Luckily by mid morning it had come down to a more acceptable 6.1. New sensor was applied and ready to activate later.

Welcome to the forum @Pam123.
@Eternal422 so sorry to hear your news.

I hope everybody is ok and no one has been flooded in this horrible weather
@rebrascora I find the Optium test strips as accurate as my previous Combo handset which I had to use as it was part of the pump. Also they're usually within 0.3mmol of the Libre. Still, we're all different I suppose.

You do run low quite a lot, do you think that may have impaired your hypo awareness at the top end of hypo? Just wondering.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.3

Minor disaster this morning. Got up at 5am. Made a hot water bottle. Settled on the couch and about 30 minutes later something didn't feel right. Sure enough on investigation I found that the hot water bottle had slowly leaked onto the couch. So lots of trying to dry it off whilst I was getting cold. Doh!!!

Today, nothing, except exercise, rest, oh, and another practice at the church thid evening. Again I will be looking after the sound system. Yesterdays practice went really well.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
That happened to me many years ago, I was staying with a friend and she gave me a hot water bottle to go the bed with as it was coldand it burst in the night, I was so embarrassed but we had a good laugh about it.
6.7 this morning. The highest morning reading since testing after metformin stopped. On doing some investigating I've Found that the cold and flu capsules I’ve been taking can raise BG. Think it’s back to a couple of paracetamol every few hours.
Having a cold is just as likely to increase your blood glucose as the cold cures so surely better to take something that is more effective for the cold symptoms and blood glucose will sort itself out once you are better.
@rebrascora I find the Optium test strips as accurate as my previous Combo handset which I had to use as it was part of the pump. Also they're usually within 0.3mmol of the Libre. Still, we're all different I suppose.

You do run low quite a lot, do you think that may have impaired your hypo awareness at the top end of hypo? Just wondering.
It is something I consider quite regularly, and that maybe the Caresens reads higher and is giving me a false sense of security, but the Caresens ties in with my previous meter and we know Libre reads slightly lower than finger prick for most people and the fact that my predicted HbA1c is lower than my actual HbA1c by quite some way all suggest the Caresens is most likely right. My hypo awareness hasn't changed since I started using the Caresens over 3 years ago either, so it all goes to suggest the Optium strips I have are reading a full 1mmol lower most of the time, so I just think perhaps my body chemistry doesn't quite align with the Optium test strips. Either that or the box I bought is a bit off. I really must use them up and buy a second box just to see.

I do often find it odd that I can average low 90s in range with the Libre over the past 3 years consistently, and have quite a lot of hypos according to Libre (usually I average just under one a day.... which I rarely double check these days but when I do they are usually not quite hypo according to Caresens or only just). I am usually no more than 3% above range (10mmols) and almost never into the higher range, often none above range at all and yet my HbA1c is usually pretty consistently 48- 52. My lowest has been 45 but trying to raise that a little as just too many hypos (according to Libre 🙄 ). I like to run in the 4s and 5s as much as possible as that is where I feel best and yet I have never got down below 45, not that I am trying now as my consultant is happy with low 50s, However some people have much less time in range than me and a lot more time above range and much less hypos and yet can get an HbA1c in the low 40s or high 30s, so I do think there is a slight disparity there but the opposite of what I think you are suggesting. Ie I am not actually running my levels as low as Libre suggests.
know Libre reads slightly lower than finger prick for most people
I think i'm one for whom the Libre reads slightly higher than the finger prick 🙂. Thats why i don't like to drive if its showing low 5s without having a JB or a biscuit
I think i'm one for whom the Libre reads slightly higher than the finger prick 🙂. Thats why i don't like to drive if its showing low 5s without having a JB or a biscuit

If I was low 5s and about to drive, I would eat a JB too to give it a safety margin. 1 JB is going to take me up to mid 6s from low 5s. If I am mid 5s or above I am happy with nothing but I rarely drive far these days anyway and my levels are usually very stable through the day, so, for the average 15 min car journey, I can be pretty confident it isn't going to drift far and usually up over because I am sitting down. It can be a different matter when I have wandered round the supermarket for 40 mins though and that is when I can get caught out with the Libre suggesting my levels have dropped too low and it is a pain getting stuck in the supermarket car park for an hour with my groceries, especially in the heat of summer when it is more likely to happen.
Good evening - 6.4 at 7 this morning - 6 in England.

We went into Belgium yesterday and saw The Last Past ceremony, visited Passchendaele and Tyne Cot cemetery