Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.6

It seems so much harder to wake up happy and full of energy these cold, dark, wet, windy mornings. Never-the-less all of my health readings were good, I feel well, and it's nearly breakfast time. Yessss!!!

Today, more Christmas Carol ptactice. Full pipe organ yesterday! Probably driving the neighbours potty. My wife is doing well on her own keyboard too. She is enjoying it but finding it hard and confusing. It is good to see her determined to improve tho. I have not seen her have such 'drive' since she learned to play the drums (think of the neighbours...mind you we do live in a detached house). Tonight cheese and tomato Pizza, excellent.

The squirrels seemed to be fighting and chasing each other around yesterday. Sigh

I wonder if I should put up the Christmas decorations !!! (Joke...or maybe...)


And think about turkey and lemon and parsley stuffing (my favourite)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 4.8 here, after a very conservative correction last night. Two evenings running, my BGs have soared to the teens at bedtime. Did the usual mental checklist, Did I inject? Yes. Did I calculate bolus correctly? Yes, both were tried and tested meals. Is my insulin compromised? No, it’s working fine the rest of the day. Must be me, then. I don’t think I’ve quite shaken off this lurgy I had 10 days ago. I'm very washed out, and I still suddenly feel really cold and shivery, especially mid afternoon or early evening, followed by feeling hot and sweaty an hour later, so I think my temperature is going off on a spree at times, and this sends my BG soaring.
Good morning! Funny start to the day. Woke with sharp phantom pain and then the wounds on my right foot decided to join in. I was going to get up for pain killers but found if I lay on my back with legs fairy wide apart the pain eased and after 10 minutes or so I dropped off till 7:00. At 5:00 BG was 7.3 but now down to 6.3 despite being up for 40 minutes.

Fortunately nothing on today as still not 100% but better than yesterday.

Quite cool and raining.
Good morning. 6.7 and a unicorn!

Very breezy today. I’m off to meet a friend for lunch, she’s going through a hard time at the minute. Her husband has been sectioned, he was diagnosed with dementia about 5 years ago and he has deteriorated very fast this year. He now doesn’t recognise his wife or children and is in a locked facility. He’s only 73, it’s very sad. Again, as I always advocate, live each day, my friend only retired earlier this year ( I kept telling her to finish work to make memories but she liked her independence and refused) to look after him but it was too late to do “nice” things together, she’s spent the whole time washing and dressing him and basically not being able to leave him alone at all, depending on friends and family to “babysit” if she needed to get her hair cut, or attend an appointment.

Anyhoo, after all that doom and gloom, have the best day you can, you don’t know what’s round the corner.
you don’t know what’s round the corner.
Very true and your message is another confirmation that we are doing the right thing by retiring in March.
Another round 5.0 for me this morning, looks like the erratic BGs (Saturday Night Fever :rofl: ) from the weekend have left and things are steadying down again - phew!

Not much planned for today other than work.

Sending hugs to everyone struggling. Take care everyone.
Morning folks. 🙂 5.9 here.

I’m being “observed” at work this evening in my beginners’ Welsh class. My observer is lovely, in fact she encouraged me to apply for the job, but I’ll still be nervous. I’ve come up with a daft game to impress her called Paid pwdu! (sounds like Pied Poo-dee) / Don’t sulk! It’s to practise Do you want...? questions, but the first step is to get everyone sulking - if you say ‘pwdu’ enough times your mouth goes into a sulk...should be a giggle. 😛

There’s all sorts going round atm - stinking colds, the dreaded lurgy. Lots of people missing at work yesterday. Get well soon @Robin and @MikeyBikey.

5.2 on a very grey damp morning. Was disappointed that I only lost 1/2lb at weigh in, but at least it is a tiny step in the right direction. Today will consist of work and then running this evening.

Had a physio appointment yesterday with the lovely Hugh.
He’s pleased with my progress over the last month and he’s tweaked some exercises he wants me to do and introduced some others. What was really appreciated was that he allayed concerns that some of the residual pain was potentially serious rather than an indication of healing.
Next appointment in a month.

Walked just over 8 miles yesterday as I headed to Downing Street to participate in the vigil for hostages on the parade route for the State opening of Parliament.

Didn’t feel great afterwards though so came home via Waitrose where I picked up some lovely Wagu beef sausages that I roasted off with some diced squash, courgettes and tomatoes for supper before going to bed at 8:30pm

Feel much better today so no idea what it was but it’s gone so Yay!

Today is back to clearing stuff out of one of the estate flats and doing a run to IKEA so if anyone needs some meatballs, candles or tiny pencils let me know!

5.2 on a very grey damp morning. Was disappointed that I only lost 1/2lb at weigh in, but at least it is a tiny step in the right direction. Today will consist of work and then running this evening.
Firstly congrats on the HS!

And secondly half a pound is still half a pound. And even if you’d put on half a pound you’d still be way down on where you started from so take that as a win I’d say!
@freesia sorry to hear of your sad news.

Joining @Grannylorraine this morning.
Just realised that I didn't change the time on the meter so that was actually earlier at 7:51AM

Good morning. 5.4

Good news (fingers crossed). A labourer who used to work for me a few years ago contacted me yesterday looking for work. Deo volente he is coming on Friday to mix concrete. I just have to dig out the remaining 14ft by then. Yesterday's spectacle of the King's Speech made me so cross that I dug like a maniac and I am within the swing of the gate. All those children with insufficient to eat, homeless people, OAPs unable to heat their houses and yet we can fund hundreds of troops and ermine clad Lords to ponce about while a bejewelled King reads out a load of tosh.

@freesia So very sorry for your loss.
@MeeTooTeeTo and @Grannylorraine well done on HS

A dreary grey sky with a light breeze here.

Wishing everyone a good day.
6.9 for me. I meant another type one diabetic at my training day yesterday. Not sure if we have any shifts together but it would be call if we do