Group 7-day waking average?

Please stay.
If anyone offends you then you can block them and their posts.
I don't want to block anyone. The forum has been very helpful.
I can not get it correct.
i do not want to feel back at school with a workbook full of red ink.
Forgive me .
Morning all,

4.4 this morning and a very disappointing weigh in yesterday, I stayed the same, which I know is not a gain, but I had been on plan all week including my day out, oh well move on and hopefully will be a nice loss next week. Today is running group day, my last run before Sunday’s Half marathon in aid of British Heart Foundation.

@ColinUK and at @harbottle congratulations on your HS, @ColinUK I hope you award yourself a house you love.

@Bloden - sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dog, that is always such a tough decision to make, even when You you it is the right thing to do.
Don’t know what to post today
had real problems with my nexus meter. Kept showing e f and turning off
never had this before
then I got 7.2 , didn’t trust it so did a different finger got 5.6 , tried a diff finger 6.4.
so confused and anxious
Could it be the battery is needing to be replaced? if it keeps shutting down.
Do you have the instruction which give the error codes.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Band meeting tonight. Plans to finalise.

@Gwynn another ex Ford Popular owner. I'd have recognised it from your description of its idiosyncrasies. NB managed 70 once. Didn't try for any more as the inside door handles fell off. .

Have a good day everyone.
Could it be the battery is needing to be replaced? if it keeps shutting down.
Do you have the instruction which give the error codes.
Someone said e f was not enough blood
ive just done it again and I think I was trying to put the blood on top of the strip before this time I held the monitor so that the strip touched the blood and it worked first time

spooked me though getting different readings before. How do I know the first reading I get is correct?
Someone said e f was not enough blood
ive just done it again and I think I was trying to put the blood on top of the strip before this time I held the monitor so that the strip touched the blood and it worked first time

spooked me though getting different readings before. How do I know the first reading I get is correct?
I would take the first reading as correct unless you suspect it is not, either unusually high or unusually low compared to what you have been getting.
It also depends on what you are gaining from the readings, just day to day check, finding the effect of food /meals on blood glucose or if you are feeling unwell.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Band meeting tonight. Plans to finalise.

@Gwynn another ex Ford Popular owner. I'd have recognised it from your description of its idiosyncrasies. NB managed 70 once. Didn't try for any more as the inside door handles fell off. .

Have a good day everyone.
Dad had an Austin 7 I think as his first car. Going round Parliament Sq one day the lock clean fell out of the passenger door. Door flings open. Mum grabs the only thing there is to hang on to, the steering wheel.
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My mistake, not an Austin 7 but rather an Austin 8.
@Bloden sorry to hear that your doggie has 'gone'. A great life but it is always heart breaking at the end.

I remember our Bloodound 'Warwick' at the end, saddens me even now. But some great memories tho
Afternoon all. Dull is the only way to describe today.

15.6 this morning, been battling BGs ever since Monday. Discovered why when I went to change the pod this morning, the cannula was bent sideways and the backing was wet through. Must have been getting some insulin tho' or it would have been even higher.

Have spent this morning preparing for guests to come to lunch shortly - 4 courses.

@Bloden, so sorry to hear that you have lost your beautiful dog. It's gutting when you lose a loved pet who has been like a member of the family.

@harbottle and @ColinUK congrats

Must rush, I think the guests are just pulling up outside.
Afternoon all

It was a 4.6 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning.
Good afternoon! 6'9 today, went to sleep early after a carb heavy dinner.

Had a great day on Monday, visiting my friend who I haven't seen in a year was well worth it, we had a laugh and we chatted like if I had seen her last week. It's a beautiful feeling 🙂 After that I didn't have as much time as planned to go to the shops but was quite efficient. Got the work shoes, the trousers (that was harder than expected, where are my curves gone??) and a sort of shelf with hooks that came in a box to assemble yourself. I was surprised it was cheap and light enough to carry home in the train, of course is not very sturdy but it will do.

And yesterday was good as well. Did some laundry and cleaning, had a bit of fun assembling the shelf and did a round of supermarkets. Now is back to work for the rest of the week.
5.3 this morning for me, not bad after a lovely evening out with my wife’s niece and partner at a nearby pub-restaurant. We don’t see them very often as they work on cruise ships and only return to the UK in between their contracts. Once we retire we will definitely take them up on their offer of a cheap cruise though!

Congratulations @harbottle and @ColinUK on your HS today!

@Bloden - so sorry to read of your loss. Been there years ago in another life and it’s one of the hardest things in the world to have to do, so sending you hugs.

Take care everyone, whatever you are going through.
@ColinUK congrats on your HS.
@Bloden so sorry to hear about Bloden. It must be a horrible decision to have to make but she had a good life with you and her sisters.
@eggyg great pictures!