Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.9. Quite undeserved as I broke my diet with a fruit crumble last night.

A few breaks in the cloud, quite nippy but not raining - may get a few more feet of the footing dug if it continues.

Had various communications in the mail yesterday: first appointment for diabetes eye check; DVLA refusing D1 (mini-buses which I didn't apply for) but accepting my eyesight is OK for C1 (up to 7.5t e.g.- horse boxes and trailers - which I obviously did). In a separate envelope however a DVLA letter saying they are consulting a heart specialist to see if I can drive at all...EEK!

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
Hey all, I'm 7.4 this morning.
Down by the beach for the weekend, fireworks were cancelled last night for H&S. Going to a craft fair this morning, then seeing friends and hopefully (like @Grannylorraine) watching the F1 this evening.
Have a lovely sunday.
I'm joining the 5.6 club this morning, which unlike yesterday is bright and sunny with no rain in the forecast.

Didn't go to the first-choice garden centre at Fleet yesterday as my wife said the restaurant is often short-staffed so we went instead to one a little nearer. Wonderful Xmas display and we bought a few things, then went for a coffee in their restaurant. Long queue and a notice apologising for the slow service due to them being short-staffed.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.

Enjoy Sunday. Hope everyone's weather is as nice as ours.
Much better yesterday and a 5.3 this morning after a relatively flat fish overnight. Amazing what a difference it is in having no carbs!

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
GoodMorning 7.5 Today
7.1 Yesterday

I’ve a few days posts to catch up on
if I don’t today I will tomorrow (as off work for some minor surgery tomorrow)
Having said that I’ve got to pop out and see a customer today

Have a Super Sunday 😎
12.6. Adjustments being made but not really helping well I suppose they are as it’s 12 and not 18.
Have a good day.
Morning all - another mixed sort of day, mostly sunny, but interspersed with showers.

4.8 first thing, with a flat line overnight.

Need to do some catching up with household jobs today. Some ironing, some washing and some sewing/mending. Plus deleting umpty thousand emails - why is it that every living soul or business you've bought something from thinks it's a licence to bombard you with never ending emails? Plus they want a review for the least darn thing. "The socks you sent me are absolutely ideal. 5 star in fact!" Even if you unsubscribe they still do it! Grrrr...

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS. Enjoy those lamb chops.

@Ditto, so sorry to hear your news. Lots of hugs.

@TinaD I do hope DVLA don't take away your licence.

@Leadinglights how is your OH now? Fingers crossed recovering.

Have a good day all.
Morning all and it was a 5.9 for me although to be honest that was a getting home rather than a waking level.

London was rather good we seemed to go down very well. Nearly sold out of merchandise.

Have a good day everyone.
DF is alive and kicking and staying over here with me the last couple of days, in fact I tried to give her the slip last night by staying at Ian's but she clearly tracked me down!

Last night, despite my high levels and large 4u correction the night before, I decided on a whim to reduce my evening Levemir by half a unit to 1.5, even though I had less exercise yesterday and no alcohol, but just had a gut feeling at bedtime. I was 5.0 when I got into bed and thought with the reduced Levemir that was a nice number and expected a slight rise. 15 mins later my low alarm went off at 4.5. I ate a JB which should take me up to about 6. Nope! I ended up with my low alarm going off twice more through the night and needing 5JBs in total and lots of red on my graph and still waking up on 3.6 (Libre). Then I had a sudden panic as I remembered that when I was getting ready for bed my clothing had pinged my sensor strap and I had felt it nip/pull the sensor and perhaps it had lifted it and kinked the filament and it was reading falsely low, so fully expected that 5 unnecessary JBs were going to have taken me up to mid teens or above as that had to be the obvious explanation for those lows as they were so totally contrary to what I expected. Grabbed my Caresens meter and jumped out of bed muttering under my breath and headed for the bathroom where I could put the light on, warm up the batteries up on the stupid meter and check without disturbing Ian. Eventually got a reading.... 4.2, so clearly Libre was working correctly after all. So I jabbed my morning Levemir and 1.5 units of Fiasp to counteract FOTF as I always do. Then decided I couldn't trust Caresens either now, so I broke out a couple of Optium test strips which gave me consecutive readings of 3.4 and 2.9 but Caresens still 4.2 (after I warmed the batteries up yet again) and no sign of FOTF, so thought I better have a couple more JBs as all those low readings were looking bad. Next thing I know Libre shows me 8.9 with a vertical upwards arrow, so clearly FOTF was just a bit slow this morning and I then had to inject another 2 units to bring me down!
No idea why consecutive nights I would need 2u of Levemir plus 4u of Fiasp and the following night 1.5u Levemir and 5JBs. That is a big pendulum swing! Of course I haven't got a clue how many units of Levemir to inject tonight. Hopefully I will be hit with Divine inspiration when the time comes. 🙄
Still on the roller coaster. Low alarm went off 15 mins ago at 4.3, so I had yet another JB and now 8.3 with an upward sloping arrow. I am home though so I can hit the stairs and see if I can bring it back to range without more insulin. Not even had breakfast yet as no point in adding extra swing to the pendulum! Teach me to boast about my 0% below range stats for the last 7 days. That is well blown out of the water!
Anyone want a house guest?? She has already outstayed her welcome here and I am happy to send her first class post!

Many congrats to @eggyg on your House Special this morning. I bought lamb chops the other day for the first time in probably over a year, and it will be a huge treat for me too.

@Leadinglights Hope your husband is responding well to treatment and home from hospital soon. Must be very worrying! Keeping fingers crossed for him.
Morning all - another mixed sort of day, mostly sunny, but interspersed with showers.

4.8 first thing, with a flat line overnight.

Need to do some catching up with household jobs today. Some ironing, some washing and some sewing/mending. Plus deleting umpty thousand emails - why is it that every living soul or business you've bought something from thinks it's a licence to bombard you with never ending emails? Plus they want a review for the least darn thing. "The socks you sent me are absolutely ideal. 5 star in fact!" Even if you unsubscribe they still do it! Grrrr...

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS. Enjoy those lamb chops.

@Ditto, so sorry to hear your news. Lots of hugs.

@TinaD I do hope DVLA don't take away your licence.

@Leadinglights how is your OH now? Fingers crossed recovering.

Have a good day all.
Thanks for asking.
Quick update on OH, it seems like just a bad Crohn's flare up, still in hospital on antibiotic and steroid drip awaiting the medical gastro team for review as there is nobody available at the weekend. He is feeling much better allowed soup but not jelly, a cup of tea and he had some biscuits but is actually feeling quite hungry not having 'eaten' since Wed pm.
We were amused that he was put in a ward labelled Gynae, Head, Neck and Urology but now been transferred to Day Surgery in a single room, so hopefully much quieter as the other people were very noisy with lots of coughing, spluttering, shouting, snoring and a CPAP machine pretty well all the time. A good job he has some headphones.
I don't expect he will be seen until tomorrow to see what the next step is, I suspect a course of steroids which he has resisted before as he read the side effects could be worse than the rare flare up. But it seems that each flare up is worse.
That wasn't so quick.
There are sausages and chips at church so I'm going to have start my trying to eat healthyer after today. There has been this before but know I'll have a bit more of an idea if how's it's gone without the carb content with my dexcom.
Or perhaps not maybe it heard me


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Morning all

It was a 5.1 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Morning all - another mixed sort of day, mostly sunny, but interspersed with showers.

4.8 first thing, with a flat line overnight.

Need to do some catching up with household jobs today. Some ironing, some washing and some sewing/mending. Plus deleting umpty thousand emails - why is it that every living soul or business you've bought something from thinks it's a licence to bombard you with never ending emails? Plus they want a review for the least darn thing. "The socks you sent me are absolutely ideal. 5 star in fact!" Even if you unsubscribe they still do it! Grrrr...

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS. Enjoy those lamb chops.

@Ditto, so sorry to hear your news. Lots of hugs.

@TinaD I do hope DVLA don't take away your licence.

@Leadinglights how is your OH now? Fingers crossed recovering.

Have a good day all.
Thanks. We need a "fingers crossed" icon.
I've been thinking whilst digging (dangerous!). That we are all different is manifest with Type 1s revealing delicious recipes and Type 2s gnashing their (low carb)teeth...We have inspiring people like @rebrascorer belting up and down stairs multiple times to subdue undeserved highs,@eggyg (and Mr eggyg) either hill walking or running a family creche, and @Grannylorraine putting in 5.5 k runs whilst dieting. People having downs with which we sympathise and ups in which we rejoice. Youngsters doing exams or stepping out for a good time and those of more years planning holidays or sorting out the house work. This friendly site has to be the best on the web.

Leaning on my pick (which I do every 3 to 6 blows) to get my breath back I looked behind me. 3 metres dug today. Yes, thank you all for taking my mind off the task!
I've been thinking whilst digging (dangerous!). That we are all different is manifest with Type 1s revealing delicious recipes and Type 2s gnashing their (low carb)teeth...We have inspiring people like @rebrascorer belting up and down stairs multiple times to subdue undeserved highs,@eggyg (and Mr eggyg) either hill walking or running a family creche, and @Grannylorraine putting in 5.5 k runs whilst dieting. People having downs with which we sympathise and ups in which we rejoice. Youngsters doing exams or stepping out for a good time and those of more years planning holidays or sorting out the house work. This friendly site has to be the best on the web.

Leaning on my pick (which I do every 3 to 6 blows) to get my breath back I looked behind me. 3 metres dug today. Yes, thank you all for taking my mind off the task!
And none more inspirational and impressive than yourself Tina. It is absolutely amazing what you achieve and even more so when you are struggling along trying to manage various health conditions. Your drive and determination and bloody mindedness is truly exemplary.