Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg Happy Ganoutaversary to you and Mr Eggy. Enjoy the vino and spag bol. The photo of you both takes me back...hairstyles, clothes, music.....
Congratulations on the HS as well.
Good morning 7.9 today
off to the vampires shortly

Back door done yesterday, all good except I forgot to request a thumb tern on the inside so needs to be locked with the key each time you come home, but the window fitter showed me how to change it so that’s not so bad.

I'm getting slight pain in my ankle which is annoying, but seeing Physiotherapist next week (a different one to before) as I’ve been moved on to another,
you know how it is with the NHS these days,
will see what she says,
must dash vampire’s appointment in 15 Min

have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

Happy 48YearsTogetherAversary @eggyg!!!

I’m trying not to count down to my last classes (a week today!) before Xmas. I hope my Welsh students don’t go off the boil, they’re such an enthusiastic bunch, but a month without their Welsh class is ridiculous - I’m going to email them a revision sheet every week to stop them from forgetting everything! 😱🙂
Back from the Vampires now
relax for 5 min before setting off to work

Happy 48th Ganoutaversary
congrats on the HS @eggyg
Back into Fiveland this morning with a 5.4 - yay!

Absolutely hating these dark, gloomy days at the moment. Couldn’t really tell what was daylight yesterday as it poured all day and was so dark.

Happy Ganoutaversay to @eggyg ! Love the picture - really frightening how the years flash by! Life only makes sense when viewed backwards - trouble is you have to live it forwards. (based on the Soren Kierkegaard, philosopher quote)

@ColinUK - hope you get over your cold and start to feel better soon.

For all those suffering and struggling, sending hugs.

Take care everyone!
Happy Anniversary @eggyg 🙂
A 5.5 for me this morning.

Morning all - 7.6 for me today and 85% in the green. Off to take my Mum to Kendal for a hearing aid appointment this morning. I've just made the most of hubby being on the other side of the world and (contrary to his advice) have just clicked "purchase" on a 9ft pre-lit artificial Christmas tree for our barn. I explained to him that I want to be able to make it instantly Christmassy and obviously being a barn it needed something big and that I want to use all our proper lights and decs on the tree in the house but we're having Christmas Lunch in the barn because there are 12 of us, etc, etc, etc. I signed the message "from your Christmas Fairy xxx" so I'm sure it will all be fine and it helps that he's 12 hours ahead and probably very tired so hopefully no instant repercussions :rofl: @eggyg Happy Ganoutaversary - it's funny how sayings change isn't it? When I was young we "Got Off" with someone which always sounds horrible but when my daughter referred to "Getting With" I corrected her as if "Got Off with" was so much nicer! @ColinUK hope your cold is having it's final blast before leaving you alone. Have a great day everyone.

5.5 today, asthma nurse appointment went pretty well, her scales make me a 1lb less than slimming world, and no longer in the overweight category, the down side was I had a low blood oxygen level, not low enough to send me to hospital, but she thinks it is probably i have a virus, as my chest was clear when she listened, so she advised me not to go running last night and rest for a couple of days. Chest does feel a little bit tight again this morning so I have taken her advice and taken today off sick, I’ll get a cab round to my mums as hubby can pick me up. Weigh day today at SW so see what I am on their scales this evening.

@eggyg double congratulations today on your HS and your Ganoutaversary.

@ColinUK - hope you feel better soon, you seem to have been suffering for a while now.
I'm with @freesia on the 6.1 step on this wet and miserable Berkshire morning, though it's not quite as bad as yesterday when it pretty well rained all day. Swim later but fortunately I have a car available as our eldest is WFH today.

@eggyg congratulations on your HS and to you and Mr Eggy on your 48 years together. I have to say you've both aged well.

@ColinUK & @Grannylorraine - hope you both feel better soon. Not 100% myself this morning (or yesterday) as my IBS is giving me some discomfort. That might be what's pushed me into the 6s these last three days.

@Gwynn - hope you approve of our Xmas window decals..........


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Good morning. 6.7

A beautiful sunny day here and quite mild.

The Highway men finished deepening the roadside drains yesterday - now to wait to see if the tarmac chaps come over and build the sleeping policement at the gate.

Today, despite, the lovely weather, I am confined to barracks - Octopus are coming to change my meter and fit a smart one. I hope it works as I have been without for 4 years after switching to EDF. If it works I shall look into the schemes which reward you for not using much electricity at peak times. Has anyone tried them?

Congratulations @eggyg and Mr E on your anniversary. Enjoy your spag bol and vino. And an HS too!

Enjoy the day all.
Good morning! 5'2 today.

Congratulations @eggyg on the HS and especially the Ganoutaversary! Wow, they don't make couples like that anymore...

I'm excited to go to Totnes Christmas market today 🙂 I plan to take the 2pm bus, until then I'll do a quick clean of the room, wash my hair and have some lunch. A friend might be joining me later in Totnes, she said by the time she can come I might have gone already, but she doesn't know how long I can take for shopping! Plus I will probably have dinner there, so I'll be around if she finally can make it.
Morning all, it's a happy 5.1 for me this sunny morning after a night of rain.

Stay safe everyone.
Very happy with a 5.9 this morning on Libre and no time in the red sand. Yippee! I did however take my levels up to 11.5 with a hot chocolate and have a tin of tuna with mayonnaise ie. protein and fat to give me more stability overnight and it looks like that helped. I am out of cheese as I didn't get to the shops yesterday as planned, so tuna did the job instead.

@freesia I have awarded you a gold star this morning for your levels flat line overnight, made all the more impressive by following your birthday. Hope it doesn't mean you didn't have any birthday treats!

@Elenka_HM Congrats on your House Special this morning and hope you have a lovely time in Totnes.

@eggyg I love that you remember the date you first went out together and still together all these years later and still having fun like two young kids. The pronunciation is probably slightly different here but the words are the same. Happy Ganootanniversary and many congrats on your House Special too. What stars you both are! Absolutely love the photo!

@ColinUK and @Grannylorraine Hope you are both over your virus/bugs soon and hope your tummy settles down too @Martin.A

@TinaD So pleased you are getting something done to stop the surface water, just make sure they put the sleeping policeman in the right place, I wouldn't trust them to put it where it actually turns the water into your drive instead of turning it away. We had some work done on the mill race here a few years ago and the contractor was trying to dig it to make the water flow upstream!! It was originally dug over 300years ago by guys with shovels and presumably a very rudimentary spirit level and these guys can't get it right with an excavator and modern laser theodolites! It ran for 6 months after £20,000 worth of work and then dried up. What a waste of council money!