Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 this morning, pleased to report that the fresh NR has made my BG act like it used to. The old cartridge must have become spoiled after being out of the fridge for more than a month. Just goes to show and I must not make the same mistake. I had taken a spare cartridge with me when going away the other month but ended up not needing it so it was was hanging around in my kit at room temperature for more than a month.

Went to look at new curtains for the living room yesterday and my wife wants to now move everything around which means I’m into moving cables for the TV, AV receiver etc., etc. Ordered some neat d-line trunking and cables to extend the Ethernet and satellite cables to the other side of the room as the first step in the reorg. The project is ready snowballing as my wife now would like a built in wall unit to house everything. It will look a lot neater, but has expanded the project somewhat!

@eggyg - hope the osteo has sorted you out today and you’re in less pain now?

@rebrascora - sorry to hear you have Covid, hope you recover quickly from it.

Take care everyone!
Hi lovely people. Appointment went well, it’s very tight in the area I have pain apparently. I’ve had gentle manipulation and acupuncture to loosen me up, which it has. Still achy, which she said it would be initially but at this moment in time I feel pain free. I can stand up straight, I’ve been stooping for almost a week. I feel like a different person. I’m back on Friday and if I feel up to it I’ll get a bit of a pummelling. Then one more appointment the week after before we go away. She’s given me a gentle exercise to do in the meantime and I’m to carry on with the icing and heating. I asked her if I should come maybe every 2/3 months for “maintenance” so it doesn’t ( I hope) get to this stage again. She said a lot of people do, I think I probably will. It’s £50 per session, I think it’ll be worth it. Fingers crossed I still feel ok in the morning, I’m feeling positive at the moment though. Thanks again for our your well wishes.
I mostly use jelly babies because I like the fact that they are about 5g carbs each so I can vary how many I take according to what my levels are doing. I have Glucogel on my repeat prescription but have never ordered it so can't tell you what it tastes like. I do have some Lift glucose tablets which come in a tube and I have also used Dextrose tablets, but I just have a really good working relationship with my little jelly hypo heros and I know how many I need in any given situation.... very rarely the full 3 that would be the recommended 15g carbs, usually just 1 or 2, but you should start with 15g until you learn what works best for you. Oddly, I am never tempted to eat my little hypo heros when I don't need them, whereas I have tried other sweets and I can't be disciplined with them. I imagine that is the benefit if glucogel that you are not likely to use it other than in an emergency, especially if it tastes naff!

Decided that I would do a lateral flow test this afternoon (must be feeling better because I couldn't be bothered before especially as my test kit is just out of date, so thought it might be a wasted effort) and to be honest I fully expected it to be negative, but I got 2 clear pink lines within a minute of starting the test and 2 very dark red lines after 15 mins, so looks like it really is the lurgy! Explains why I have felt so rough! Just surprised that I got it when I hardly mix with people, but then, even if it was just a cold, I clearly got that from someone just the same.
The love emoji was for your advice, not for you having Covid 😉
Hope your session went well. I was actually about to post on here because I have a question. I'm starting on 10 units of Lantus which I will be taking (do you say taking or using or giving myself?) at 10pm. If my bedtime BG is <8 mol I've to eat a slow acting carb snack (I can't imagine that ever happening as we eat quite late (8-9pm). It then says that if I'm planning a physical activity after 4pm to reduce the Lantus by 30-40%. When I had my appointment and the consultant explained that it sounded as if I would do that if I HAD done physical activity after 4pm but on reading this is looks like if I'm planning it so presumably that means for the next day, and I never really know what I'm going to be doing the next day. The Nurse & Doctor at my surgery also seemed to think it should be relating to what I might be doing the next day - HELP!
It’s difficult to plan for exercise so unless you’re planning on doing the Ullswater Way anytime soon I wouldn’t get too concerned about it. As you’re just on basal at the moment and it’s dark at 4 o’clock I don’t think you need to worry just yet. You’ll be an expert by the time the light nights are back!
Glycogen is meant to be for emergencies ie you’re unconscious snd someone else administrates it. Mine’s four years out of date! I’m not a lover of JBs I do use them if needed but I prefer Kendal Mint Cake. Luckily I don’t get many hypos. If you get the Libre on prescription or self fund you would get alarms through the night or you could set an alarm if neither of the above and check to see how things are going. Keep your chosen hypo treatments by your bed and your meter to double check before you gobble down sugary treats! Take one day at a time, they will all be different. But we’re all still here for you for any questions you have, remember nothing is too daft.
It’s difficult to plan for exercise so unless you’re planning on doing the Ullswater Way anytime soon I wouldn’t get too concerned about it. As you’re just on basal at the moment and it’s dark at 4 o’clock I don’t think you need to worry just yet. You’ll be an expert by the time the light nights are back!
Glycogen is meant to be for emergencies ie you’re unconscious snd someone else administrates it. Mine’s four years out of date! I’m not a lover of JBs I do use them if needed but I prefer Kendal Mint Cake. Luckily I don’t get many hypos. If you get the Libre on prescription or self fund you would get alarms through the night or you could set an alarm if neither of the above and check to see how things are going. Keep your chosen hypo treatments by your bed and your meter to double check before you gobble down sugary treats! Take one day at a time, they will all be different. But we’re all still here for you for any questions you have, remember nothing is too daft.
I’ve got netball 8-9pm on Wednesdays but as you say I just need to take one day at a time and see how it goes x
Sorry chaps - I’ve got another question 😳 My low glucose alarm is automatically set for 3.9 or below - is that right? Also it looks like you can customise the alarm but it’s only doing an ear piercing beep as an option…
@rebrascora hopefully it’s a mild case and you’re right as rain in no time at all
It hasn't felt all that mild as it has pretty well stopped me in my tracks, but think I am over the worst now thanks.... at least I hope so!
Sorry chaps - I’ve got another question 😳 My low glucose alarm is automatically set for 3.9 or below - is that right? Also it looks like you can customise the alarm but it’s only doing an ear piercing beep as an option…
Can't help you on customising the sound as I use a reader which doesn't have that option, but I have my low alarm set at 4.5, which is plenty of time for a JB to turn things around for me before I hit the red. Some people have theirs set higher. No point in having an alarm if it doesn't go off until you are in the red in my opinion, so I would definitely raise it a bit.
Good morning. 6.4 after a poor night (and a late snack of cheese and biscuits).

Off to Consultant's appointment once I have done the animals. Black as Hell's mouth outside.

DVLA driving me mad. Yesterday's little offering "please provide name and address of your consultant". Which one? Respiratory? Cardiac? Arthritis bloke? Diabetes? Getting quite nervous about licence renewal. Last week they sent me a letter saying that they were asking a Swansea Consultant, unmet by me, about my heart...Wondering if the unliked GP who filled in the original forms has done me down. Doubt I can go on living here if cannot drive.

@rebrascora Hope you will soon be better.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning from Boris and good moaning from me! Boris has been busy all night on the web as I moved something off the window sill not realising it was an anchor point for the web. Unlike yesterday's HS (5.2) it climbed as I woke up with phantom pain about 5:00 to 11.0! :(

Nothing on today but then two important appointments on Wednesday and Thursday!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4 again. What's with all the 5.4's not complaining tho.

My friend starts his journey back from Uganda this afternoon. I have had no one to talk to or exercise with for 2 weeks. He is dreading coming home to his empty cold house (his wife left him several years ago sadly).

Today (this morning) I make a beef stew that will last us 4 days!!! And will probably take me 2 hours to prepare and 5 hours to cook. Worth every moment of effort and cost tho.

My wife is really doing well on her keyboard and enjoying herself no end. Good to see.

It's nearly time to feed the squirrels!

@MikeyBikey I feel for the spider whose house you accidentally wrecked!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. 6.4 after a poor night (and a late snack of cheese and biscuits).

Off to Consultant's appointment once I have done the animals. Black as Hell's mouth outside.

DVLA driving me mad. Yesterday's little offering "please provide name and address of your consultant". Which one? Respiratory? Cardiac? Arthritis bloke? Diabetes? Getting quite nervous about licence renewal. Last week they sent me a letter saying that they were asking a Swansea Consultant, unmet by me, about my heart...Wondering if the unliked GP who filled in the original forms has done me down. Doubt I can go on living here if cannot drive.

@rebrascora Hope you will soon be better.

Wishing everyone a good day.

I do wonder about the Swansea consultants at times. At one time they seemed obsessed with how many units of insulin you took. I am crossing my fingers I get mine back before my NCB runs out. I will probably need hand controls as my remaining foot has issues but I do not see that as a problem as I used to ride motorcycles.
Well it was 6.7 at around 6 now 9.4.
Morning all. 5.6.

Siting with the frozen peas at the moment. As expected it has to get worse before it gets better but I managed without painkillers yesterday from mid morning up to bedtime yesterday. But I must say after my morning routine I’m not crying today. As Professor Brian Cox once sang, “Things can only get better!” Or did he? Do drummers in bands sing, or just drum? :confused:

After a discussion last night with Mr Eggy, it’s been decided I have another rest day before I even think about prepping for our dinner party. So I’ll catch up with I’m a Celeb, I haven’t seen any yet. I’m not a super fan, I usually just dip in and out when I can, but local girl Grace Dent is on this year so I can’t miss that.

Sorry to hear you’ve succumbed to the dreaded Covid @rebrascora glad to hear you’re over the worst.
@zippyjojo mime is just set at 3.9 so I’ve never adjusted it but just go to the home page on the app, your name will be at the top. Go to alarms and then Low Glucose Alarm it should say on, you can change it there. Whilst you’re there, knock off signal loss alarm if it’s activated, you don’t need it, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I think that might be the high pitched noise you’re describing. Drives everyone mad!

Have a good day folks.