Group 7-day waking average?

Hope you get some positive news soon @ColinUK - must be so worrying for you :(
Morning all - what a difference to yesterday! Today it's thick fog and I mean thick!

Well, well, well 5.2 again! Hard to believe, especially after a full roast dinner with roast pots last night!

Meeting friends in town this afternoon and chicken curry tonight with sag aloo if I get a bag of spinach in town. I picked the bag of new pots up yesterday to get to the Maris Pipers and a horrid smell issued. 3 of the new pots were rotten, so I cooked the remainder before they went rotten too. First world problem, at least we have enough to eat unlike some in this world.

@ColinUK so sorry to hear you have friends and family missing and hope they turn up soon.

@MeeTooTeeTo Congrats on your HS.

Well done @Grannylorraine, have added a small donation.

Have a good day all.


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Another morning with the sky the colour of milk and no blue, but no rain forecast so might give the grass a (hopefully) final cut of the year before things turn wetter later this week. 5.7 again this morning - same as yesterday.

Full house today as my wife and our eldest are WFH and our youngest doesn't work Mondays, although he is meeting up with mates for golf this afternoon. Painted half the utility area yesterday so will finish that off today. It won't take long as there's not a lot of wall - it's mostly cupboards, plus the washing machine and tumble dryer.

Rugby World Cup QFs now decided and Wales have Argentina, who beat Japan yesterday in what turned out to be a real see-saw of a match. As expected Australia are heading home after Fiji snatched the runner-up spot in their group despite a surprise loss to Portugal. I don't think they'll trouble England much if they play like that in the QFs.

@Pattidevans and @Colin g - congratulations on yesterday’s HSs, and @MeeTooTeeTo and @Pattidevans on yours this morning.

@ColinUK - what a worrying time for you. So sorry.
Morning all and it was 5.5 for me. Oddly enough it was still 5.5 after I got up. What happened to FOTF? Capricious little so and so this diabetes.

Studio this aft and evening. Our drummer's other band who use it occasionally appear to have re wired everything so could take some sorting before rehearsal.

Have a good day everyone.
6.4 for me this morning. Need to try to dial back on the carbs after a weekend of eating cakes (some I had made...) but it may also be partly that I have a low grade viral illness (not covid but not sure what) with sore throat and headache.
Thank you all for your best wishes. No news.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
I was 8.2 which was ok for me
And a 6.4 for me at 08.50 this morning.....
Good evening everyone. 8.8 when I woke up this morning, much preferable to the previous three mornings when I‘d had to take action to avoid hypos in the early hours.
OH took me into town to pick up new glasses then we went for a (wheelchair) saunter through town and the park finishing up with very cheap but nice wine and tapas at the university campus restaurant.
Good evening! A rather late post. I was totally drained yesterday after six hours if constant pain. The heating here comes from a central (super) boiler with the controls on the flat being complex but not that effective. Result was I felt the conditions of the Qatar GP and, went to bed overheated and perspiring gently. When I woke this motning I felt cold and under the weather. The change in meds may also be affecting me. Felt slightly better as the day passed and just had a two-hour nap.

And after all that my waking BG was 6.7.