Group 7-day waking average?

Moooorning! 7ish here. My fingers are on strike, so I reckon a Libre 7.6 is about a 7.0.

Ah, in the morning, lesson planning in the afternoon. It’s windy out there, so I should be free of cobwebs when I get back from my morning walk on the beach. :D
5.8 on this bright and sunny - yes, really - Berkshire morning. Successful Xmas shopping trip into Bracknell yesterday and managed to tick off a lot of things on our list. Had to make 2 trips back to the car to put what we'd bought so far in the boot before carrying on. Light lunch halfway through in a packed M&S restaurant. It was good to see how all the shops had fully-embraced Xmas with their displays. Makes organisations like the National Trust, with their woke 2024 calendar that doesn't mention Xmas Day (or Easter), look completely out of touch with the general public.

Planning a quick trip over to Camberley this morning to see what they've got, then back in time to watch our eldest's futsal match on TNT Sport. Match is at Repton School in Derbyshire and he's about to set off as he's picking up a teammate from Theale, a short hop down the M4.

Have a good Sunday, everyone.
A 5.6 for me this wet and windy morn. 🙂
The Sunday cryptic crossword awaits.

Morning all. It’s not a good one unfortunately, backache central. Anyhoo, 7.5 for me.

I didn’t do anything much yesterday, just let Mr Eggy run after me all day whilst I read my book. Back/hip pain eased off somewhat. It’s not sciatica, which I first thought on Friday, as it’s both sides but I’m sure it’s my sacrum joints ( SI joints), I’ve had it before but just in one side but I read yesterday you can get it in both sides. The pain starts in my right hip, it’s excruciating, then radiates right along my lower back, up a bit on the left side, then it goes down the back of my right thigh, doesn’t go any further. I am going to try icing and heating it, my osteopath advised that last time and Mr Eggy is going to get me some ibuprofen, I don’t like taking them as they can upset my already dodgy stomach, but it’s the lesser of two evils at the moment. I’ll phone for an appointment first thing tomorrow, I doubt I’ll get in tomorrow but hopefully I’ll get in not long after and my wonderful osteopath can work his magic. NB he’s not just my osteopath, he does take on other patients! 😉

@zippyjojo good luck with the insulin, I was absolutely terrified the first time I had to do it, not that it would hurt, but incase I had a hypo and died! My DSN started me on 2 units! I learnt a lot since then! Re the fruit malt, I bought some the other day as I love it but it spikes me big style. Last night I felt peckish and cut myself a thin ( ish) slice, but it left one left and it looked lonely, so I had two! Shot up to over 10 had to have a correction before bed! Oops!

Ah well, another day of reading my book and getting looked after. It makes a change TBF!

Have a good day everyone.
Morning campers!

A 6.9 for me today.

Happy Sunday everyone. Bit blowy here!
Good morning everyone 7.7 today. Resting today so I'm ready to go to London for what will hopefully be a routine Moorfields retinal appointment after an urgent optician referral. Need to get the appointment out of the way to then celebrate M's birthday. I have a habit of having medical appointments on his birthday.
I met up with my bellringing group yesterday and @TinaD you will be pleased to hear the friend you met is looking so much better now she is on insulin, still a bit of tweaking to do I think.
My lunch choice was not too good, a duo of mushrooms which was ONE flat mushroom with some chopped mushrooms on top and a small dollop of cranberry and a couple of leaves at the vast cost of £7.50. I was then forced to have a pudding, waffle with ice cream, macaroons and choc sauce :( . It was good however. Hopefully the afternoon of ringing worked it off.
Morning all. It’s not a good one unfortunately, backache central. Anyhoo, 7.5 for me.

I didn’t do anything much yesterday, just let Mr Eggy run after me all day whilst I read my book. Back/hip pain eased off somewhat. It’s not sciatica, which I first thought on Friday, as it’s both sides but I’m sure it’s my sacrum joints ( SI joints), I’ve had it before but just in one side but I read yesterday you can get it in both sides. The pain starts in my right hip, it’s excruciating, then radiates right along my lower back, up a bit on the left side, then it goes down the back of my right thigh, doesn’t go any further. I am going to try icing and heating it, my osteopath advised that last time and Mr Eggy is going to get me some ibuprofen, I don’t like taking them as they can upset my already dodgy stomach, but it’s the lesser of two evils at the moment. I’ll phone for an appointment first thing tomorrow, I doubt I’ll get in tomorrow but hopefully I’ll get in not long after and my wonderful osteopath can work his magic. NB he’s not just my osteopath, he does take on other patients! 😉

@zippyjojo good luck with the insulin, I was absolutely terrified the first time I had to do it, not that it would hurt, but incase I had a hypo and died! My DSN started me on 2 units! I learnt a lot since then! Re the fruit malt, I bought some the other day as I love it but it spikes me big style. Last night I felt peckish and cut myself a thin ( ish) slice, but it left one left and it looked lonely, so I had two! Shot up to over 10 had to have a correction before bed! Oops!

Ah well, another day of reading my book and getting looked after. It makes a change TBF!

Have a good day everyone.
Take care Eggyg
Morning all

Had a good nights sleep and woke to a 4.9 this morning, it doesn’t look like I will be going out for a bike ride today as the wind is howling outside.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
6.3 this morning, sensor change day and new sensor has started off ok, keeping fingers crossed for not her good one!

suddenly realised yesterday that the NR I was using was just over a month out of the fridge, so wondering if that has been the reason for this week’s stubbornly high BGs. Now on a new NR cartridge, so hopefully I will see a difference from today.

Not managed to quite catch up on posts yet, great Friday night and yesterday with friends who came over. Visiting my parents today then not much else, especially as I got called into a problem for work which meant I was working through until about 2am today. Some overtime payment at least!

Have a good day everyone!
I met up with my bellringing group yesterday and @TinaD you will be pleased to hear the friend you met is looking so much better now she is on insulin, still a bit of tweaking to do I think.
My lunch choice was not too good, a duo of mushrooms which was ONE flat mushroom with some chopped mushrooms on top and a small dollop of cranberry and a couple of leaves at the vast cost of £7.50. I was then forced to have a pudding, waffle with ice cream, macaroons and choc sauce :( . It was good however. Hopefully the afternoon of ringing worked it off.
@Leadinglights I am very glad to hear it - I really feared for her future.
@eggyg Sorry to hear about your back - hope pain levels go down and you get a swift Chiropractor appointment. Might be worth asking your GP for some DF118s or similar for true emergency use? I keep stock by me for when it all goes absolutely pear shaped.

This morning's score 6.2.

Outside a sort of underwater twilight, everything awash after last night, fortunately I live on a hill. The Teifi was up to its bank edge yesterday - I hope the village isn't flooded.

Was meant to be going to cardio-respiratory Consultant tomorrow but appointment rearranged to Tuesday as he has to attend a funeral - so encouraging!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.
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8.3 for me this morning and that was with 5 units of Levemir last night and I have upped this mornings dose to 26, so I am up 7 units in 3 days. Got an absolute humdinger of a cold and it has really hit me for 6 and is needing lots of insulin. I am just going with the flow and injecting whenever my high alarm goes off at 9.2. Spending a ridiculous amount of time in bed mostly sleeping, and drinking Beechams Honey and Lemon and chicken broth when awake. Hoping today is the peak because I am struggling to manage animals.

@eggyg Hope your osteopath can straighten you up again and give you some relief but it's not an attractive prospect knowing you will get worse before you get better. Have you considered that it might be a gut blockage pressing on your sciatic nerves if you have been having having digestive issues as well. This sometimes happens to me when I am constipated and I end up with lower back pain/sciatica which relieves once things are moving again.
Morning all 10 0 for me this morning. Had a bad night high alarms going off 12 and above haven't eaten anything out the norm Correction doses haven't worked. Might have picked something up with the 3 visits to the health centre last week . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all 10 0 for me this morning. Had a bad night high alarms going off 12 and above haven't eaten anything out the norm Correction doses haven't worked. Might have picked something up with the 3 visits to the health centre last week . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
That was me Wed night. It took 7 stacked corrections to bring it down and an increase in basal and I still only got down to 7.6 and then started to rise again. By Friday it was very obvious I had picked up the lurgy.
Morning all - a really horrid day in "sunny Cornwall". Rain and high winds have been going on for ages now.

4.3 first thing, which was 08:45. I had been in bed since just gone 7pm and slept more or less solidly the whole time except for 2 visits to the loo. We went out to meet friends yesterday afternoon and I had 2 small glasses of wine. We returned home for 6pm and I sat down for "5 minutes" and fell asleep for half an hour. I then woke with stomach cramps and roiling nausea. Felt absolutely awful, legs weak and an overwhelming desire to sleep. I wasn't actually sick, but spent a fair bit of time with my head over the loo. No idea what it could have been. Except maybe the cheesy scrambled eggs at brunch when I discovered after the event that the "use by" date was 6th November although they looked and smelled OK. Feel absolutely fine today! As a result we never got Schechuan prawns.

Roast chicken tonight, maybe prawns for lunch. Apart from that a video phone call with a friend this afternoon.

@eggyg Julian has a device similar to these for his bad back. It's reusable and it's paid for itself over and over if you think of the wasted peas!

Have a good day everyone.