Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone
Good morning. It is so dark out there. And cold

BG 5.4

I have a bone density scan tomorrow morning. I will walk to it as it is not too far. Oddly I have to take my prescription sheet with me. I would have thought that they would have access to my medical records!

Today absolutely nothing planned. I hope I don't get bored. Oh, wait a minute I have some new songs to learn. I'll do those.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 8.0 today
7.1 yesterday

my appointment (on Monday at DMO clinic)
was cancelled at the last minute, slightly
but at least phoned me to notify this prior to me arriving to find the appointment had been unfortunately cancelled, now waiting for the rescheduled one hoping it comes quickly.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday 😎
It's was 7.6 it's 8.3 now
Morning all. Clickety click 6.6 and it’s still raining! 😱

We managed a quick venture out yesterday in between rain showers to see the river. OMG! It hasn’t been so high since Storm Ciara February 2020 and before that, Storm Desmond December 2015, that was devastating for our beautiful city. It looks like the flood barriers are doing a good job this time though. Fingers crossed.

As the forecast is more rain and quite gusty, I’m staying in and I’ll tackle the ironing. Mr Eggy will visit his mother. Such exciting lives!

Have a good day.

I have attached some photos, bear in mind it’s only a small narrow river, this is our normal walk with Zara, the bridge is almost covered so we had to go along the road to the other bridge to get into the field. A tad soggy! I’ve also shown our friend Adrian’s garden! His house is right on the river bank, beautiful in normal circumstances.


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Morning all - 4.9 today for me after a bit of the night in the red, but not enough to wake me thank goodness!

Just work today, starting to feel the end is coming as I start to tell people I work with of my retirement. Bit strange to finish my working life with working from home though, always thought I’d still be in an office somewhere.

Take care everyone!
Morning all, 4.8 here, been wobbling in and out of the red all night, oops. I feel bit dehydrated, which is probably the cause. Off to Westonbirt Arboretum today, to look at a lot of bare trees, I suspect, we may be a week too late for the autumn colour after Monday's weather.
Morning all - I got quite excited to see that my app was saying 10.1 when I woke up (much lower than the previous few mornings) but when I finger pricked it was 12.1 and now the app is saying 14.2 :( Could that be the "foot on the floor" thingy? I don't need to check the weather on a Wednesday because I've got my horticultural course today so that means it's raining! I love it though as it's based at Lowther Castle so we do the theory stuff in the old stables that have been turned into a lovely classroom and all the practical stuff out in the Castle Gardens or at Askham Hall and we're even spending the morning at Larch Cottage Nurseries in a couple of weeks so very excited about that. My husband's friend came up on the train last night and they've planned a big fell run today but not great weather for that with 40mph gusts up on the hills. I MIGHT be going to a fun netball class this evening that's just started up in Penrith - or when the time comes I might decide to stay cosy in my farmhouse up a hill, light the fire and snuggle up with the dogs ...
Morning all - 4.9 today for me after a bit of the night in the red, but not enough to wake me thank goodness!

Just work today, starting to feel the end is coming as I start to tell people I work with of my retirement. Bit strange to finish my working life with working from home though, always thought I’d still be in an office somewhere.

Take care everyone!

My retirement was equally bizarre. I returned to work after my bypass surgery and ten weeks later was made redundant despite discussing the year ahead on my return. They also based (legal but underhand) my redundancy payment on my then 0.4 week ignoring the full time years! I also never received the expenses owing! :(
5.5 this morning, same as yesterday, which went from dry to torrential downpour a short time before I left for my swim. Luckily I didn't have to use the bus or I would have been even wetter by the time I got to the pool. After my swim I had to use the hairdryer station to dry off my trousers, let alone my hair, and when I got home I had to put my jacket and trainers in the airing cupboard to dry off. I see the north got the worst of it though. I saw some footage of Blackpool beach yesterday and there were huge waves crashing against the seafront. Not surprised to see the photos @eggyg

I've signed up for the Our Future Health programme and have my appointment at the end of the month. Their trailer is currently parked in our Morrisons car park next to the bottle bank and there were people coming and going when I was getting rid of our glass recycling yesterday. Read an interesting stat from the programme too - of the people they've seen so far half had high cholesterol and a quarter had high BP.

Wednesday's a washday so the washing machine and tumble dryer are going to be busy, otherwise nothing special planned.

Have a good day, your weather permitting.
Morning all - I got quite excited to see that my app was saying 10.1 when I woke up (much lower than the previous few mornings) but when I finger pricked it was 12.1 and now the app is saying 14.2 :( Could that be the "foot on the floor" thingy? I don't need to check the weather on a Wednesday because I've got my horticultural course today so that means it's raining! I love it though as it's based at Lowther Castle so we do the theory stuff in the old stables that have been turned into a lovely classroom and all the practical stuff out in the Castle Gardens or at Askham Hall and we're even spending the morning at Larch Cottage Nurseries in a couple of weeks so very excited about that. My husband's friend came up on the train last night and they've planned a big fell run today but not great weather for that with 40mph gusts up on the hills. I MIGHT be going to a fun netball class this evening that's just started up in Penrith - or when the time comes I might decide to stay cosy in my farmhouse up a hill, light the fire and snuggle up with the dogs ...
My friend and next door neighbour has volunteered at Lowther Castle gardens for years. She does Fridays. I must admit it’s been a few years since I was there but it’s a lovely setting. Youngest daughter and family have a yearly pass but I don’t think it’s to see the gardens, it’s for the play area for Zara, she’s obsessed with the mini zip wire! Enjoy.
Good morning. 6.3

Jake already pouring concrete, dog and pony done, pills taken, window check done. Looks as if met office and BBC are right on the button today - blue sky with very small clouds and a bit chilly. Yesterday was vile however. I spent most of it in bed reading, with heating turned up to tropic levels, trying to head off a flare of the COPD and the palindromic arthritis - such a bore spending more time on the loo wondering how to get up than one did having a pee. Anyway at least no worse this morning and, all my building supplies being now on site, I shall sally forth to give Jake a hand and moral support.

Hope everyone has a good day.

4.6 today, still feeling achy and tired, I wasn’t going to go for my weigh in yesterday due to how bad I felt, it I dragged myself there, another membe gave me a lift home so that helped. Lost 1/2 again which is a bit disappointin, but still in the right direction and with not feeling great not the most important thing on my mind.

we did have some heavy showers yesterday and some flooded roads but nothing like further north did.
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all and 5.9 for me. AWOL again yesterday we had a tree down in the garden. No damage done but had to trim some branches which were overhanging the pavement.

Not sure when the next check in will be. I'll be at Heathrow tomorrow morning.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 3.9 for me this morning. Had a couple of alarms going off during the night. Had jbs and a malted milk biscuit. Had a Greek yogurt for breakfast. No novo rapid .. Nice sunny day up here today. Take dog along garden center have a coffee wait for liver dump and take insulin to sort it . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks