Group 7-day waking average?

good luck with your appointment and I hope you manage to get on a DAFNE course
Ta v much @eggyg and @freesia. It went very well cos the consultant is lovely. I’m eligible for the closed loop, apparently! <happy dance emoji>
She gave me some homework: I’ve to get myself a new phone (ie one that’s compatible with the Dexcom G6), and we’ll take it from there. I cried when I got back to the car...relief, I think, cos I do struggle with my diabeastie at times. o_O😛 Woohoo!
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Good evening not morning today.

6.2 at 8 am. Did read some posts whilst drinking my cuppa this morning, but then rushed around as we were going into Truro today. to do some Xmas shopping.

Stopped at Matalan on the way as I had a 20% off coupon. Treated ourselves to a new duvet set - we've been saying for ages that all ours more resemble tissue paper than cotton! We've now unpacked and decided we like it, so may go back for another as I got another 20% off coupon when I paid. J got a few things for himself that were badly needed. We decided to skip the park and ride as you often have to park miles from the bus stop and the weather has been uncertain all day. In the end I got 5 stocking fillers for Julian and a couple of small presents for a g/f who is spending Xmas with us. I already have her main pressie. Plus a box of Xmas crackers. We then had a sandwich and a coffee in M&S (where my low alarm decided to screech - shopping always does it!). One more stop before staggering back to the car park pretty laden and at the moment we left the last shop it decided to hiss down and it was a fair walk to the car park! Typical! All in all it was a very satisfying days shopping even though I am thoroughly exhausted. Going down to the local for a meal shortly, so no cooking for me tonight!

Congratulations @Anji53 on your HS

@42istheanswer I do hope your child is alright and can come home soon.

@ColinUK will be interested in your take on Napoleon.

Hugs to everyone who needs one!
Didn't you still have some chicken to eat up? @Pattidevans
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I’m posting this now, while I’m still up & remembered! 😳🙄:D

It’s my 52nd Birthday & I just sang Happy Birthday to me & had a few childish fishing attempts on my iPad mini trying to get Siri to say Happy Birthday, Lanny: he DID about 50% of the time; BUT, just cannot get him to sing it to me! :rofl: I’m haven’t been THIS childish with Siri for QUITE some time! 🙄😉:rofl:

I’ve been AWFULLY distracted, I know 😳, these last 3 weeks while watching Wonderland of Love which is just now, 27.11.2023, over with just 40 episodes rather than the original 46: the rules for airing dramas was just changed earlier this year that all dramas over 40 episodes have to be aired in two parts with each part being at least 4 months apart; WOL was nearly finished post production when those rules were announced & they delayed airing it by about 6 weeks & re-edited the 46 episodes down to 40 so, it could be aired in one go! I only realised this quite late last week when the finale was announced as episode 40. But, I did think it was very fast paced, faster than usual, & I DO think that splitting it in two would have been detrimental! The drama is, I think, a lot better for it without those extra 6 episodes as it’s tighter/faster paced! 😛😎:D

Just about to go to bed as I have a face to face diabetic review at the hospital tomorrow, on my Birthday, & it’s definitely getting easier to put on my socks now so, I’m still losing weight very slowly! 🙂 That’s not to say my belly is looking noticeably smaller, though! It’s SO easy to pile it on & SO slow & hard to shift it! 🙄:rofl: But, it’s going in the right direction now! Still on 68 tresiba as I DID struggle the first week after my cycle & was just about to put it back up to 70 the following week when it started to ease a bit so, now on week 3 when there are signs of BS going a bit low overnight. May go down a bit more now this week, the week starts on Thursday because that’s the day I first put the libre on! See what the doctor thinks tomorrow?

So, a Very Good Night, if anyone is still up, & I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow & more regularly now that I’m not SO distracted! 😳🙄😉
6.7 this morning

@Pattidevans Honestly I was a bit underwhelmed by Napoleon. Sure there are some impressive battle scenes but at no point was a made to give a damn about Napoleon or really about Josephine.
To me it seemed muddled and without a point of view beyond N wasn’t particularly nice and mumbled a lot.
That said it’s clearly going to get Oscar nominations but other than technical ones I don’t think it was good enough to win anything.

I’d give it a Colin’s Cultural Corner rating of just three C’s out of a possible five.
Morning all. 🙂 7.0 here.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday @Lanny, Happy Birthday to you!!!! Hip hip, hooray!

(Shame you couldn’t hear that, it was sung beautifully, hahaha 😉).

I’m hoping the day breaks asap. It’s walkies o’clock and I’d rather not go out in the dark. The beach was pitch black yesterday morning, apart from a wriggly black shape with dotty blue lights at knee height - very short aliens? o_O No, a black labrador with lights on its collar.:rofl:
I’m posting this now, while I’m still up & remembered! 😳🙄:D

It’s my 52nd Birthday & I just sang Happy Birthday to me & had a few childish fishing attempts on my iPad mini trying to get Siri to say Happy Birthday, Lanny: he DID about 50% of the time; BUT, just cannot get him to sing it to me! :rofl: I’m haven’t been THIS childish with Siri for QUITE some time! 🙄😉:rofl:

I’ve been AWFULLY distracted, I know 😳, these last 3 weeks while watching Wonderland of Love which is just now, 27.11.2023, over with just 40 episodes rather than the original 46: the rules for airing dramas was just changed earlier this year that all dramas over 40 episodes have to be aired in two parts with each part being at least 4 months apart; WOL was nearly finished post production when those rules were announced & they delayed airing it by about 6 weeks & re-edited the 46 episodes down to 40 so, it could be aired in one go! I only realised this quite late last week when the finale was announced as episode 40. But, I did think it was very fast paced, faster than usual, & I DO think that splitting it in two would have been detrimental! The drama is, I think, a lot better for it without those extra 6 episodes as it’s tighter/faster paced! 😛😎:D

Just about to go to bed as I have a face to face diabetic review at the hospital tomorrow, on my Birthday, & it’s definitely getting easier to put on my socks now so, I’m still losing weight very slowly! 🙂 That’s not to say my belly is looking noticeably smaller, though! It’s SO easy to pile it on & SO slow & hard to shift it! 🙄:rofl: But, it’s going in the right direction now! Still on 68 tresiba as I DID struggle the first week after my cycle & was just about to put it back up to 70 the following week when it started to ease a bit so, now on week 3 when there are signs of BS going a bit low overnight. May go down a bit more now this week, the week starts on Thursday because that’s the day I first put the libre on! See what the doctor thinks tomorrow?

So, a Very Good Night, if anyone is still up, & I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow & more regularly now that I’m not SO distracted! 😳🙄😉
Happy Birthday!
Morning all. 7.4 and a cold and frosty morning. Forecast good though, dry and sunny intervals.

I know you must be sick to death of my back woes ( TBF not as much as I am) but I’m going to whinge again. Frozen peas/ hot water bottle are out in force. :( I’m presuming it’s yesterday’s outing. An hours drive each way and three hours sitting on a hard chair whilst listening to stuff I really have no interest in, bull and bear markets, yields, stocks and shares ISAs blah blah blah. At least I got fed.

Today is another day and I don’t have to leave the house but I have loads to do as the next two days are packed to the rafters. I’ll catch up with I’m a Celeb, even though Grace has left, and do the ironing. Mr Eggy has volunteered but I’m sort of OCD with laundry, ironing in particular. I’ll keep sitting down if my back hurts, I promise. Need to get our walking gear out ready for packing on Friday morning, not 100% sure I’ll need it but I’m nowt if not an optimist.

@Lanny happy birthday.
@Bloden glad it went well for you yesterday.
@Robin a one bed flat is too good for her. A basement studio with damp and cockroaches sounds much more appropriate.

Have a good day.
Happy Birthday @Lanny 🙂

A 5.4 for me this morning. Have to wait in this morning for a delivery from Yodel. Wish me luck! 🙄

Good morning. 6.1

@Lanny Happy birthday

Yesterday's forecast of light rain manifested as intermittent deluges but made it to appointment on time and was away home within the hour. I wonder hiow long it will be for the results as still awaiting result from bone scan 3 months ago...I thought IT was meant to speed up communications?

Have a good day all.
Morning it was 8. I've gotten myslef Abit concerned as I was the burning sensation I'm feeling I was feeling in my chest(which a and e decided was a muscle thing). I'm klnow felling in arm. I checked my ketones was I was feeling quite sick they 0.7(I checked with a figdt prick for blood suger to make sure it dexcom was accurate and it was) so they were a little high but shouldn't be high enough to cause problems and I've hadnt eaten yet at that point I think I have come down with something else as well. But with the burning sensations I can't help but be a little worried.
6.2 today
Hubby had echocardiogram at hospital yesterday but now we have to wait for results and appointment with consultant to discuss results
used to see her straight afterwards in the past but they’ve changed the system and now you have to wait for a phone call and appointment. Not good for people with heart problems.