Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening! 5'1 today.

Spent the day with my good friend in the big city, we had lunch and coffee. Not much time left for shopping, but we had a lot of chatter and she returned a sweater I left at her place ages ago. So still feel like I have "new" clothes. She also gave me a set of bedsheets that someone bought her and were the wrong size. Take that off my shopping list 😉

I'm posting from the train, that's departing around 15 minutes late because the driver hadn't arrived from his previous London service. Poor lad (or lady?) has to drive all the way to Cardiff now, I'm glad my stop is not that far. This morning we had another 40 minute delay. Yesterday I was thinking about traveling up to Scotland sometime, I'm not sure if the train would be the best choice. Must beat the bus tho!
It's 7.9 now I forgot turn the low alerm to lower again last night so it went iffat 3 something telling me I was 5.3
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yessss

My wifes progress on her keyboard is quite remarkable and she is really enjoying it!

Today, not much planned, a possible practice at the church, i will be doing the sound. But, no one has told me if there is a practice or not (and sometimes there isn't). I will go for a walk on the beach with my friend this afternoon. He is getting a little anxious as he flies to Uganda on Monday for two weeks.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.7 today.

Tried to have a longer lie in but been tossing and turning since before 6, heard the heating go on at 7 and when I did get up it was 7.30, at least it was light which was nice for a change. No big plans today, fishcakes to make for the tea but otherwise nothing interesting or exciting. I’m ok with that.

Congratulations to @Martin.A and @42istheanswer on yesterday’s HSs, and of course @42istheanswer your engagement. Congratulations today to @Gwynn on your HS today.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. New kitchen being fitted today. All go.

Re health. Didn't realise I was Stage 4 liver so googled it and says you've got 2 years. I'm on a roll then as I was diagnosed at least 3 years ago if not longer. Anyway what happened to Stages 1 2 and 3. I might have been able to save myself. It's not as if I don't have an overhaul every year. Feeling a bit let down but can only blame myself. Very annoying. I want to blame somebody else. :D
So sorry to hear that
Well done @Gwynn on the HS. I missed it by a whisker on 5.3. But I did win on the National Lottery. :D All of £2.90 I might add. I wonder what I could spend it on.

Been up and down recently, was 5.3 yesterday and 7.7 today. This BG is a tricky thing to understand.

Hope you all stay safe and dry.
Morning all

Joining Gwynn with a HS today, 5.2 so it seems my meter isn’t missing those magic numbers after all. Plans for today, are shopping, housework and knit and natter, followed by watching Structly.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.


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Good morning everyone, 5.4 this morning after a wild day yesterday with BG stubbornly refusing to come down, rage bolus at night did the job to get a sensible morning reading today. Was really feeling fed up with it all yesterday but guess that’s just the nature of D. I think it’s the relentless 24/7 nature of it that gets me down from time to time. Here’s yesterday’s fun and games :


Sorry for the moan, but I know you guys will understand. Anyway, new sensor this morning and a new day which will hopefully be better.

Well done @Martin.A and @42istheanswer on your HS yesterday and to @Gwynn on your HS today!

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your engagement!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 6.5

My mocks exams start on Monday 😱

Have a great day everyone
5.3 for me on a pretty wet and miserable Berkshire morning. Might be going out to one of the big garden centres near here later to have a look at their Xmas displays. The one over in Fleet looks to be in pole position, and they have a really nice restaurant if we're there over lunchtime.

Congrats @Gwynn and @Grannylorraine on your HSs today, and @42istheanswer on your engagement!

Hope the weather isn't spoiling anyone's plans for the day.