Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 🙂 5.0 here. Ah, that’s better. My bg’s been bonkers all week. I blame my flu jab on Tuesday...:confused:...?

Had a fab haircut yesterday with a new (to me) stylist cos my man Dan was too busy. Uh oh, I’d best find out when Dan’s day off is, cos I really like what the newbie did. #FirstWorldProblem or what?
Good morning - 8.0

Have a great day everyone
Morning all, 5.9 here. Will be getting a workout later, daughters turn to ride the pony today, but she’s persuaded me to go and shunt poles around for her in the show jumping paddock, could be the last time before the jumps are put away for the winter.
It was a 6.0 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning. 6.6 at 8am. Another lovely morning.

Yesterday, we had a glorious afternoon on the beach, we couldn’t go any earlier as the tide was in! So we had a lazy morning, some washing and tidying up. We had lunch on the patio, with a wee glass of something, well we are on holiday! Went down to the beach about 2.30. Got ourself ensconced on a seat shaped rock. Read my book for a while and went for a paddle. Mr Eggy wandered right into the sea up to his waist, but the surf meant at times it went over his head! It was busy with surfers and bodyboarders and you’d have thought it was July or we were abroad. It was really hot at times. And poor Scotland having torrential rain and landslides etc. apparently back home it was very gusty, wet but mild, flood warnings issued in certain areas of the city!

More of the same today, gets a bit cooler tomorrow ( only 21c!).

@ColinUK hope all with family and friends. @Grannylorraine good luck for today, a very good cause.

Have a super, sunny Sunday everyone. Unless you’re up north, wrap up and stay home!

Just some self indulgent snaps today.


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Morning all. 4.4. Had a fab day yesterday with my friend and Dawn French was really funny. Today will be spent catching up on housework.
5.0 this morning for me.

Really enjoyed seeing my aunts, uncles and cousins yesterday at my aunt’s 80th party. So nice to see them all in happy circumstances instead of at the funerals over recent times!

Planning a quiet, lazy day today. Meant to be full sun but so far high cloud but bright at least.

Congratulations @Anji53 on your HS yesterday!

@ColinUK - hope friends and family are all ok in Israel.

Have a good day everyone!
That might mean all this low carb and medication has reduced me by 20 . I was hoping for more. ((( tears))) emoticon
Any reduction is a victory so don’t lose heart!

Looking back I had almost 5 years with high HbA1c, although in my case it turned out that I was T1 so the T2 treatment pathway had no effect for me. Keep going and bit by bit I’m sure you will be able to reduce your HbA1c further.
Morning all - Another glorious day today. According to our outside thermometer it was 80F yesterday afternoon and the thermometer was in the shade!

5.2 this morning! It didn't register with me at the time as I was half-asleep. I'd had a sleepless night, finally falling asleep around 6:30 and then oversleeping until gone 9:30.

Covid and flu jab this afternoon for both of us. Supposed to be making more grape jelly from the juice that's been straining all night, but Julian's back has seized up and he doesn't think he can get the jars from the loft. The poor man is walking round bent over, despite strong pain-killers. So apart from doing a roast I haven't got much on.

Congrats to @Colin g also on the HS step.

Good luck @Grannylorraine this afternoon

@ColinUK hoping all the family in Israel are fine.

@eggyg pleased to see what fun you are having - lovely photos as always.

Have a good day all.


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@Pattidevans not too bothered about lack of restaurants in Boscastle as we always go self-catering and usually only eat out on the evening before we go home, but thanks for the heads up. My wife's only just started looking and we might easily end up somewhere else.
Ah, in that case Boscastle might be just what you are looking for. We usually go self catering too, but eat out a lot, though if we go to France, we usually have a substantial lunch out and then just have cold meats and cheeses in the evening. Much as I love cooking I do like a rest from it on holiday 😉
Congrats to @Colin g and @Pattidevans on your HS.
@ColinUK i hope everyone is ok.
@eggyg it looks like you're having a great time. How lovely to get in the sea at this time of year.
@Nayshiftin as @Eternal422 says any reduction is a win. Keep at it, you'll get there i'm sure.
Good morning! 5'8.

I've been lurking without posting for most of the week I think. Keeping updated with the thread but I didn't have much to tell you, just work and sleep since Wednesday!

I didn't take insulin since the end of August and my time in range is not affected. However the last 4 days or so I've seen my BG before/between meals is been mostly in the 6s instead of the 4s and 5s I was used to. It doesn't look like a big difference but I guess I should keep an eye on it.
Any reduction is a victory so don’t lose heart!

Looking back I had almost 5 years with high HbA1c, although in my case it turned out that I was T1 so the T2 treatment pathway had no effect for me. Keep going and bit by bit I’m sure you will be able to reduce your HbA1c further.
Thanks for vote if confidence.
It was 11.(perhaps 12 I can't get remember and as dex has no log book it's difficult to tell I had eaten in middle of night because I a bit wired(I wasn't hypo im I'll at the moment and also may have been something to do with something to do with fact I was still awake trying to sleep hadn't eaten since five yesterday(it did seem to help a bit maybe not the best idea blood sugar in. Something.i figured it was probably okay going of dexcom I have based on it average performance so far. I did double check a bit mainly because I was feeling wired I probably have double checked a bit too much over the last few days so I can probably stop(I've only just starting using and hadn't said yes to the prescription I can see it useful to make better decisions on adjustments and doses(because I've allready seen myself but I am finding myself looking quite a lot even easier to do the the libre was you just got to look).

4.7 today, had a lovely day at the knitting and stitching show, got a nice monkey blanket to crotchet for my hubby and a small project for myself. Managed to keep my spend below £100, and not big purchases, well except how big the blanket will be when finished.

off to take part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon today, if anyone has a spare £1 or £2 I am running for British Heart Foundation. I’ll update on my time later, but not go8ng for a time.

Good afternoon
today 7.2 after another lazy morning
yesterday was 8. something (can’t remember exactly)
think I’ve missed loads of posts

good luck with your run @Grannylorraine

congratulations on the HS @Pattidevans & @Colin g

I’m shocked at what happened in Israel yesterday
thoughts are with your friends & family @ColinUK
Plus, anybody else affected by war & conflicts around the world.

Great photos again from @eggyg ‘s tour of the West Country, it’s a beautiful place.

spoke to my GP (on the phone on Friday)
I now have some more physio lined up, for my tennis elbow
so I’m under one physio for my ankle,
and from tomorrow morning another this time for my elbow 😉
need to improve my fitness so the support will be most welcome.

felt quite good yesterday
as was walking unaided, when I visited my brother (he’s in hospital) best place if your un-well,
hopefully he will be back home by the end of next week

im not usually a massive rugby fan, but enjoyed yesterday evenings Ireland vs Scotland game and looks like Japan are in with a chance vs Argentina .. o no as I said that Argentina have just scored again …😳
maybe I shouldn’t ve said anything about the score :rofl:

have a Super Dooper Sunshine Sunday
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