Group 7-day waking average?

That’s really interesting, my DN has actively discouraged me from testing I have asked a couple of times and she has said there is no need.
How often do you test and when?
In my case it would have been odd for my DN to discourage me from testing as it was she who told me to pick up a test kit from Reception on my way out. She wanted me to try and get into single figures before my next appointment in 2 weeks. I got there with a 9.2 on the morning of my appointment.

I'm still using the same meter but I buy my own lancets and test strips these days. I test every morning (fasting test) within minutes of getting up but these days only post-prandial if we have something new, or if I think I don't have enough recent results (ie, from tests in 2023) to be sure that my average for a particular meal is still correct.
Your DN sounds really good. Mine is v nice but gives no advice on anything but medication
I did test 2 hrs after having the overnight oats this morning and BG had only gone up from 5.1 fasting to 5.2
it was a v small amount with mainly berries and Greek yoghurt I think I will gradually increase it and keep testing
what is an acceptable rise?
Your DN sounds really good. Mine is v nice but gives no advice on anything but medication
I did test 2 hrs after having the overnight oats this morning and BG had only gone up from 5.1 fasting to 5.2
it was a v small amount with mainly berries and Greek yoghurt I think I will gradually increase it and keep testing
what is an acceptable rise?
No more than 2-3mmol/l or no more than 8mmol/l after 2 hours
Morning all. An 11.5 for me!!!! Graph shows i've been over 15 overnight. No idea why as i went to bed in the 7s. The alarm did wake me about 11.30pm but it was showing level, not going up so i left it intending to check again but obviously went back to sleep. I'd had a good day yesterday too, staying in target.

Its Monday so i'd better get moving and get ready for work. Catch up later.

@Grannylorraine have a lovely day out.

Morning all. It’s Monday - fresh start need to try and post each day.

Have a good day all
Morning folks. A nice round 5 and the second unicorn in a row. I would imagine it’s to do with the 6.5 mile walk with 1000ft of elevation I did yesterday.

Anyhoo, I survived, just, I thought I wasn’t going to make it back, the final 100 or so yards up the hill to the cottage was the worst! We were soaked through, covered in mud and every limb was aching. Did our stretches, had a shower, I took some painkillers too, and had a late, for us, tea. In bed not long after Antiques Roadshow finished. Thought I’d sleep like a log but I’ve not had the best night. But I’m not aching today, I’d call that a result as last night I thought I’d never walk again!

Like @Grannylorraine I’m going out for the day too. See you later! Along with the retrobate that goes by @ColinUK ( only joking) and the lovely @Pattidevans. Really looking forward to meeting you all in the wild!

Here’s some photos of our walk, the SWCP which we joined from Drizzard ( we walked from the cottage) and back to Crackington Haven. It was muddy, steep, wet and very, very misty. We met a local lady who told us we were doing the worst bit of that particular stage. She was right, it was brutal! @Robin not dissimilar to the part you walked earlier in the year. It took us an hour to walk one mile on average. Just when you thought you were nearly there another summit would appear. Was it worth it? The jury’s out!


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Morning all, 4.8 here, got up to go to the loo, tested again when I got back into bed, 6.2. Went past the HS station without stopping.

I remember that section of the coast being brutal when we youth hostelled it at the age of 15, and I was young and fit then, @eggyg .
Good morning everyone

The good news is that playing at the service yesterday went well but I was very tired by the end of it all. I stand at the church when playing and that can be quite hard after 30 minutes or so. Because I use a sustain pedal with my left foot I am really standing on just my right leg!!!

Wake 6:30am
BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 53
Oxy 96
BP 110/70 Hmmm seemed unusually low so I tested again 117/74

As a reward for all the hard work leading up to, and playing, at the church service I bought some M&S best ever Cod in beer batter for tea. Really nice.

Today rest, wiring up a new laptop specifically for recording in the 'studio', exercise with my friend this afternoon.

Oh and in the middle of the preparations for church playing, I wrote a new worship song. I really like it (thank goodness for that).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all, 4.8 here, got up to go to the loo, tested again when I got back into bed, 6.2. Went past the HS station without stopping.

I remember that section of the coast being brutal when we youth hostelled it at the age of 15, and I was young and fit then, @eggyg .
I feel better knowing that.
I’m not sure how long we can go on walking coastal paths and fells, I suppose you keep doing them until one day you just can’t. :confused:

Have a good day everyone. 🙂
