Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.8
A very busy day yesterday. Two walks with Missy and one to the shops. The rest of the day was spent cooking. 20 fish stews. It's the preparation that takes up the time, so much peeling and chopping of the vegetables, of which therre were mounds. All done now, just have to divide it up and find room in the freezers.
Morning all. I’ve only gone and got another blooming 5.2! They’re like buses, don’t see one for ages and then they all come at once! Oh, I also had a unicorn day. What’s the third bit of luck I wonder? The osteopath sorts my back out once and for all? There’s luck, and then there’s miracles!

Anyhoo, I have just caught up on yesterday’s later posts. What a lot of news to take in. We’ve got rock stars in the USA @khskel @ColinUK making soup in a spaceman, everyone’s eating cheese and crackers, @Elenka_HM doing a spot of interior design whilst watching Philomena Cunk ( Mr Eggy loves her) @Gwynn having bad memories of school because @Martin.A went swimming, and @zippyjojo taking photos of biscuit factories! We’re a fab bunch. Keep up the good work.

I’m off to get my back pummelled at 9.30, hence the early hour. I need to prepare myself. I’ll do some icing and heating and load up on paracetamol and ibuprofen about an hour before I leave to loosen everything up and hope it’s not too painful. I had a decent day after the bad start yesterday. Rested until about 10ish, got ready and made the ragu for Saturday’s dinner party, it took a while and I felt okish. Rested and had lunch for a couple of hours and went to Tesco. Mr Eggy did accompany me and pushed the trolley, I just gave him instructions. Got some Christmas presents for the little ones, clothes, books and selection boxes. Got home at 3, I put the shopping away and made the tea and felt not too bad, a bit achy but no acute bouts of pain in hips or legs. Quite happy with that. Here’s hoping.

Have a fab Friday folks and keep on with your rambling on here. I love it!


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Morning all. 6.3 and going up fast after waking earlier to a hypo. Levels the past week have been shocking, lots of highs. The DF has moved into the spare room i think.

@eggyg congrats on the HS and unicorn. I love how you've summed up the posts from yesterday :rofl:
I never quite get the texture of mushroom soup right, it always seems to split and is very grainy.
I might give it another go as we love mushroom soup.
Try blitzing them raw in a blender first like I did. Yes you’re going to be amazed at how many mushrooms it takes to make such a small amount of mushroom paste but the flavour is intense.

4.9 today,

Couldn‘t sleep so got up to make Christmas cakes before I log into work, I can check they are baked quickly during the morning, apart from squats and lunge challenge no exercise planned today, having completed my 100 squats and lunges before yoga yesterday, we did approx 70 squats, did ask if they counted towards today’s total, but the general consensus was no.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS again today, hope your appointment goes well today and you get that miracle.

@Carlos - congratulations on your HS

@Martin.A - I used to swim regularly when my kids were little, but don’t any more, We do have a swimming pool about 35/40 mins walk away, but it is used for other things on the one evening I could make it there, and Sundays when I have time, it is family swim which is understandable.

@freesia - hope your levels settle down.
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6.7 this morning.

Therapy and then I might take myself off to see Napoleon. Might not. I’m undecided.

Didn’t bother with the cake and bake show the other day. I doubted I’d have been able to resist buying things I really don’t need and didn’t fancy the attached Ideal Home Xmas show.
@eggyg In honour of your run of HS’s and unicorns I give you this real house that’s listed for $2.1m




Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Today, hopefully my friend will have recovered and will come to a late thanksgiving supper.

I never really understood what thanksgiving supper was about until I was invited to one a few years back. I know, the clue is in the name! But I always thought it was like our harvest thanksgiving over here...a somewhat ordinary service with fruit and vegetables strewn across the church...'we plough the fields and scarper'. Ahhh memories. But Thanksgiving supper was so different with a great meal and each participant speaking about how God had blessed them and their family and how grateful they were. It actually had real meaning, real feeling, a real purpose.

Today more more more practice.

I was amazed yesterday at just how well my wife is progressing on her keyboard. She found this web site 'simply piano' or something and it has really suited her well. She started that famous song from Shrek 'Hallelujah' and could actually make a decent go of it in minutes. In fact I was so impressed that I worked out the chords and notes and shoved it into my music database. Of course the words I used were not from Shrek. There are another set of words. I never knew that before.

So it's a Pizza thanksgiving supper tonight I hope. My friend was too exhausted and not so well yesterday.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 6.1

Crawled about yesterday barely managing to do the few planned things, sweating a waterfall, neck glands enlarged. Felt as Eeyore would put it "not very how at all". However woke this morning with a spring in my step and a surprising amount of "go". Seems as if the immune system has ignored the steroids and done its job in heading off whatever was sneaking about in the hospital on Tuesday.

Forecast implied that Armageddon was en route but, although the wind is brisk, there is no frost, quite heavy cloud cover and no rain overnight. Not really got any plans, might cart a bit of stone to the building site, more to tidy up the yard than for building as it is now going to be too cold for concrete. May pop over to the coast and visit friends.

Well done @eggyg and @Carlos on your HS.

Have a good day all.
That head over the bed would be enough to give you nightmares!
Actuallt, the whole house would :rofl:
I’m thinking that bedroom was designed with someone really horny in mind
Good morning from Boris and me! After a bad night waking around 2:00am and 5:00am with phantom pain, 2 x digestive biscuits at 0L00 as I was going low woke around 7:00am to start the day at 4.3!

My blurred vision is now recovered from yesterday's visit to Ophthalmology but seemed to have a lot of sleep in my eyes this morning. At least it all went smoothly compared to last time and Wednesday's not a MDT! :( One kindly nurse even got me a snack box and coffee when I was finished. As I couldn't eat much then I had the yogurt with the coffee. There was a tuna mayo sandwich I couldn't eat then but after a longish wait for transport it was lukewarm when I got home so did not dare have it as a light supper.

Lighter cloud with some breaks!
Morning all - 9.1 this morning but sensor saying higher. It's running out in 3 hours and I don't know yet if I'm getting another free one but should find out from the nurse today. Last night I made my variation on the Korean Pork & Kimchi - pork mince, onions, red pepper, kimchi & steamed Brussel sprouts, with gochujang, sesame oil & mayonnaise - YUM! some left over for a small meal too. I went to a yin yoga class in our nearby village last night and oh my goodness it was the loveliest yoga class I've ever done. The yoga loft is carpeted and we each had a chair and a large bag containing a fluffy mat, heated fleecy blanket, yoga blocks, bolster, eye cover, balls etc - it felt like opening a Christmas stocking. We then spent an hour basically doing self massage and stretching (we also used a vibrating stick on our legs which was amazing) all followed by getting cosy and basically going off to sleep for nearly ½ an hour - that is my kind of yoga! It really helped with my twinged muscles from the netball the night before. Did really have any effect on my BG but it was very relaxed so I'm not surprised. And I met a couple more local people. Everyone seems to have moved up from "Down South" (sorry Elaine!). My hubby is off to Australia tomorrow and staying in Edinburgh tonight as his first flight is early - he's away for 2½ weeks and when he gets back it won't be long till Christmas 😱 Have a great day everyone xxx
Well done to @eggyg & @Carlos on those Specials. 5.7 for me today. 🙂
