Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 7.0

Have a great day everyone
I am still using a ‘SIBIONICS’ sensor.
No metformin (500mg a day) for five days:


I never saw results this close with a Libre.
Good mofning everyone

Wake 5:30am
Temp 36.4
BG 5.4
Pulse 51
Oxy 96
BP 116/72

Having got my music keyboard running well with my new laptop so that I can record stuff, I sprnt the evening dismsntling it all, ready for a new arrangement this morning to attach some old midi modules to another older keyboard. Such fun. BUT by the end of last nights efforts, moving very heavy stuff, my muscles ached (of course) but so did my heart!!! My heart still hurts this morning. Should I be concerned I wonder. Never had this before. I wonder if I should rest and take it easy today.

Anyway, today non-sensical vampire visit again. I really don"t know how to get them all to do sensible things. It would even cost the NHS less to do less duplicate tests and look at recent results first.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 10.2 here...who knows!

Managed to hit the bull’s eye this morning and get some pee into one of those skinny little tubes. Spotted Type 2 Diabetes on the attached form...really? So crossed it out and wrote Type 1 in big letters.
Maybe it’s time to give the 2 conditions completely different names, two utterly different words that would help medical-types, journalists, the general public not to muddle them up. Type 1 could be, I dunno (sticks finger in dictionary) feasible and Type 2 (sticks finger in dictionary again) pandemonium. Wow, those really were random dictionary selections...spooky. 😳

Morning all, 4.1 at the moment, just coming up from a typical compression low, the tell tale V shaped dip has appeared on the graph, after I woke up with my sensor arm squashed under me.
Hate to mention the C word, but I made my Christmas mincemeat yesterday, I don’t normally start this early but we’ve had such a bad crop of apples on our Bramley that they’re not going to store. (and our eating apples fell prey to the resident jackdaws from next door, who decided that taking a peck out of every single one they could spot was a fun game).
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Morning all. Clickety click, 6.6. Had a very up and down day, and not the hill type, maybe because I sat on my backside most of the day! Or was it maybe me eating pizza! I’m not a pizza lover but we bought a big one and it needed eaten, so we shared as Mr Eggy couldn’t face a full one. I didn’t win. Pizza 1 Eggy 0!

Off to Bude today, it’s not far, e briefly visited a few years ago when we walked from Devon on the SWCP, but never ventured into the town. I believe it’s a lovely little town, looking forward to that. After yesterday’s pathetic 1.5 miles, down to the beach, I’m hoping to get some decent mileage in today but without going on the SWCP!

Have a fab Friday. Can’t believe we’ve been here a week already. Still can’t remember which cupboards I’ve put things in though. Although I have fathomed the dishwasher out, and that’s the main thing. 😉

Here’s a few from Crackington Haven beach yesterday. I just love the rock formations down there.


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Good moaning! A disappointing 11.3. For some reason it's been climbing since midnight while I slept peacefully making up for the previous night's sleep depravation caused by phantom pain!

Not a lot on today. Have to check and pay some bills. Also need to try and complete supermarket shop early as I tend to leave things out otherwise. Might send another email to They were bad as EON but are 100 times worse since they rebranded as I. As everywhere else these days nobody owns a problem and so far I have had waffle and no answer from three individuals! I suspect at least one, probably two, are based overseas as had some truly bizarre English.

Still overcast...
Happy Friday everyone! 5.4 for me today.

We’ve got the grandchildren tonight overnight, so an early start tomorrow morning for us :rofl:

Congratulations on your HS @harbottle - looks like you’re getting pretty accurate results with the Sibionics sensor!

@eggyg - lovely pictures, looks like you’re having a great time in Cornwall!

Have a great Friday everyone!
That's my numbers this morning I'm still getting a idea of the dexcom one ageceny at moment I think I'm okay with the difference this morning as even though the line arrow says it steady I could see the le was actually going up plus I'm awarw he meter ist 100 percent acurte either as it's allowed be out by 15. Plus I probably need a drink.
Well done @harbottle on that 5.2. A 5.8 for me today. 🙂
Dull grey sky and drizzly. :(

Morning all! A 5.8 for me on emerging from the duvet (a brief interlude for an elderly hound needing a wee at 4.30am that I am not counting.

Bright and sunny here, and set fair for the weekend. Summer again.

Sorry for your hypo @Michael12421 - hope you got it treated promptly.
5.9 this morning and unusually for a Friday, no therapy today. He's off doing a book signing thing somewhere.

Opera last night, L'elisir d'Amore (Donizetti) at the Royal Opera House, was fun but as a comedy it was much darker than I'd expected.

I'll try my best to write it up later and I'll try to remember the conversation about Sarah and her new venture as a sculptor whilst her husband is having an affair with the second nanny and thinks she doesn't know so she's busy funding her sculpture studio by draining money from the joint bank account and squirrelling it away so she can leave him with nothing.... and that was just the plot from the audience member behind me!