Group 7-day waking average?

MHS staff who are overweight or even obese
Apparently, hospital canteens (where most staff eat for convenience) offer unhealthy foods only. There have been small-scale schemes / trials where the canteen started offering healthy foods only, and staff have succeeded in losing weight, and reported being happier with the healthier choices. But chicken nuggets and chips are cheaper and easier to produce! :confused:

Morning all. 🙂 The Libre said 6.1 - my fingers are all pricked-out, ouch! Must be the effect of the colder weather.

A day to myself today, yippee!!! Well, there’s always work admin (weren’t computers meant to make life easier?), but I’m prioritizing fun for a change.
A 5.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all - 13.1 this morning (not surprised as ate very late last night and snacked too). I'm getting fed up waiting for my insulin to even be dispatched and so I know that I'm self sabotaging with crisps and a flake - STUPID. Normally P2U are really good but I'm finding it very frustrating as can't even get through to them to ask why it hasn't been sent. it just says on my app that it's being packed and will be shipped soon. That means that even if it comes today or tomorrow I can't start using it until Monday as the surgery understandably don't want me to start on a weekend in case I have any problems. Yesterday I went to Penrith and played netball with a lovely group who I'd seen post on the local Facebook page. It was SUCH fun and very much about having a laugh and doing as much or as little as you wanted to. So I kept well away from people and didn't do much marking as I know I'll tread on them or fall over (two other women did!) or sprain my ankle but I did some great passing (though I say so myself) and scored about 7 goals 🙂 I'll definitely be going again. Bit stiff and sore today and it was the first physical stuff apart from walking & pilates that I'd done since my surgery nearly 2 years ago, but it felt great. Wondering if that exercise will have an effect on my BG today as yesterday it definitely seemed to be lower from the two walks I did the day before. I'm hospital driving today so @eggyg I'll wave at you as I go up to the Cumberland Infirmary. @Gwynn well done on your clever woodworking skills - maybe you could go into production for others who've been struggling with this dilemma for years. @eggyg I hope your stomach sorts itself out. Have a great day everyone xxx
Pretty awful morning here - cold and wet and forecast to stay that way until after lunch. I usually go for a swim before lunch on Thursdays but it would be the bus today, which means I might get even more of a soaking getting there and back as I did on Tuesday when I had the car. Won't book it yet, then - I'll wait and see how it looks later.

On the Heathrow flight path this morning, first time in ages. First one woke me when it went over just before 5 o'clock, followed by several more over the next 2 hours, so I never really got back to sleep. Between that and the weather not a great start to the day, the one bright spot being 5.1 when I tested.

Strawberries back on the shelf at Morrisons this morning, though not as many as usual. I don't think there'll be any to yellow-sticker later.

Nothing special planned for today but with yesterday being a washday there's a stack of ironing waiting, so might tackle some of that.

Hope the weather isn't spoiling anyone's plans for the day.
7.6 this morning. Bit of a sore throat so presumably a bug has decided to move in for a little visit.

Ordered repeat meds on the 8th and chased the surgery for the scrip yesterday only to be told this morning I need a medication review with the pharmacist before they’ll issue it. First appointment offered 11th December.

I did point out the rather obvious flaw in this situation and an hour later I’ve been notified that the repeat scrip has been issued.

Today I’ve got a Teams call with an NHS project that’s looking into mental health impact on survivors going through the police and/or judicial process. I think their aim is to feed back to the NHS nationally and locally as well as to the College of Policing and the CPS.

I was asked if I’d like to be involved by my ISVA and said yes on the understanding that if I’m not comfortable or just don’t feel it’s right for me then I can withdraw my participation at any time. But I’m interested to find out more and see what I can contribute.

This is in addition to the stuff I’m doing directly with the police.

I’m still waiting for the review of the no charge decision and that’s now a week overdue. The police SLA says that reviews will be completed “within 31 days” and that decisions/outcomes will be communicated to the victim/survivor no later than 31 days after the receipt of the request to review is received. The clock is now at 38 days and counting.

The ongoing police complaint has been updated to reflect the positivity and engagement arising from the in person meeting held a few weeks ago with me, ISVA, soit and the senior officer and to show the zero communication over the compliant. Give with one hand and take with the other!

Oh and I chased CICA (criminal injuries compensation authority) for an update yesterday as the final claim was submitted in June 2022 and they state that they try to resolve all applications within 12 months but that some more complex ones can take 18. Some take years but I’m hoping mine doesn’t fall into that category!

I’m aware that part of me thinks the CICA claim is almost mercenary. It is about cold hard cash after all. But my thinking has changed somewhat. I’ve no idea what award they’ll give if any but that award will make a difference. If it’s small then it’ll pay for a holiday somewhere to recharge. If it’s a lumpy account it’ll maybe mean I can look at moving somewhere quieter with more outside space. Anywhere in between and it’ll cover a nice holiday and potential private therapy fees.

Dunno why I shared all that lot here today but I guess it’s just on my mind.

Thanks for listening.

4.5 today, still got this lurgy, although feeling slightly better, work has gone stupidly stressful again, but trying to take the view I am doing my job as well as I can, it is not my problem that we have had a reduction in staff and an increase in work. Anyway yoga today.

@ColinUK - keep sharing if it is helping you,
Morning all on this bright sunny day. That could change as there's a yellow warning for heavy rain all day, but they never seem to get it right anyway.

4.0 alarm went off first thing. A stem ginger cookie and a Dextrose and I am now 8.5!!

Not a lot on today except making a huge Venison stew for dinner and the rest into the freezer.

@Grannylorraine sorry to hear work has become more stressful again on top of your aches and pains.

@ColinUK we don't mind you venting, it sounds like there is tons of stuff to vent about. Big Hugs. Glad we are here to listen and enable you to get it off your chest.

@khskel have a good flight.

Hope the rest of you are well.
I had the same problem when hospitalised last year - everything offered was high carb and low quality. Staff mostly looked affronted when faced with requests for something healthy and T2 appropriate - they even sent the catering manager up to bully me! Wrong move, wrong lady - the exchange was a tad acrimonious ("Are you incapable of boiling an egg?" being the politest sentence) but did result in a salad which kept me stayed until friends could organise a supply run. I noted that the 20% of fit, slim nursing staff dropped in frequently after the row to chat about low carb/keto/etc. The wobbly ones in tight XXL uniforms did not. I do not think it is canteen closure which causes the problem - most workers elsewhere have to provide their own food and many manage to pack up a healthy lunchbox. Perhaps gifts of chocolate from departing patients promotes the snacking?

This mornings score 6.0. Much progress made on the wall yesterday but Jake is booked up on an inside job for the next fortnight so I'll be plodding on alone, weather permitting.

The first meal I received in ICU after OHS (open heart surgery) was a large portion of Fish 'n' Chips. When I asked if I could have a lightly scrambled egg I got the response "Do you think this is a hotel" but on the Sunday I was brought scrambled egg with plum tomatoes rather than the usual choice of sugary cereals or cold toast!
The first meal I received in ICU after OHS (open heart surgery) was a large portion of Fish 'n' Chips. When I asked if I could have a lightly scrambled egg I got the response "Do you think this is a hotel" but on the Sunday I was brought scrambled egg with plum tomatoes rather than the usual choice of sugary cereals or cold toast!
That made me laugh, as in 2001 I had my first attack of pancreatitis and had an emergency gall bladder removal and pseudo cysts drained I wasn’t well at all and didn’t eat very much. I was in hospital for weeks and I asked if I could go home for the weekend as I was wanted to see the children. They said yes and my dad came to pick me up to take me home and asked me if I wanted him to get me fish and chips on the way home! He was of that generation who thought that sort of food was good for you! He never ever ate salad or veg. I declined!
He ended up having a heart attack and bypass and died at 71.
7.4 for me this morning, but a pretty steady horizontal line overnight with a slight rise at the end, so I am happy with that as I upped my evening Levemir by one unit last night.
5.3 first thing. Better than yesterday when low alarm went off unexpectedly and I nearly fell out of bed! Libre 2 giving some strange (low) results in the low 3s.
You do know that Libre are prone to what is called "compression lows" if you lie on them? ie false lows and then when you roll off that arm and relieve the pressure, the graph will show your levels come back up again. Sometimes they overshoot slightly so you get a dip when you lie on it and then a rise and then the level settles just below the peak of the rise and usually about where you were before you rolled onto that arm.

Good luck to @khskel Hope the gigs go well and you knock em dead!

@zippyjojo Hope the insulin arrives soon. I wonder if the issue is refrigerated transport for the insulin. Good on you for going along to the Netball. Impressed that you scored 7 goals!
Morning all

And it was a 4.8 for me much earlier this grey and very chilly Morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.....
Don’t you just hate people who have their birthdays just three weeks before Christmas, then I have one 30th December, I don’t know which is worse
This made me smile, i know how you feel. My birthday and older daughters are both at the beginning of December, then its Christmas, younger daughters birthday is at the end of December and hubby's is the middle of January. Its an expensive time!

Good afternoon all. A hypo for me on waking this morning, followed by a rise and a slow drop down to hypo again now despite 2 dextrose and some juice. I haven't felt great today, head is spinning, tired out and i have a funny feeling in my tum.

@Grannylorraine i think work is the same at a lot of places. Its been absolutely manic at work today, not enough staff and more and more being asked of us.

@ColinUK share away. We all care and listen. Sending a hug your way.

@khskel i hope the gigs go well.
That made me laugh, as in 2001 I had my first attack of pancreatitis and had an emergency gall bladder removal and pseudo cysts drained I wasn’t well at all and didn’t eat very much. I was in hospital for weeks and I asked if I could go home for the weekend as I was wanted to see the children. They said yes and my dad came to pick me up to take me home and asked me if I wanted him to get me fish and chips on the way home! He was of that generation who thought that sort of food was good for you! He never ever ate salad or veg. I declined!
He ended up having a heart attack and bypass and died at 71.
When I had my surgery (crikey 2 years ago tomorrow!!) - once I'd stopped vomitting etc (sorry) I had soup and then I remember the day a few days after the op when they brought me a plate of "solids" and told I was now ready for "Minced & Moist" - I mean really?!? It looked revolting but was actually delicious 🙂
7.4 for me this morning, but a pretty steady horizontal line overnight with a slight rise at the end, so I am happy with that as I upped my evening Levemir by one unit last night.

You do know that Libre are prone to what is called "compression lows" if you lie on them? ie false lows and then when you roll off that arm and relieve the pressure, the graph will show your levels come back up again. Sometimes they overshoot slightly so you get a dip when you lie on it and then a rise and then the level settles just below the peak of the rise and usually about where you were before you rolled onto that arm.

Good luck to @khskel Hope the gigs go well and you knock em dead!

@zippyjojo Hope the insulin arrives soon. I wonder if the issue is refrigerated transport for the insulin. Good on you for going along to the Netball. Impressed that you scored 7 goals!
Possibly - I spoke to them and a nice chap apologise profusely and hey presto I then got a confirmation email that it had been despatched so I'll receive it tomorrow. Annoyingly though that means that I can't start it until Monday, but never mind - I'm confident that in future it will be fine because I'll order it earlier than I need it. With a Libre do you need to alternate the arm that you put it on? I think I sleep on my right side a lot so noticed what you said about compression lows and wonder whether that will happen to me. At the moment it's on my left arm.
Possibly - I spoke to them and a nice chap apologise profusely and hey presto I then got a confirmation email that it had been despatched so I'll receive it tomorrow. Annoyingly though that means that I can't start it until Monday, but never mind - I'm confident that in future it will be fine because I'll order it earlier than I need it. With a Libre do you need to alternate the arm that you put it on? I think I sleep on my right side a lot so noticed what you said about compression lows and wonder whether that will happen to me. At the moment it's on my left arm.
Good to hear that your insulin is arriving tomorrow, if a little frustrating. I alternate arms as do most people but you don't have to. The difficulty with not alternating is that if you apply your new sensor before the old one runs out to give it 24hrs bedding in time as many of us do, there is a rsik you will start the new one during the bedding in period by scanning it when you mean to scan the current one. It does ask you to confirm that you want to start a new sensor but I can imagine a few scenarios where I wouldn't be paying full attention and just press yes instead of no. If I have them on opposite arms there is much less chance of doing that. What you do find is that you try to scan the wrong arm for the first 4 or 5 days after you swap.
I sleep mostly on my back so compression lows are less of an issue for me but I have developed sleeping positions where there is no pressure on the sensor if I do lie on that side. It is surprising what you can program your body to do or not do when you are sleeping. It's a bit like knowing where the edge of the bed is even when you are away on holiday in a strange bed and room and you don't roll over and fall out.... or at least most of us don't. Similarly, you seem to learn not to lie on the sensor, however placement is also important and making sure it is more towards the back means you are less likely to lie on it.
Possibly - I spoke to them and a nice chap apologise profusely and hey presto I then got a confirmation email that it had been despatched so I'll receive it tomorrow. Annoyingly though that means that I can't start it until Monday, but never mind - I'm confident that in future it will be fine because I'll order it earlier than I need it. With a Libre do you need to alternate the arm that you put it on? I think I sleep on my right side a lot so noticed what you said about compression lows and wonder whether that will happen to me. At the moment it's on my left arm.
I always have mine on my right arm I sleep on my left side. I move it about of course. It works for me and, touch wood, I don’t have hardly any problems with compression because I can’t sleep on my right side as it gives me a bad back so if I accidentally turn over I soon wake!
@zippyjojo, I always sleep on my right and thus always have sensors on my left. I have 3 nominal places on my left arm (high, middle, low) which allows the next sensor to be off the site of the outgoing one; now with G7 I have 3 left side abdomen places that still allows variation.