Group 7-day waking average?

Bon matin @ColinUK, moi aussi 5.9! That’s about the limit of my French, I failed my French O level.

Had a lovely day yesterday. Relaxing morning after our mammoth drive. We then walked up to the local community shop, run by volunteers, for a few bits to tide us over, ie wine and beer! We also got an artisan granary loaf. Four quid! But I like to support the local businesses when we’re away so I took it on the chin! Walked down to the beach, only took 5 minutes if that. It’s wonderful, so beautiful. A few surfers out so we watched them for a while, fascinating rock formations too. Walked onto the SWCP to get the views and walked a circular to get back to the cottage. We only did just over 3 miles but 49 floors! I home for tea, spag Bol and watched Strictly. A pretty perfect day.

Have a super Sunday. I will once my breakfast is ready, not used to electric hobs and we can’t get it right! Everything is taking forever to cook. :D
Here’s a few photos.
Why take the bread on your chin? Didn’t you have a bag?
5.1 this morning at 8 a.m I’m going to test again at 10 as I had a small portion of oats mixed with Greek yoghurt and berries
I do hope my BG isn’t too much affected as really want to be able to eat this for breakfast. Feel very nervous about not taking diabetic medication any more DN assured me it would be okay but …….

diagnosed July 2022 hba1c 117.
august 2023. 37
When I was told I could stop taking mine my DN said that I should make an appointment if my BG climbed back above 8. It rose slightly over the course of a week but never reached 8 and stabilised in the low-to-mid 6s. Over time it dropped back and now I rarely average above 6. I'm still sticking to my low carb diet, of course.

Your numbers are very similar to what mine have been. My lowest HbA1c was 35, highest 114.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Managed to remember that a new sensor needed applying ready for tomorrow but managed to forget my breakfast bolus. Better late than sorry.

Yesterday's excitement was a power cut. Just half the village affected. Cooked tea by torchlight.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all on this very foggy day!

5.6 this morning with a nice flat line. 95% in range, spoiled by a blip after a dinner that included 2 small suet dumplings.

Nothing much on today except grocery shopping. May pick up a chicken for dinner. We do like to have a roast on Sundays. It also saves me cooking on another night.

@eggyg fabulous photos - but due to @ColinUK I have this vision of you climbing the hill with a loaf stuck on your chin! Really looking forward to tomorrow - hope this fog clears or driving will not be nice.

Hope you all have a Super Sunday. Or should that be Sundae?
Morning all on this very foggy day!

5.6 this morning with a nice flat line. 95% in range, spoiled by a blip after a dinner that included 2 small suet dumplings.

Nothing much on today except grocery shopping. May pick up a chicken for dinner. We do like to have a roast on Sundays. It also saves me cooking on another night.

@eggyg fabulous photos - but due to @ColinUK I have this vision of you climbing the hill with a loaf stuck on your chin! Really looking forward to tomorrow - hope this fog clears or driving will not be nice.

Hope you all have a Super Sunday. Or should that be Sundae?
Clear as a bell up here. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow too. I’ll be giving you a hug and Colin a thump! :rofl:
Good morning from a very wet West Wales. Happily road water is running away down the hill instead of into my drive. All those hours on the digger were well spent. A pity it was my effort and money and not that of the idle Highways Authority, may they rot in Hades.

Slept for a solid 8 hours and feel much better for it although not yet 100%. Hope the lurgy goes away completely soon so that I can have my covid/flu boosters. Today's BG 5.4 of suggests that I have it on the run.

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.
Morning all.

It's a happy 5.4 for me this fine day.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
8.5 first time that low for a while. Libre alarm went off around 2am. Small drink digestive biscuit then back to sleep
Bon matin @ColinUK, moi aussi 5.9! That’s about the limit of my French, I failed my French O level.

Had a lovely day yesterday. Relaxing morning after our mammoth drive. We then walked up to the local community shop, run by volunteers, for a few bits to tide us over, ie wine and beer! We also got an artisan granary loaf. Four quid! But I like to support the local businesses when we’re away so I took it on the chin! Walked down to the beach, only took 5 minutes if that. It’s wonderful, so beautiful. A few surfers out so we watched them for a while, fascinating rock formations too. Walked onto the SWCP to get the views and walked a circular to get back to the cottage. We only did just over 3 miles but 49 floors! I home for tea, spag Bol and watched Strictly. A pretty perfect day.

Have a super Sunday. I will once my breakfast is ready, not used to electric hobs and we can’t get it right! Everything is taking forever to cook. :D
Here’s a few photos.
Some lovely photos there @eggyg
I love the North Cornwall coast
Oops! Been absent for 1.5 days! 😳

Yesterday I woke on BS 8.9 with midday alarm & today I slept in past the alarm 13:53 BS 9.1. Ok ish now 72 tresiba has completely come through & can start getting to work on waking lower IF I can get to bed earlier, to wake earlier on a lower reading? I’ve been getting to bed late these days! 🙄

Watched Saturday’s Strictly routines on youtube EXCEPT, for some reason not even today could I find it, Les & Nancy! :confused:o_O Again, for me, the best routine, by a country mile this time, was Layton & Nikita: that was SOME Quickstep; it’s only week two & it looked like a routine in the final! WOW! 😱😎😛 I also, really enjoyed Angela Scanlon & Carlos’ Jive with very obviously pointed feet in her kicks & flicks! 😛 And Amanda & Giovanni’s lifts in the Salsa were amazingly brave for week two!😱

Cooked my first casserole of the Winter in the new electric pressure cooker last night; lamb casserole. WOW! It only took 35 minutes from start to finish: 15 minutes coming up to pressure, I sat impatiently waiting & wondering did I set it wrong; 20 minutes cooking time, I doubted it was enough but, it was! If anything I put in too much water so, potatoes were a bit mushy & another tip, maybe you won’t need it, from a pressure cooker numpty is mix the stock cubes/stock pots INTO the boiled kettle water first before adding it as unlike a slow cooker I can’t open the lid during cooking to mix it in later: I ended up with uneven seasoning as the oxo lamb cubes were in clumps of semi dissolved paste as I just crumbled it on top, as I usually did; trying to stir it all through at the end is too late! 😳🙄:rofl:😉

Too late in the day even for an Australian greeting so, can only wish you lovely lot a Good Night! Hang on a minute! Is it TOO early for that at only 18:30? :rofl:😉
On waking today was 6.4

and I’m late on parade today, again 🙂
today been for routine eye test @ specsavers , following the DMO clinic I’m under, suggesting because the swelling in my right eye had gone down noticeably (in the last 4 months) the left eye has also gone down but never was as bad, now might be a good time to see about new glasses.
I have been having treatment at the hospital (DMO clinic) for about 6 years now, the optometrist I saw today at specsavers was very thorough, I was quite impressed she was telling me she could see the scar on my left eye (from the first laser treatment I had that was prior to the injections)
new glasses paid for and ordered.

:confused: Im thinking about trying the online spectacle re-glazing services
I'm sure they are ok to use, but never tried them, any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

physiotherapist tomorrow, looking to build up ankle / left leg following my recent surgery,
will seek their advice regarding the tennis elbow I was diagnosed with last Monday.

on Wednesday
I’m at the eye- lid clinic, this is a follow up to the problems I had with swelling and infections around my eyes a few months ago.

I’m certainly getting good use from the NHS at the moment,

Both my wife and I are off work this week,
we are not planning on going away or doing anything special, but plenty of relaxation,
possibly a bit of tidying upin our bungalow,
although possibly a day trip to SkeggyVegas or somewhere equally exotic on the east coast maybe.

Hope everybody’s having a Super Smashing Sunday 😎
Good evening! 5'1 this morning.

I type this from my manager's office, where they made me sit down after a false low alarm. No, I was not hypo, that's unlikely without insulin. But I was feeling a bit weak and awkward and saw my BG was in the 4s so I thought there was no harm in eating my little dinner sandwich and sit for a couple minutes to get some energy back. The hotel manager saw me and asked if it was my blood sugar. I was not about to explain all the situation with my insulin so said "yeah, but is not serious, I'll be back in a couple minutes". Nah. She came back to check a few times and sent me to the office to rest and drink juice and have someone "keep an eye" on me. Even tho I said it was not necessary. Not gonna lie, I appreciate (and feel I needed) the moment of relax but now feel guilty having people fussing over me and especially my work friend working without my help. Coming back now. Still feeling a bit headachy tho, not sure why...
When I was told I could stop taking mine my DN said that I should make an appointment if my BG climbed back above 8. It rose slightly over the course of a week but never reached 8 and stabilised in the low-to-mid 6s. Over time it dropped back and now I rarely average above 6. I'm still sticking to my low carb diet, of course.

Your numbers are very similar to what mine have been. My lowest HbA1c was 35, highest 114.
That’s really interesting, my DN has actively discouraged me from testing I have asked a couple of times and she has said there is no need ( I didn’t expect them to provide the tests etc and was happy to buy one )
i really think, to feel I have any control, I do need to test otherwise how do I know the choices I am making are the right ones or what level of carbs my body can tolerate?
how often do you test and when?

in May when I was taking 2000 metformin my HbA1c was 34, the dose was cut to 1000 a day and HbA1c rose to 37 in August At the follow up meeting a week ago the metformin was stopped. I would have preferred to halve it again but was told that wasn’t an option.
That’s really interesting, my DN has actively discouraged me from testing I have asked a couple of times and she has said there is no need ( I didn’t expect them to provide the tests etc and was happy to buy one )
i really think, to feel I have any control, I do need to test otherwise how do I know the choices I am making are the right ones or what level of carbs my body can tolerate?
how often do you test and when?

in May when I was taking 2000 metformin my HbA1c was 34, the dose was cut to 1000 a day and HbA1c rose to 37 in August At the follow up meeting a week ago the metformin was stopped. I would have preferred to halve it again but was told that wasn’t an option.
As you have done brilliantly to get down to normal level then the main purpose of testing would be to keep a check that you are staying there and not drifting up. Testing first thing in the morning periodically would give you the reassurance that you are keeping on track. It is up to you how often you do that.
Many find that they have managed to reduce blood glucose by doing some strategic testing of their meals but you seem to have managed pretty well without doing that.
The other reason to test would be if you felt unwell.