Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone.

Only sneaked a cheeky 5.2 this morning didn’t I!

Hope the call about about your wrist comes through @New-journey

Sorry to hear the Diabetes Fairy is up to her tricks for you @freesia and @rayray119
I've just had an email from Pharmacy2U saying that my GP has prescribed Insulin Glargine but it's the first I've heard of it - I'm waiting for a call from them today so maybe they've decided to put me on that too as my HbA1c was 91 but I'm a bit surprised as thought that would come from the Diabetic Consultant up in Carlisle. I've Googled it and it seems to be another slow acting insulin - anyone else use this or know much about it. I wonder whether I'm going to be doing that as well as the Lantus - sorry, I'm thinking out loud but it's a bit odd when you find out something like that having not heard about it from the GP. I've only been on Lantus for 3 days
Well done @everydayupsanddowns & @eggyg on those HSs. And thanks @eggyg for your mention yesterday of Carrs Water Biscuits. I bought a packet yesterday and despite a late-night piggy snack with some cheese and peanut butter, I produced a 5.0 this morning. 🙂 So they are back on my list.

I love those Carrs water biscuits @MeeTooTeeTo . A great foil for all manner of cheeses. Happy to just play their supporting role, and not trying to dominate everything.
I've just had an email from Pharmacy2U saying that my GP has prescribed Insulin Glargine but it's the first I've heard of it - I'm waiting for a call from them today so maybe they've decided to put me on that too as my HbA1c was 91 but I'm a bit surprised as thought that would come from the Diabetic Consultant up in Carlisle. I've Googled it and it seems to be another slow acting insulin - anyone else use this or know much about it. I wonder whether I'm going to be doing that as well as the Lantus - sorry, I'm thinking out loud but it's a bit odd when you find out something like that having not heard about it from the GP. I've only been on Lantus for 3 days
Is it maybe the generic name for Lantus? I use Levemir so I don’t know much about it. Someone will be along soon who does.
I love those Carrs water biscuits @MeeTooTeeTo . A great foil for all manner of cheeses. Happy to just play their supporting role, and not trying to dominate everything.
And they’re still made in my home city. Lots of us Carlisle folk still call the factory Carrs even though it’s been McVities for years. My mam was a Cracker Packer at Carrs back in the 50s and there’s a statue in their honour.
4.3 this morning for me after a night in the red sand, but it wasn’t enough to wake me (I’m naughty and don’t set alarms on the Libre) and I actually felt like I had a really good, uninterrupted sleep. Funny how a low BG means a good night’s sleep!

@rebrascora - glad you’re starting to feel a bit better and amazing results getting 98% TIR! Hopefully your sense of smell and taste return soon!

Congratulations @eggyg and @everydayupsanddowns on your HS today. @eggyg - sorry to hear the frozen peas have had to make a return!

@freesia - glad you had a better day yesterday.

Is it maybe the generic name for Lantus?
Yes, Glargine is the generic name for Lantus.

Have a good day everyone!
Well done @everydayupsanddowns & @eggyg on those HSs. And thanks @eggyg for your mention yesterday of Carrs Water Biscuits. I bought a packet yesterday and despite a late-night piggy snack with some cheese and peanut butter, I produced a 5.0 this morning. 🙂 So they are back on my list.

I love them, In fact I’m having them for lunch with hummus, I also put pâté, Philadelphia and McClellands strong cheese spread on them. Not all at once I hasten to add!
Is it maybe the generic name for Lantus? I use Levemir so I don’t know much about it. Someone will be along soon who does.
Brill - just googled it and you're absolutely right - phew! 🙂
5.5 on this surprisingly mild late-November morning. Plumber's already here and getting ready to grout the tiles he laid in our downstairs loo yesterday. New toilet due to be delivered today and new radiator tomorrow. The radiator that was in there hasn't got even mildly warm for years so it's being replaced with an electric one, hardwired in as obviously there are no sockets in there.

Swim later, as usual on a Thursday. Was planning on giving it a miss as we have the plumber here but my wife decided to wfh as she would have been the only one of her group in the office today. Pool was the quietest I've seen it when I went Tuesday and I was the only one in the slow lane when I did my final 4 lengths. It was a pretty chilly day, though - maybe that put people off going.

Congratulations @eggyg and @everydayupsanddowns on your HSs

Hope everyone manages to have a good day.
Morning everyone

It’s a very happy 5.2 for me today and the sun is shining and only a very light breeze - bike ride this morning me thinks.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.

5.5 which I know is not high, but haven’t had anything at that level since I had my Covid jab, do have a dodgy stomach and aching all over, but put it all down to the stress of work and the longs working days, thankfully today and tomorrow are just normal hours. Hopefully my colleague will be back next week and it won’t seem so stressful with 2 of us taking the strain. Hoping to be well enough for yoga tonight, won’t go if it turns into a full blown stomach upset.

@freesia - pleased to hear yesterday was a better day, please take a leaf out of my book, this time last year if people had said some of the things they did yesterday, I would have been apologising and offering to help even though the mistakes weren’t mine, and not my issue to correct, whereas this year, I just politely pointed out where the mistake had been made and suggested that is who they talk to, and when one person accused me of not informing them a meeting had changed date, I reminded her how an electronic calendar works that when a meeting is changed it updates everyones, and that when I sent out the agenda I had included the date change in both the title and in the body of the email, oh and I cc’d her and my manager in for good measure as that is what they do to me.

@eggyg, @everydayupsanddowns and @Barrowman - congratulations on our HS triplets today.

lovely and sunny at the moment.
Morning all - what a grey day, but at least it's not raining - at the moment anyway.

7.1 this morning. Didn't have time to turn the laptop on yesterday, but yesterday's FBG was 8.9 which heralded an awful day BG wise. Went to my friend's for lunch (Covent Garden soup, French bread, smoked salmon with blinis, cheese and more bread and lemon tart.) I kept on doing corrections but BG stubbornly rose to 20.6. Rushed home at 4:30 and changed my pod, which was due anyway. Met friends in the pub as per normal on a Wednesday and came home for dinner. As I was still 15.6 I just had a slice of chicken with gravy for dinner. So I am pleased to be back to a reasonable figure this morning. That's ruined my TIR.

Off to see Napoleon this afternoon. Julian is really keen to see it. I hope it's good! Chicken pie this evening - that chicken is going a long way!

@Grannylorraine the "love" was for the way you are sticking up for yourself, not for the way you feel physically - I am sending a hug for that.

@freesia glad to hear you had a better day yesterday and please continue doing what you are doing. FWIW I know how it feels to be so stressed out with work. It's blooming awful. In the job before my last I walked out of a meeting in tears, got signed off sick by the GP and I never actually went back as a previous manager offered me a job where she had gone. So you and @Grannylorraine have my complete sympathy.

@eggyg, @Barrowman and @everydayupsanddowns congratulations on your HSs.

@eggyg fingers crossed your back pain subsides.

Have a good day all.
Good morning. 6.1

Congratulations to the happy threesome attaining HS - @Barrowman @eggyg @everydayupsanddowns
Sorry to hear that the gremlins are biting eggyg again - hope they soon shove off and leave you pain free.

Haven't got much planned for today beyond fetching woodchip from feed merchant for Peachy's bed, a bit of stone carting to the wall site and digging out the highway drain again after some uncouth lad with damned great tractor has decided to drive in and block it - oh and to ring Highways again and give them an earful. I am tempted to install a few spikes in the drain and wait for the happy sound of tyres puncturing - but I will resist. What a bore remaining the right side of the law is.

Have a good day all.
@Martin.A why would the cold put people off swimming?
Unless it’s like my local pool and outdoors of course. Though that’s heated beautifully all year round and is actually quite lovely to swim in if only it wasn’t for the hideous changing facilities.
Not that I go swimming as I don’t enjoy it one iota unless it’s in a beautiful azure sea.