Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 5.3 here.

Why so early? I’ve got my overdue-review with the Diabetes Consultant, but first of all Gwennie needs her morning walk (in the dark, eek!) and it takes 20 minutes to get to the hospital - and an hour to find a parking space LOL. I hope she’s got positive news on the HCL front and a DAFNE course...why are DAFNE courses so hard to come by? Anyhoo, after the appointment, I’ll treat myself to brunch at one of my fav cafes - the sausages are WOW. 😛

Toddle-oo...happy Monday, folks.
Good morning 5.5 today

we now have EchoDot’s (Alexa) in my bedroom and the kitchen
on waking Alexa in the kitchen this morning she told me JimmI Hendrix was born today in 1942
and on the other device she told meTina Turner was born today in 1940
I find these echo dots a great way to listen to the radio and set timers alarms etc

have a marvellous Monday everyone 😎
Morning all. 🙂 5.3 here.

Why so early? I’ve got my overdue-review with the Diabetes Consultant, but first of all Gwennie needs her morning walk (in the dark, eek!) and it takes 20 minutes to get to the hospital - and an hour to find a parking space LOL. I hope she’s got positive news on the HCL front and a DAFNE course...why are DAFNE courses so hard to come by? Anyhoo, after the appointment, I’ll treat myself to brunch at one of my fav cafes - the sausages are WOW. 😛

Toddle-oo...happy Monday, folks.
Good luck with the appointment @Bloden
Good morning 5.5 today

we now have EchoDot’s (Alexa) in my bedroom and the kitchen
on waking Alexa in the kitchen this morning she told me JimmI Hendrix was born today in 1942
and on the other device she told meTina Turner was born today in 1940
I find these echo dots a great way to listen to the radio and set timers alarms etc

have a marvellous Monday everyone 😎
I bought mum and dad a bunch of echo dots so they’ve got one in the each of the lounge, kitchen, office, master bedroom.

Took them a while to get used to them but I told them to think of them as just voice controlled radios and timers.

Occasionally I’ll call their Alexa or just drop in and spook them a bit just for shits and giggles!
Good morning from Boris and good moaning from me! Woken again by phantom pain despite a reasonable BG of 7.2. Just totally fed up with it! :(

No appointments today but hoping wheelchair repair man will come as on his last visit he didn't fix the problem. Said I had a loose valve but the tyre still needs pumping up a minimum of daily! :( Probably said it as they don't carry inner tunes in their vans full of air. The time and money for a return visit probably costs far more than the inner tube! Totally ridiculous as my is a standard wheelchair with 26" wheels. Grr...
Morning all, 8.2 here. Was down in the 4s in the middle of the night, but I didn’t sleep very well, and seem to have had a massive Dawn effect. I don’t normally sleep badly, I went out to a garden centre yesterday afternoon, and had a really strong double shot flat white (didn’t know it was going to be that strong!) but I find it hard to believe that caffeine at 4pm would still be keeping me awake 12 hours later, especially as I went straight to sleep at 11pm as usual, but woke around 2am.
Morning all. 7.5, that’ll be last night’s fish and chips. We couldn’t face the leftover dinner party food. I split my doses and it seemed to work.

Back feeling somewhat better, just a dull ache in the sacrum area where she toggled it. I suggested a short walk yesterday, just over two miles, just took it slowly but I managed without pain. Feeling hopeful for our holiday on Friday, the weather forecast is tantalising fantastic, sunny and cold, perfect walking weather. Fingers crossed for another successful session at the osteopath on Thursday morning.

We’re going to the Lake District today, won’t be climbing or walking though, we’ve been invited to lunch by the people who look after Mr Eggy’s pension, this is the first time they’ve held one in Cumbria so it would have been rude not to accept. Someone else cooking for me and for nowt, what more could I ask for?

@42istheanswer I hope your child is ok and you get some rest.
@Bloden good luck with your appointment and I hope you manage to get on a DAFNE course.
@Robin Mr Eggy suffers the same with chocolate or cola, even hours afterwards. He couldn’t have a drink of cola past lunch time or he would be awake all night with a racing heart.

Have a good day all, it’s wet and cold up here.
A third 5.3 in a row for me today. 🙂

Morning all - 10.0 for me this morning. I started on 12 units last night (upped from 10 by the GP). I looked at 6am and it was 8.1 so slightly disappointed when it had gone up 1½ hours later. I took Mum to Ambleside yesterday to a big garden centre with a massive Christmas department but she couldn't be swayed by any of their artificial trees. The trouble is that the design has changed since she got her last one and now when you look in the middle they have what looks like bicycle spokes and also quite a lot of them are very plasticy even though they look very real from a couple of feet away. I think she's going to get a real tree after all but at least I can't say we didn't try! Anyway we then went to Grasmere and I was very restrained and went into the Gingerbread shop and bought one solitary piece which I had with my coffee when I got home. I've also now finished the crisps in the house so won't be tempted by them and need to resist getting more at the shops. I've got an appointment with the diabetic dietician on Thursday which will be good. I did one of the one day DESMOND courses when I was first diagnosed but then life got in the way and I think I was pretending to myself that I hadn't lost two thirds of my pancreas and that I wasn't now diabetic. I've got a couple of friends from our old village popping in for a cup of tea this afternoon on their way to Grange (we're not remotely on the way but as they're up in the Lakes they wanted to come and see where we live now so that's going to be lovely seeing them). Carrying on in the garden today moving the last few lavender bushes which is going to be very muddy because as @eggyg said it's been raining up here. Have a lovely day everyone x

4.9 after another busy weekend where I achieved everything I wanted to do. Today will be work and running, with maybe a bit of crotchet between the work and running.

@Anji53 - congratulations on your HS.

@eggyg - pleased to hear you are starting to feel better

@42istheanswer - hope everyone is now ok.
After yesterday's 6.0 I'm back down where I usually am with a 5.3 on this rather gloomy morning. It can't seem to decide whether it wants to rain or not.

Town was packed yesterday with our Winter Carnival being on, despite a constant light drizzle. Usual mix of charity and craft stalls and every kind of fast food you could think of, plus a funfair. You could barely move for people in some places. Managed to grab lunch at our usual cafe before heading back home. That was busier than we'd ever seen it too.

Back on painting duty today. Started to paint our downstairs loo yesterday evening, now that our plumber's finished, and got halfway round, but looking at the walls this morning in daylight I can see where some touching up is needed. Hopefully the electrician will be here later to wire in the radiator.

@Anji53 - congrats on an HS this morning and hope everything goes well with your other half's echocardiogram.

@42istheanswer - hope everyone's OK with your young one.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
I took Mum to Ambleside yesterday to a big garden centre with a massive Christmas department but she couldn't be swayed by any of their artificial trees.
Ah, that’s a shame but Hayes is lovely to visit. We’ll probably pop in on Friday on the way to Coniston after we’ve been to our favourite butchers in Ambleside and we’ll have some lunch somewhere. Enjoy your visitors, are they going to Grange in Borrowdale or Grange over Sands? We won’t be a million miles from Grange over Sands today, lovely place. So is Grange in Borrowdale too, purported to be the wettest place in England!