Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Forget the rest of the measurements as they are all pretty much the same as always

After moving heavy stuff around the East wing music room (on my own I hasten to add...Butler was away), all of yesterday, I ache all over. But I got 99% of the job done. Everything is in a better place. AND after a bit of 'fiddling' it all works too (now that is wouldn't believe how many wires are involved). Well it all worked, except for a very old keyboard that my wife wanted to be included (so that she can try to learn to play too!). So, unknown to her I bought her a new keyboard at about 2am this morning!!! It arrives on Monday and then the orchestral suite (ha ha 🙂 ) will be complete.


Yup 2am. I just couldn't sleep. So I got up, had a cup of coffee and a huge dollop of icecream (Vienetta) and later, after breaking the bank, slept soundly. And still at 6:30am my BG is really good.

Today covid and flu jabs at 10am. Sainsburys delivery at 1pm (another surprise for my wife). An exercise walk with my friend at 2pm. Oh and lots of rest inbetween all the other stuff.

have a great day today whatever you are doing.

Yesterday was honestly exhausting. Turned 1100 bottles of wine. Don’t ask.

Today I’m meeting up with the folks to see Crazy for You this afternoon and sorting out a service for one of their iPads that’s stopped working. C’est tout.
As predicted up early this morning with the grandchildren waiting until 6am until coming into our room to announce it was morning! Anyway, 4.7 when that happened.

Once my daughter picks up the grandchildren later this morning we will be off to my aunt’s 80th birthday party, so a nice chance to see her and catch up with my other aunts, uncles and cousins.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all

Yes it is the weekend so as usual I am unable to sleep past 7.30. Anyway, 4.7 today, off the the Knit and Stitch show at Ally Pally with the knit and natter group. Sorted a Slimming World friendly lunch to take with me, just need to leave early enough to grab a price of fruit on en route as Saturday is big shop day so hubby doing that while I am out so no fruit in the house. Dinner all prepped last night to go in the slow cooker just need hubby to put that on about 2pm.

Have a great Saturday.
Morning all. 4.3 and the graph shows i've been red most of the night. Strange, as i don't feel groggy and i certainly don't remember the alarm going off. Its ruined my TIR. Its the last few hours of the sensor and i'm going to activate the new one this morning as the old one runs out at a very inconvenient time.

I'm really looking forward to today. I'm going out with a friend, meeting at 12, for a mooch around shops then dinner and the theatre to see Dawn French. This is our christmas present to each other from last year. We didn't know what to buy so decided to do something instead.

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
Woken up not long after 5 o'clock by sneezing in my sleep, then sneezed twice more in quick succession. That ever happened to anyone else? My wife turned over and pulled the duvet up so I guess I must have woken her, although she didn't say anything. I did manage to go back to sleep and woke up just before 7, which is my normal time. Got up and tested - 5.5 - while the kettle boiled.

A real World Cup Rugby Fest today with all four home nations in action and the QF line-ups still not decided. Wales up first at 2 o'clock v Georgia (nickname The Lelos, I discovered yesterday - who knew?) but the pick of the three matches today is Ireland v Scotland this evening.

Just me for most of the day as my wife's off to Bedfordshire later for a friend's 60th birthday party, staying overnight at her sister's, our youngest has a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's and our eldest won't be back from his girlfriend's place in London until sometime this afternoon. Utility area off our kitchen still needs painting so that'll be my job for the day. Painting is so much easier when there's no one else here.

Mid-20s forecast for here today, although I don't think more northerly parts are going to be as lucky, and I see Scotland has an amber warning for heavy rain. Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's Saturday.