Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 this morning, same as yesterday. Thursday is a swim day and I won't need the bus as our eldest has decided to WFH, which means I can drive and also pick up the dozen garden waste sacks we ordered from the council a few days ago, and also collect a new food waste caddy. Our current caddy is cracked, which is no surprise as it gets unceremoniously tossed aside by the bin men every time it gets emptied (as does everyone else's).

@Gwynn I'm always envious of your beach walks, having grown up on the Welsh coast. Berkshire is about as far from the seaside as it's possible to get in England.

@eggyg if you found the hill at Porthmeor a challenge you'd find the climb back up to the main car park in Fowey a killer if you do visit. You can, though, avoid that by using the Passage Lane or Caffa Mill car parks down the bottom.

No sign of the sun yet and the sky's the colour of milk, but at least it's forecast to be another warm one. They're even speculating on whether the weekend will break the temperature record for October.

Whatever your plans have a good day.
5.6 this morning, same as yesterday. Thursday is a swim day and I won't need the bus as our eldest has decided to WFH, which means I can drive and also pick up the dozen garden waste sacks we ordered from the council a few days ago, and also collect a new food waste caddy. Our current caddy is cracked, which is no surprise as it gets unceremoniously tossed aside by the bin men every time it gets emptied (as does everyone else's).

@Gwynn I'm always envious of your beach walks, having grown up on the Welsh coast. Berkshire is about as far from the seaside as it's possible to get in England.

@eggyg if you found the hill at Porthmeor a challenge you'd find the climb back up to the main car park in Fowey a killer if you do visit. You can, though, avoid that by using the Passage Lane or Caffa Mill car parks down the bottom.

No sign of the sun yet and the sky's the colour of milk, but at least it's forecast to be another warm one. They're even speculating on whether the weekend will break the temperature record for October.

Whatever your plans have a good day.
We’re going to Lost Gardens of Heligan on Monday or Tuesday and are planning on going into Fowey. I’ll remember your top tip!
GoodMorning 5.6 today
yesterday was 7.2

I’m walking ok in “normal shoes” well trainers to be precise
had appointment at eye department at the general yesterday and went on the bus
so a fair bit of walking involved, eye appointment went well (nothing to do with the DMO clinic)
this appointment was at the EyeLid Clinic on a referral of eye casualty back in June.

loving your photos of Padstow and it’s surrounding area @eggyg
I’m having a peaceful restful week off work (although need to pop out and see a customer shortly)
loving the lazy lay- ins this week, both Mrs G & I are both off work this week 🙂

have a fabulous day everybody 😎
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We’re going to Lost Gardens of Heligan on Monday or Tuesday and are planning on going into Fowey. I’ll remember your top tip!
If you do have to park at the top of the hill in Fowey there is a little bus that will take you up and down. However, I guess you two would be up for the walk! We tried to show @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine through Fowey on Monday but couldn't find the way down in the car, we've only walked it before. Anyway the visibility at that point was virtually nil!

Loved your pictures today. I see you also visited Porthgwidden beach in St Ives. Lovely little beach. The fish and chips from the window at beach level are very good and the cafe above is excellent, serving innovative food. Particularly good on a sunny day if you can get a table outside on the balcony overlooking the beach. The cafe at Porthmeor beach serves fabulous tapas and the view is equally as fab. We celebrated my last birthday there with my ex-flatmate from the 70s who shares my birthday and her husband.
If you do have to park at the top of the hill in Fowey there is a little bus that will take you up and down. However, I guess you two would be up for the walk! We tried to show @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine through Fowey on Monday but couldn't find the way down in the car, we've only walked it before. Anyway the visibility at that point was virtually nil!
Yes, I'd forgotten about the Fowey minibus. We've never used it but have often had to step out of its way in those narrow streets. It's a tight squeeze in one or two places. There always seems to be a queue for it outside the church.
Morning all... it's not so bad, lots of blue sky with light cloud.

7.1 this morning. Not great but a darn sight better than it has been. That bad pod has ruined my TIR over 7 days. There I was blaming myself for having a dessert!

Nothing much on today, clearing all the china out of the dishwasher and generally putting the good stuff away till we entertain again. Still we have Mackerel pate left over for lunch and "Marry me" chicken for dinner along with cauli mash, green beans and carrots. So I don't have to cook. Rather more chocolate souffle left over than we will ever eat! I did offer the guests some to take away, but apparently they are watching their waistlines!

I asked Julian to arrange the mackerel pate on the plates....see pic. 2 boobs and 2 eyes!

Have a good day all!
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-05 at 09.29.49_784403a9.jpg
Yes, I'd forgotten about the Fowey minibus. We've never used it but have often had to step out of its way in those narrow streets. It's a tight squeeze in one or two places. There always seems to be a queue for it outside the church.
I'm hardly surprised they queue for it with that hill to climb.
If you do have to park at the top of the hill in Fowey there is a little bus that will take you up and down. However, I guess you two would be up for the walk! We tried to show @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine through Fowey on Monday but couldn't find the way down in the car, we've only walked it before. Anyway the visibility at that point was virtually nil!

Loved your pictures today. I see you also visited Porthgwidden beach in St Ives. Lovely little beach. The fish and chips from the window at beach level are very good and the cafe above is excellent, serving innovative food. Particularly good on a sunny day if you can get a table outside on the balcony overlooking the beach. The cafe at Porthmeor beach serves fabulous tapas and the view is equally as fab. We celebrated my last birthday there with my ex-flatmate from the 70s who shares my birthday and her husband.

She shares her husband! 🙄 This thread gets more interesting by the day! :rofl:
It's a 5.4 for me on another bright, sunny and warm morning'

Have a good day all and stay safe.....
If you do have to park at the top of the hill in Fowey there is a little bus that will take you up and down. However, I guess you two would be up for the walk! We tried to show @ColinUK and @Grannylorraine through Fowey on Monday but couldn't find the way down in the car, we've only walked it before. Anyway the visibility at that point was virtually nil!

Loved your pictures today. I see you also visited Porthgwidden beach in St Ives. Lovely little beach. The fish and chips from the window at beach level are very good and the cafe above is excellent, serving innovative food. Particularly good on a sunny day if you can get a table outside on the balcony overlooking the beach. The cafe at Porthmeor beach serves fabulous tapas and the view is equally as fab. We celebrated my last birthday there with my ex-flatmate from the 70s who shares my birthday and her husband.
We took our grandchildren to Porthgwidden beach when we were there in May 2017. It was red hot and a bit busier than yesterday! Although two young girls were having a swim. Brrr… 😱
5.9 long, long ago this morning (and maybe even in another galaxy!).

Very quiet day at work today, but welcome after last week’s jam-packed days!

Hope everyone is having a good day, love the pictures from Cornwall @eggyg !
Morning all. 7.1 after going up to almost 12 at 5am! I can only think it was the delicious fish and chips we had at lunch time! I did a split dose and won! Came home and had a light tea at 8pm, bolused correctly. Was 6.4 when I went to bed at 11pm. So who knows? :confused:

Yesterday we went to Padstow first for our chippy lunch. I really like Padstow, been a few times, it was lovely weather and it was quite busy. We just had a walk around the town before going to Rick Stein’s Fish and Chip emporium. We sat inside as it’s in a car park so not very salubrious outside. (@ColinUK they were £17 worth every penny). Then we drove to St Ives, they’re building a new bypass and the traffic was terrible but arrived at 3.30. Parked up, on a hill, and walked down to the town. Again, we’ve been before and love the beaches. Very busy just like Padstow, Mr Eggy bought himself a new “cardi”, not an old man’s beige, woolly one I hasten to add. Then we went to Porthmeor beach, there was loads of surfers, quite professional some looked. Then back up the hill to the car! I’m thinking of booking a cottage in Norfolk next year! 4.7 miles but “only” 220ft of elevation. I’ve got gluts of steel and calves like a professional cyclist! :rofl:

Today we’re having a relaxing day. Forecast is fantastic for the next 4/5 days so we’re just going to wander locally. ***quickly Googles “flat walks in my locale”***! 😛

Have a great day. More pics, from my phone again, I can’t get my camera to focus when in zoom mode. I think it’s kaput! 😱
PS the surfer is Mr Eggy’s photo.
I'm really enjoying your photos eggyg. Thanks.
Might as well type & post this now while I remember! 😳 🙄:rofl:😉

Well! I seem to be a bit of a libre 2 sensor assassin these days as yet another sensor finished early: 4 days early this time; although, in truth it was already half coming off its sticker by day 6 as from Monday on I kept pressing hard on it periodically to keep it stuck! But, it just slipped right off in the bath earlier! So, I’ll apply the new one in the morning as I’m still damp & sweaty from the bath & going to bed now so, applying it now it wouldn’t stick very well! 🙄

As for the last few days, while I was absent, my BS has stopped dropping but, I can see 72 tresiba is a bit too low & the NR & BS has risen! But, I’m willing to give it the two weeks the DSN suggested to see if I can get that to settle down & make it work before maybe going back up to 74? :confused:

I’m loving using the new electric pressure cooker & have gotten to know how it works & self adjusts the cooking time: noticed the ACTUAL cooking times, for meat, poultry & soup being the ones I tried, stays the same the coming up to pressure times vary according to the amount; I suppose it makes sense as pressure is created from the steam & more volume means a longer time to boil! :confused: Still putting in too much water but, I’m kind of getting used to that with more of a broth with my casseroles! 😛

Flu jab is coming up on the evening of 17/10/23 & the weather has definitely turned autumnal with the wind & the rain giving me the odd sniffle scare here & there but, hopefully won’t get a cold before I get my jab? Two Hands Together Pleading emoji!

A Very Good Morning, coming up for you lovely lot, & wish you a Wonderful day! 😉

I’m off to bed now! A stream of Z’s emoji! 🙂
Can’t sleep actually! Applied new sensor once I was no longer sweaty from the bath & 1st scan at 01:46 about 2 hours & 15 minutes after dinner BS 9.8. I think I’ll try leaving my BS where it finishes up at after 4 hours of NR even if it’s below 8 mmol as I’m hardly dropping at all, if any, when I sleep on 72 Tresiba as long as I don’t go too low into hypo territory? It’ll help to start the day lower too?

I’ve been too high for too long now & still erratic despite the help of the libre & I’ve been constantly tingling all over, both sides, since Sunday, the last time I posted on here, & it’s starting to get sharply painful at times, Also, more of a concern, I’ve had the odd fleeting moments of semi paralysis in my throat that spasmed, tightened & thankfully released again that didn’t last long but, will order Pregabalin on prescription in case things escalate & I need to take it: nasty side effects that turn me into a zombie; easy to lose track of how long I’ve been taking it & hard to wean myself off it as it’s SO addictive! Don’t like to take it unless I need it &, thankfully, it’s only been once that I needed it although, I DID order it one other time after tingling for more than two weeks but, it was the weekend & by Monday the tingling had stopped & I didn’t take it! I returned it to the chemist so, it couldn’t be a temptation!

Both of my hands are constantly tingling & I have to do things slowly as I keep dropping things & tapping the keys on the keyboard hard to make sure I’ve tapped them as I type this post! 🙄

I’m extra tingly right now & wonder if it was the hot bath? :confused:

Anyway, I MUST try to sleep even if “Sleep is a battlefield!” right now: the strains of Pat Benatar “Love is a battlefield”playing in my head! o_O