Group 7-day waking average?


6.3 today, not sure if that is from Saturday’s flu jab or the tiny bit of coconut I ate when finishing off the cake. Bakeclub tonight, so I will be taking along salmon and roasted veg for me to eat and the cake to go on the sharing table, I can’t risk eating the goodies with weigh day tomorrow, some it will be savoury not everything is cake, but still trying to get that 1 stone award.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

A 5.6 for me to start the week.

Thinking of you ((( @ColinUK )))
Morning all. And thank you for the support. It makes a big difference.

Right now I’m 6.7

Went out yesterday as I couldn’t just rot in bed all day. Did my usual thing of a very quiet cinema showing (Killers of the Flower Moon - 5* - It’s clearly going to win Oscar nods even though it’s a tad too long perhaps) before heading to a vigil for those kidnapped by Hamas.
Didn’t stay too long as it was crowded and I didn’t feel too comfortable in such a huge gathering but I went and said a prayer.

Going to take it easy today with a stroll along the canal down to the Thames.

@eggyg that cake looks delicious! It also reminds me of the time a friend made me a birthday cake, used reigniting candles on the top, inadvertently created a fireball that was inextinguishable, melted half the cake and the kitchen table and still we ate it!

@Gwynn A house you say? How’s this I say!

Quite a modest facade

Combining hints of thatched roof with a twist and a little larger than the other photo suggested IMG_1479.jpeg

A breathtaking staircase that’s a thing of beauty


And plenty of room to accommodate your massive organ!
@ColinUK What a great house thank you. Very special! 🙂
Well one @Gwynn on that HS. A 4.8 for me today. 🙂

An 8.1 this morning, re tested on a different finger straight away and it was 7.6. Who knows why, maybe stress starting a new job this morning… ?! Ha
Good morning - 6.9

We got back around 10:30 last night as we got the ferry at 7 (6 here) instead of 9 (8). The trip was very interesting and fairly emotional
Good morning everyone! 5.0 a couple hours ago.

I woke up earlier than planned and feeling productive, so while other days off I could still be in my pyjamas at this time, today I'm half way through cleaning and organising my wardrobe. While I'm at it I will put away the lighter clothes and bring in the wintery ones. If the temperatures suddenly raise this week, you can thank me 😛

There's many areas of my room that need organising/decluttering and I am feeling motivated today, but I also don't want to exhaust myself. When I'm done with the wardrobe I'll take a break and then see if I have energy to tackle one of the smaller areas. My parents want to video chat later about out trip, so I'll spend some time in that too.

Yesterday I made a recipe inspired by @rebrascora . She posted a lower carb cottage pie topped with cauliflower mash in a different thread. Mine has many swaps and omissions from the original recipe so let's call it "mince and cauliflower pie" so I don't offend any British cooks :D What's important is the taste and this time I really enjoyed it.

Good morning! A 7.1 at what seems a long time ago (nearly five hours),.

Yesterday I had hoped for a lift to a phone shop today but that did not come to pass., No licence and hence no roadworthy car (I still have a SORN'd classic) is a right pain as it is only a 15 minute drive!

I had my weekly podiatry appointment today but got a text cancelling it :( (due yo staff shortage) as I was waiting for my ambulance. Patient Transport were grateful when I let them know. Fortunately I have managed to get the SIKM out of my defunct phone and the little basic Nokia can take two SIMs!

Weather - mizzle which has cleared slightly during the morning.
5.5, same as yesterday.

Nothing special planned for today. Monday is change bedding day so beds stripped already and washing machine is on, and I'll shortly be off to Waitrose as we don't have everything we need for tea tonight.

@Elenka_HM I sorted my wardrobe at the weekend - shorts, T-shirts and short-sleeved shirts all packed away until next year.

Congrats on the HSs @Gwynn & @MrPixels

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
And it's a happy 5.4 for me this sunny morning, now where's my porridge....

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Morning all. Just grey today. Yesterday J was jet-washing the patio at the front of the house when the weather decided to completely change and sunshine turned into teeming rain! All in all a bit wet!

4.6 at 9:30 when we finally woke after staying up late last night watching TV.

Not much on today except the ironing that I didn't do yesterday. Don't have to cook as there is leftover lasagne.

@TinaD I do hope that the loaners have halos and that your neighbour does find someone to do the concreting.

@ColinUK - thinking of you.

@Grannylorraine fingers crossed for your weigh in.

@Bloden - I had the same performance with a holiday loaner from Omnipod. Fortunately I had kept the postal receipt and was able to track it (it had been delivered 2 months previously) and I was able to send them the tracking link + a scan of the receipt. As you say, being able to speak to a real person would be a help! The loaner also made me think, and I took a list of my basal rates with me in case I had to set the loaner up.

@Gwynn and @MrPixels congrats on the HSs.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone! 5.0 a couple hours ago.

I woke up earlier than planned and feeling productive, so while other days off I could still be in my pyjamas at this time, today I'm half way through cleaning and organising my wardrobe. While I'm at it I will put away the lighter clothes and bring in the wintery ones. If the temperatures suddenly raise this week, you can thank me 😛

There's many areas of my room that need organising/decluttering and I am feeling motivated today, but I also don't want to exhaust myself. When I'm done with the wardrobe I'll take a break and then see if I have energy to tackle one of the smaller areas. My parents want to video chat later about out trip, so I'll spend some time in that too.

Yesterday I made a recipe inspired by @rebrascora . She posted a lower carb cottage pie topped with cauliflower mash in a different thread. Mine has many swaps and omissions from the original recipe so let's call it "mince and cauliflower pie" so I don't offend any British cooks :D What's important is the taste and this time I really enjoyed it.

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I like a mashed carrot and swede topping, a bit sweeter than cauli but delicious too.