Group 7-day waking average?


4.8, why is it I struggle to get up @ 7.30 on a weekday for work, but am wide awake well before that on weekends. Anyway today’s plans, clean the kitchen as I have neglected that all week and knit and natter.

@ColinUK - I sometimes find it harder to sleep after sleep meditations, although my anxiety and depression have improved I still find the meditations for them send me to sleep better.

@TinaD - hope you start feeling better soon.

@MrPixels - congratulations on yesterday’s HS.

@eggyg - photo looks great, enjoy yourself exploring and hope the weather stays good for you.
A Heinz Special for me with 5.7 🙂

Have a great weekend everybody.

just in case the grammar police think my apostrophe is in the wrong place).
Love it! So good to see! I bet you get as riled as me with misuse of “your”, “of” instead of “have”, etc., etc. - oh, and people using “ect” instead of “etc” - don’t they know it’s from the Latin et cetera? :rofl:
4.7 this morning for me.

Off visiting today, first up is a first birthday party for my wife’s nephew’s son (gosh, I hope I got those apostrophes correct :rofl: ). Then off to visit a friend who is terminally ill living in a care home, followed by her husband who lives nearby. So, a bit of a rollercoaster sort of day.

@eggyg - love the view! Looks a lovely place to stay, enjoy your holiday!

Have a good day everyone!
Bag and sell your enthusiasm its wonderful just reading how happy you are. Do this more often than take the children to Blackpool it seems much more your thing. Or do I read between the lines and get it wrong. Good that you are enjoying this.
No, you’re correct. This is the sort of holiday we enjoy best. Lots of walking, nature, photography. We had two weeks in the Highlands in April, two weeks here we’ve a week booked in the Lake District beginning of December for more walking/climbing! Blackpool was definitely a one off!
Love it! So good to see! I bet you get as riled as me with misuse of “your”, “of” instead of “have”, etc., etc. - oh, and people using “ect” instead of “etc” - don’t they know it’s from the Latin et cetera? :rofl:
I’m also a stickler for grammar. Your, you’re, there, their, they’re used incorrectly drives me potty. And don’t talk to me about misplaced apostrophes! 😱
Opened the curtains to a bright and sunny morning, with a dry day forecast, although our garden furniture covers are soaking wet so it clearly rained during the night. Better overnight than during the day, I always say. Just me up so far (I'm the only lark in our house) and still no movement upstairs. Got a 5.5 when I tested, which also turns out to be my waking average for September.

Joined friends for a quiz night yesterday, one that's run twice a year by the local Lions branch, so all for charity. Mid-table finish, as usual, but good fun and we didn't have to drive as this time the venue was within walking distance. Everyone brought their own nibbles and I was offered a mini brandy mince pie (by our pre-diabetic friend, of all people) but declined, pointing out that it had more carbs than my entire 200g pack of dry roasted peanuts.

@eggyg - sounds like your holiday's off to a great start. Enjoy Cornwall - we always do.

No, I didn't eat the whole pack of peanuts - nowhere near.

Whatever your plans for the weekend, have a good couple of days.
I’m also a stickler for grammar.

I'll join you on that bench.

Our Economics teacher always made sure that we understood that the plural of Trade Union was Trades Unions, not Trade Unions, yet the latter term now seems to be almost universally used, even on the BBC.

Likewise our English teacher was quick to jump on anyone who used comprised of instead of comprising, though sadly you see the latter in print all the time. It used to be the preserve of Estate Agents.
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Good morning 6.6

Think I am rejoining the living - definitely breathing better - but not risking anything energetic or outdoorsey.

Plan for today - challenge the bill from EDF who last month said a)my meter wasn't faulty and b) that I was 160 in credit and now say I owe them £240...They justify this on estimated numbers (they couldn't get the smart meter to work despite originally saying it was working and faffing about with the main meter) and attempt to bolster this fraud by saying I have used 500kw more than the same time last year. Since last year I had 6 Ukrainians living here, in my static caravan and house, whilst this year I am alone does seem rather unlikely. Hope Octopus are going to turn out more reliable.

Hope everyone has a good day.
I'll join you on that bench.

Our Economics teacher always made sure that we understood that the plural of Trade Union was Trades Unions, not Trade Unions, yet the later term now seems to be almost universally used, even on the BBC.

Likewise our English teacher was quick to jump on anyone who used comprised of instead of comprising, though sadly you see the latter in print all the time. It used to be the preserve of Estate Agents.
Shouldn't that be "latter" term? (Grin, duck and run!)

Yes, I too am a member of the grammar police. A new shop was being done up in town - obviously a bakers. As we passed I pointed out to my friend that the name should have been "Loaves" not "Loafs" and I found myself on the receiving end of a tirade about how tiresome grammar police are - this from a person who purports to have been a journalist!
Morning all - another grey day but no rain forecast. Yesterday turned out nice again.

4.0 at 6:50 - a dextrose tablet and half a stem ginger cookie and when I re-woke at 08.25 I was 5.9. Julian still slumbering, but then he doesn't come to bed until the early hours.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon - a regular Saturday date that we always enjoy. Then home to the second half of the wild boar stew I made yesterday. No... we haven't been out hunting. I just had an email offer I couldn't refuse from Wild and Game and included the wild boar to make up the free delivery minimum. It's OK actually, quite tasty. Might make dumplings to go with it today.

Good luck with EDF @TinaD. We're with Utility Warehouse for everything, gas, elec, phones, internet etc and they are very good indeed.

Have a good day all
You must all have a field day with my appalling grammar, which is even worse in speech as I was born and brought I that grey area between East London and Essex where we weren’t quite Londoners but inot quite Essex. I was also at school when they started an idea not to teach grammar but that it would be learnt naturally, which I must of missed.
You must all have a field day with my appalling grammar, which is even worse in speech as I was born and brought I that grey area between East London and Essex where we weren’t quite Londoners but inot quite Essex. I was also at school when they started an idea not to teach grammar but that it would be learnt naturally, which I must of missed.
*have not of. Sorry Lorraine couldn’t resist! 😛
Love it! So good to see! I bet you get as riled as me with misuse of “your”, “of” instead of “have”, etc., etc. - oh, and people using “ect” instead of “etc” - don’t they know it’s from the Latin et cetera? :rofl:
My current hate is the use of "off of" instead of "off". I still flinch when people use "myself" for I.
Morning I was very bad last night. So I deserve my 8 this morning. I was so down after being rejected for the course. Hubby wanted a Chinese meal and I said oh what I will have what I like. It was our anniversary too he worked all day and was going out as was a bellringing night so I decided not to cook. To be honest I expected it to have gone up a lot more. Maybe though if I manage to go back on the diet today it will kick start it again. Who knows but yes I did have a meal that was not on the diet or low carb. I am human.
I'm sure 1 meal will not do too much harm. Do you ever go with him on his bellringing jaunts as that would give you some company, people to chat to and some interesting places to visit and mooch round.
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

A bit of delayed digestion yesterday. Hypo after tea needed multiple dextrose tablets. Carbs seemed to hit in the early hours. Cautious correction seems to have done the trick.

Have a good day everyone.
I’m also a stickler for grammar. Your, you’re, there, their, they’re used incorrectly drives me potty. And don’t talk to me about misplaced apostrophes! 😱
Also to, too, two