Group 7-day waking average?

8.3 for me this morning
You must all have a field day with my appalling grammar, which is even worse in speech as I was born and brought I that grey area between East London and Essex where we weren’t quite Londoners but inot quite Essex. I was also at school when they started an idea not to teach grammar but that it would be learnt naturally, which I must of missed.
I hope I'd not be deliberately cruel @Grannylorraine. For what it's worth arithmetic was not taught well at my first junior school (we moved to a different town when I was 9) and I have never caught up. I find mental arithmetic really difficult. Pathetically so.

I hate seeing shop signs spelt incorrectly eg Cutz for a hairdressers!
I've always assumed they do that on purpose and think they are being cute.
always assumed they do that on purpose and think they are being cute.
It does drive me potty to see it though. I don't like seeing things spelt incorrectly. Typos are different, especially if using a phone, its easily done and not always noticed. But when its deliberate in shop signs....
I will admit to struggling to remember the difference between practice/practise though so any ideas for how to remember will be gratefully received.
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I find mental arithmetic really difficult. Pathetically so.
I don't know if they still do but in my primary school we actually had mental arithmetic lessons. Those were also the days when the whole class stood up and chanted the Times Tables, as we called them. We're talking 1950s here. I think learning by rote has gone out of fashion but it worked.
Welcome to the weekend 5.4 today
(yesterday was 7.2)

It was a crazzzy busy day work-wise yesterday, which was needed as it was the last working day of the calendar month, I work in sales & anybody else who has / does will know what I’m talking about.

on a Saturday I take Trulicity so was pleasantly surprised when I collected my repeat prescription on Thursday, to find it had been prescribed on my repeat & the pharmacy had it, despite what I had been led to believe.
I'm sure 1 meal will not do too much harm. Do you ever go with him on his bellringing jaunts as that would give you some company, people to chat to and some interesting places to visit and mooch round.
Yes , I have done , I used to ring but not keen now since replacement joints. He does get fed up if I come as he likes to cycle and I am usually only required to drive if he wants to drink. I am not keen on socialising. Bellringers are very sociable but as he is more a peal, twelve bellringer or to teach new handlers the old wife is too much to have around.
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I don't know if they still do but in my primary school we actually had mental arithmetic lessons. Those were also the days when the whole class stood up and chanted the Times Tables, as we called them. We're talking 1950s here. I think learning by rote has gone out of fashion but it worked.
I used to know the Times Tables up 19 x !9 when I was doing A Level Maths.

As well as loose grammar, I am also irked by bad punctuation which can convey a totally wrong meaning to a sentence.
This little book was quite a good read on the subject.
Yes , I have done , I used to ring but not keen now since replacement joints. He does get fed up if I come as he likes to cycle and im usually only requiredif he wants to drink. Im not keen on socialising Bellringers are very sociable but as hes more la peal, twelve bellringer or t each b new handlers the old wife is too much .
I ring with people of all ages, 2 gents who come on the tour I go on are in their late 80ies and we visited a practice night and one of their ringers was 95, needed help getting onto the box but was ringing advanced methods. I also ring with various people who have a reconstructed shoulder, knee or hip replacements. I used to ring with someone who had MS and there is a ringer who is carried up the tower as he has no legs and rings from his wheelchair. You need to find a nice light ground floor ring that you could go to, maybe somewhere where they have a daytime practice. I'm sure you would be very welcome as many places are struggling for ringers, though your local tower looks very active.
You are by no means OLD.
I don't know if they still do but in my primary school we actually had mental arithmetic lessons. Those were also the days when the whole class stood up and chanted the Times Tables
It is still taught though sometimes incorporated into the Maths lesson, sometimes taught separately. Times Tables are taught as when children get to Year 4 there is a statutory Times Tables test.
As well as loose grammar, I am also irked by bad punctuation which can convey a totally wrong meaning to a sentence.
As in this example that I remember from somewhere....

If my tea's not ready I'll eat my son's
If my tea's not ready I'll eat my sons'
If my tea's not ready I'll eat my sons
Good afternoon all.

Much earlier this morning it was a 4.6 for me, and the sun is shining again today.
I will admit to struggling to remember the difference between practice/practise though so any ideas for how to remember will be gratefully received.
I always think of it being the same principle as Advise and Advice, which you never mix up because they’re pronounced differently. (If I need to think about it, I mentally substitute advise or advice, to see which I'd automatically put)
Advise is the verb, 'I advise him to get a life' so, 'I practise the piano'
Advice is the noun 'He got good advice' , so, 'I did my piano practice.'
I started school in 1950 and don't recall learning the times tables by rote. I still struggle with them. Still these days there are such things as calculators.

Latterly I worked for a charity/government funded initiative that helped unemployed people back into work by means of education, such as computer courses, arithmetic and literacy courses. One year they were falling short of literary passes as people kept dropping out of the courses so they asked the staff to take the exam. I volunteered, feeling confident until I saw the material, which was completely different to anything that I had seen before. I passed but got only 96% as did a colleague. We were both disappointed that we hadn't achieved 100% and furious because the answers we had failed on were to do with punctuation and we considered that the correct answers according to them were quite wrong.
It does drive me potty to see it though. I don't like seeing things spelt incorrectly. Typos are different, especially if using a phone, its easily done and not always noticed. But when its deliberate in shop signs....
I will admit to struggling to remember the difference between practice/practise though so any ideas for how to remember will be gratefully received. it upset me to think there is all these bully trachers out
It is the complete opposite, I am rather offended that your so judging bullies . I feel so inadequate. Enjoy the forum . Sorry i offend so many.
I ring with people of all ages, 2 gents who come on the tour I go on are in their late 80ies and we visited a practice night and one of their ringers was 95, needed help getting onto the box but was ringing advanced methods. I also ring with various people who have a reconstructed shoulder, knee or hip replacements. I used to ring with someone who had MS and there is a ringer who is carried up the tower as he has no legs and rings from his wheelchair. You need to find a nice light ground floor ring that you could go to, maybe somewhere where they have a daytime practice. I'm sure you would be very welcome as many places are struggling for ringers, though your local tower looks very active.
You are by no means OLD.
No age, I will admit, has nothing to stop anyone from ringing. Neither has disability. If you have all it takes then it is great. Good for exercise, lovely places and good people.
Conversely I have grown to hate it. Thankfully, on the my husband cannot get enough of it but I fear the rope and the pain now so I give in.
Thank you all for putting up with me .
Sad as I loved this forum.
Have s great life.
My typos and lack of education on English fails me to fit in here too.
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It is the complete opposite, I am rather offended that your so judging bullies . I feel so inadequate. Enjoy the forum . Sorry i offend so many.
@Nayshiftin i'm sorry if i've offended you in any way. I openly admit i've made typos or mistakes while typing on here. My bugbear was about how shop sign are mis spelt.

. it upset me to think there is all these bully trachers out "
I notice on my post you have quoted that at the end there is a sentence which is not on my original post.
@Nayshiftin i'm sorry if i've offended you in any way. I openly admit i've made typos or mistakes while typing on here. My bugbear was about how shop sign are mis spelt.

. it upset me to think there is all these bully trachers out "
I notice on my post you have quoted that at the end there is a sentence which is not on my original post.
A correction no doubt . Its not just you correcting there is too many . To be fair some of us just struggle to get our point across. I feel for those like me not on your high pedestals. Yes your educated but as Mr. Darcy would say “were they your equal”. .” Badly done” . We cannot all be highly educated and come in here fearing what we write. I hope that explains it better.
A correction no doubt . Its not just you correcting there is too many . To be fair some of us just struggle to get our point across. I feel for those like me not on your high pedestals. Yes your educated but as Mr. Darcy would say “were they your equal”. .” Badly done” . We cannot all be highly educated and come in here fearing what we write. I hope that explains it better.
We all struggle to get our points across at times. I can honestly say that i wasn't well educated, i didn't go to university and only did 1 year at college, so am not considering myself above anyone. I am sure that no one on here as meant to cause any offence to anyone. Everybody has things that they find irritating, i'm sure even you do. Nobody needs to fear coming on here, we are all in the same boat trying our best every day to cope with diabetes.
A correction no doubt . Its not just you correcting there is too many . To be fair some of us just struggle to get our point across. I feel for those like me not on your high pedestals. Yes your educated but as Mr. Darcy would say “were they your equal”. .” Badly done” . We cannot all be highly educated and come in here fearing what we write. I hope that explains it better.
Please stay.
If anyone offends you then you can block them and their posts.