Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.
5.8 this morning.

A little tired after yesterday’s jaunt from London to deepest Cornwall and back for lunch. Four hours on the train down and five and a half on the way back up.
Lovely food and great company more than made the journey worthwhile. And I got to meet Camille!

Here’s a lovely shot of @Grannylorraine @Pattidevans and @eggyg on the beach.

Morning all.
5.8 this morning.

A little tired after yesterday’s jaunt from London to deepest Cornwall and back for lunch. Four hours on the train down and five and a half on the way back up.
Lovely food and great company more than made the journey worthwhile. And I got to meet Camille!

Here’s a lovely shot of @Grannylorraine @Pattidevans and @eggyg on the beach.

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Everyone falls in love with Camille! :rofl:
Good photo, of me especially, you can’t see my double chins! Great day.
Good morning all, 4.8 today for me and a nice flat line overnight, so pleased with that.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS. Hopefully you’ll be able to get the GP surgery into order with your meds!

Four hours on the train down and five and a half on the way back up.
Is that because it’s uphill on the way back to London? :rofl: Looks and sounds like you had a great time meeting up and worth the long trip.

Have a good day everyone!

4.7 today, after forgetting to take my meds with my early start. Had a fab day and was well worth the long day, and travel issues on the way home, 3 trains to get from Essex to Cornwall, 5 to get home again because of the time, made it home just before midnight, but had a fab day meeting @eggy, and Mr eggyg, @Pattidevans and Julian not forgetting of course @ColinUK who I had the pleasure of travelling with from Paddington. Lovely food, good company. I do not have any photos to share.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today, @MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on yesterdays HS.

Today is weigh day, so hoping to lose at least 1/2 as currently lost 8 1/2 and I would prefer it to be a nice whole number, but any amount off is a step in the right direction.
Morning all. :D 4.8 here.

Flu jab later. I thought I’d have a poke around MyHealthOnline last night, to see if I could access blood test results (nope). I clicked on appointments and, lo and behold, someone’s made me an appointment for the end of the month to “discuss” my recent blood test results. o_O Good thing I looked - I had no idea.:confused:😛 I just hope it isn’t with the nurse practitioner - she’s aggressive, not assertive. The type that goes straight for the jugular!

Lovely pic @eggyg - glad to hear everyone enjoyed themselves. :D
After two grey starts, and thunder and rain yesterday, we have sunshine and blue sky here this morning and it's forecast to stay that way, which is good as with no cars available it'll be the bus for my trip to the pool today.

Had a lovely meal out yesterday evening for our eldest's birthday, although being a Monday the place was really quiet and there were a couple of things off the menu, including my favourite starter - chicken liver pate - which was a shame. Was going to skip dessert until I saw they had rum & raisin amongst their ice cream options, so changed my mind but only had one scoop.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS. I could only manage a 5.9 this morning.

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine.
A 4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Good moaning! A none too good 11.8. Had a spike on the night with a weird manesfestation of phantom pain. Woke up with a freezing cold missing foot although stump was nice and warm under the duvet.

Should have been at foot clinic this afternoon but it got moved to early doors (I hate earlies as Patient Transport want you ready two hours before and yet come even earlier or get you there late or not at all) kicking an important hearing appointment down the road three weeks!

Sky blue where it isn't cloudy. If I was a betting man I would go for rain by lunch!
Morning all - here I am late on parade as usual. What a beautiful morning we have here, in direct contrast to the awful weather we had yesterday!

8.6 this morning much to my shame. I should have bolussed extra for that affogato I had at lunchtime yesterday. Despite multiple corrections I still haven't knocked it into touch.

Had a super day yesterday despite the terrible weather. Meeting @ColinUK, @Grannylorraine (who looks nothing like an old granny), @eggyg (a very young glamorous one) and Mr eggy. Yes, Camille is very glam too! The food is fabulous at Sam's and the conversation flowed. We did try walking on the beach afterwards but as has already been said, the tolerable mizzle turned into pouring rain.

Today I get to do all the prep for a lunch party tomorrow, plus wash the bedding and towels. Ah well, not every day can be as fun as yesterday!

Congratulations to @Gwynn on your HS.

Lorraine, Elaine and I
Have a good day all.
Morning all - here I am late on parade as usual. What a beautiful morning we have here, in direct contrast to the awful weather we had yesterday!

8.6 this morning much to my shame. I should have bolussed extra for that affogato I had at lunchtime yesterday. Despite multiple corrections I still haven't knocked it into touch.

Had a super day yesterday despite the terrible weather. Meeting @ColinUK, @Grannylorraine (who looks nothing like an old granny), @eggyg (a very young glamorous one) and Mr eggy. Yes, Camille is very glam too! The food is fabulous at Sam's and the conversation flowed. We did try walking on the beach afterwards but as has already been said, the tolerable mizzle turned into pouring rain.

I forgot to post this pic of you three earlier…

Good morning 6.9 today,
think I forgot to post yesterday maybe ?

yesterdays appointment with physiotherapist went very well
she couldn’t believe I had still been wearing the air support boot, (however I wasn’t yesterday)

I had to park quite a way from the building they were based in at the back of the hospital,
you know how hospital parking can be (but now I’ve been there I’ve also found their parking)
anyway I’ve got some balance exercises to start on and for next session (in a fortnight) will look on some movements and strengthening, spoke to her about my tennis elbow and she said if I get a GP referral they can help with that also.

relaxation is planned today,
plus obviously have some exercises,
and think we might be doing some painting possibly.

have a great day everybody 😎