Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning woken up really early again. Athough I may end going back to. Sleep🙂. 8.7 I do get a slop in early hours of the morning I did reduce background a few weeks ago but that reduction wad needed for earlier on it the night 🙂
Morning I’m glad I woke up early and tested today as I popped out a HS
my phone went off at 4 am with some emails 😱 So was up just after 5:30

I didn’t test on waking yesterday loads of posts on here to catch up on that I’ve missed
since I got back to work following my operation a few months ago, I’ve been so busy

My GP rang me yesterday, regarding a sebaceous cyst (he’s going to remove)
it’s on my shoulder and was first became infected, at the time of the first lockdown
when he said had it not been for covid and the lockdown he would remove it then,
so it’s long overdue some treatment, that’s booked for a fortnight’s time.

another busy day predicted at work, which is good with month end approaching fast
and a few more sales needed to keep the company happy.

have a great day 😎


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Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Tummy is a bit upset this morning. Sigh.

Still shifting things around in the music room. Each move round seems to imorove things a bit.

Today... a concerted effort to get out early to exercise, finish off the latest music room 'shuffle', finish off the beef stew.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
a little high 7 this morning. Oh well.

@goodybags a nice HS to start your Thursday, awesome.

have a thrilling Thursday all.
Morning all, 6.5 here. Had a good trip home yesterday, though it took us longer to drive home from Gatwick via the M25 than it did to fly there from Croatia. Two loads of washing done yesterday evening, need to do a food shop this morning, back to reality!
Good morning. 6.7 on this dark and wet morning. Two weeks ago, I was sitting on a Cornish beach with shorts and tee shirt on.

No hanging about today. The farmers’ daughters arriving at 9.30. I can guarantee you by 10.30 they’ll be hungry, have a drink and a snack and at dot on 12pm they’ll want their lunch! Their parents should never have taught them how to tell the time! 😉 I’m taking the eldest one for a haircut and blow dry this afternoon at the salon her big cousin is an apprentice at, she asked me on Sunday when she was round, if I’d bring her a sandwich for her lunch as I make the best sandwiches and it would save her going to Greggs and spending money! That’s all I do, feed folks!

Congratulations @goodybags on today’s HS.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks. :D 5.6 here.

We’re creeping towards the best type of weekend...a weekend at the beginning of half term, woohoo! I might even have a sneaky lie-in or two...😛😎

Sorry to hear you’re taking a forum break @MikeyBikey - we’ll all be thinking about you and hoping that your ongoing problems are resolved ASAP. Take care.
Good morning. 5.2

Excellent day yesterday in the sun - managed to finish footings for a section of wall with Wolf being helpful by tripping me up at every turn of the barrow. Today's sky is full of dark clouds but still rejoicing that my neighbour has found me a man to lay the big bits of concrete. Fingers crossed he is a good worker.

Rather chuffed with the HS - makes the dreaded keto worthwhile.

@MikeyBikey We will miss you - drop in and let us know how you are when your feel able.

Have a good day all.
Well done @TinaD and @goodybags on your HSs. A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂


6.1, been in the sixes all week, so can only think it was my flu jab or I am coming down with something. today I have rest and restorative yoga which is my favourite one, but it will be a busy class as it is most people’s favourite.

@goodybags and @TinaD - congratulations on today’s HS.

@MikeyBikey - take care, we will miss you, but take whatever time you need and come back when you are ready.
Good morning - 7.0

Have a great day everyone
Looks like a 5.5 Club has sprung up this morning and I'm taking out membership too. Wet start here, and got wet when it started to rain again during our walk to get a newspaper, but sun's out now.

Thursday, so swim day, and with no one in their offices today I have a choice of cars. Might even stay in town for lunch if there's a space in the 2-hour free parking zone just off the town centre.

Well done @TinaD and @goodybags on your HSs

@Robin that all sounds so familiar

Whatever your plans, enjoy the day.