Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - 14.2 on waking. Seemed to go down overnight but crept up over last couple of hours of sleep. Meant to be starting insulin today but it hasn’t arrived yet so it will be when it will be. Very wet & windy up on our hill which is a pain as I wanted to walk off my BG. Have a great day everyone.

Has anyone got any recommendations for Libre 2 Freestyle waterproof covers? For a bath or shower
Morning all - 14.2 on waking. Seemed to go down overnight but crept up over last couple of hours of sleep. Meant to be starting insulin today but it hasn’t arrived yet so it will be when it will be. Very wet & windy up on our hill which is a pain as I wanted to walk off my BG. Have a great day everyone.

Has anyone got any recommendations for Libre 2 Freestyle waterproof covers? For a bath or shower
I don’t use anything, they are waterproof and you can even go swimming. I very rarely “lose” one. Has the nurse done any Libre training with you? If not here’s my top tips.
1. Always use a medical wipe to clean the area first. You can get about a million on Amazon for tuppence!
2. Place your hand on your head, this is the arm you’re putting it on, apply sensor, and hold for the count of 10, remove applicator slowly.
3. Avoid door frames and bra straps!

I struggle to remove mine after the 14 days.
If you do feel the need to have a cover there’s loads on the market and I’m sure someone will be along soon to advise you.
Good luck. X
I don’t use anything, they are waterproof and you can even go swimming. I very rarely “lose” one. Has the nurse done any Libre training with you? If not here’s my top tips.
1. Always use a medical wipe to clean the area first. You can get about a million on Amazon for tuppence!
2. Place your hand on your head, this is the arm you’re putting it on, apply sensor, and hold for the count of 10, remove applicator slowly.
3. Avoid door frames and bra straps!

I struggle to remove mine after the 14 days.
If you do feel the need to have a cover there’s loads on the market and I’m sure someone will be along soon to advise you.
Good luck. X
She just did it for me as I’m only on the free trial
Wet and windy morning here and a 5.1 for me today after a restless night of dreaming and waking up.
Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Take care! A friend has had these symptoms for two weeks now. There's a new variant of COVID going around and local hospital staff think masks may come back sooner rather than later! It's something like HNN.2 1.5 Apparently quite a bit in USofA.
Thank you, I’ll get hubby to get me a test, I was wondering if it was from the COVID jab on Sat coupled with hubby has a cold so might be coming down with that.
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Morning all on this bright and breezy day.

6.1 this morning. Very happy with that as I had mashed potato last night and seem to have got timing and dosing just right. Fortunately when I started to assemble the ingredients I was going to cook I realised that the recipe was for a starter for 2, not a main course! Otherwise we may have gone hungry. The recipe didn't say.

Not got a lot on today. Possibly some ironing.

Hugs to @Grannylorraine hope it's not Covid.

Hugs also to @Gwynn. So sorry your daughter hasn't been in touch.
4.0 for me and a little more red on my graph. Consultant is not going to be happy when I speak to him tomorrow.
6.4 this morning for me. Feeling a bit meh, probably due to lack of daylight and poor weather. Hope everyone is ok and not being blown about too much today!

@Grannylorraine - hope it’s not covid and you are ok.

Take care everyone!
Good morning/moaning! I woke with phantom pain again at about 5:00 and BG 9.8 aand rising. Half an hour later it was 11.1 but is now back too 8.8. Answers on a postcard.

Podiatry delayed till tomorrow,

Rain running down kitchen window but Boris (my large pet spider) seems happy sitting in the middle of his web. Must put on the prosthetic in the kitchen so I can clear the bodies. Does anybody know of any treat I can put out for him?

Here's Boris and some potential trespassers!

10.2 I did have quite a lazzy day yesterday as I was tired and Archy from work sun
Good morning - 7.6

I changed my surname yesterday, it’s been a long time coming. It feels like such a weight has been lifted because I don’t share my dad’s name anymore. Just feeling proud of myself.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4 (snap @harbottle )

A good nights sleep. Up now and of course it is very dark. Thank goodness for central heating tho.

'Stomach' has been upset for a few days. I think it is starting to settle down again this morning. I wonder what I ate/did to upset things.

Today nothing planned so rest,

We watched Guardians of the Galaxy 3 yesterday and I was so disappointed with it. The slimmest of actual story line. Way too much violence and unpleasant graphics and repeated very bad treatment of 'animals' very graphic too (why would I want to see that) Nothing very much intetesting about the characters. It was almost as if they had been told not to act and to forget who they were. Cardboard characters at best. Sigh. A waste of 2 hrs and £7. Sad because I enjoyed 1 & 2 and I was expecting great things from 3.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing