Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you. Both for your well wishes and for executing your jury duty as intended.
It’s not your fault that the evidence wasn’t there, sometimes it just isn’t.
It sure is difficult. Years sgo i did a few weeks of witness service it was not for me . However i was there long enough to even see some policemen in tears behind scenes. They had worked hours to obtain evidence to get it thrown out. They knew these folk were guilty sometimes coming in for many chargers yet it got thrown out. i recall one judge taking someone down and the police said they”d got the wrong leader it was another member who got off lightly. They also said tge one going down would more end up likely being a hard criminal on the way out. I really thought then . Is there justice … only for some. The knock on effect is the problem. Victims suffer as do those around. Colin rise above this, i understand you will not get over it . Its always there . Done to you. However you are the better one you came through and survived. You never deserved this to happen to you . Please do not let them ruin your life whilst they are not giving it another thought. Shame on them. They cannot live to be free of the crime they committed but criminals are just that not like yourself. No integrity, no decency. You ate a million times a better person. Hold your head high snd be proud your above all this.
It sure is difficult. Years sgo i did a few weeks of witness service it was not for me . However i was there long enough to even see some policemen in tears behind scenes. They had worked hours to obtain evidence to get it thrown out. They knew these folk were guilty sometimes coming in for many chargers yet it got thrown out. i recall one judge taking someone down and the police said they”d got the wrong leader it was another member who got off lightly. They also said tge one going down would more end up likely being a hard criminal on the way out. I really thought then . Is there justice … only for some. The knock on effect is the problem. Victims suffer as do those around. Colin rise above this, i understand you will not get over it . Its always there . Done to you. However you are the better one you came through and survived. You never deserved this to happen to you . Please do not let them ruin your life whilst they are not giving it another thought. Shame on them. They cannot live to be free of the crime they committed but criminals are just that not like yourself. No integrity, no decency. You ate a million times a better person. Hold your head high snd be proud your above all this.
It’s like the conversation with the therapist yesterday. I couldn’t say that I didn’t want “vengeance” to some degree and wanted to see him squirm in court and now that’s things I won’t get but then on the other hand he’s had to sit in the interview room and have the allegations put to him. He’s had to listen and he’s had to respond. Those words will have had an impact on him and he’ll have to live with the impact of them for ever. So perhaps that is justice of a sort.
Hmm, I forgot to announce that yesterday I hit the motherlode with a 5.2, clearly it was never going to repeat as today I'm back down to a 4.4. In other news the footclonic appointment was cancelled at short notice an they will offer me a new date. Usually that's code for giving me a date and time that I then have to change. Whatever happened to the days when they NHS contacted you and discussed when you might be able to come in?
It’s like the conversation with the therapist yesterday. I couldn’t say that I didn’t want “vengeance” to some degree and wanted to see him squirm in court and now that’s things I won’t get but then on the other hand he’s had to sit in the interview room and have the allegations put to him. He’s had to listen and he’s had to respond. Those words will have had an impact on him and he’ll have to live with the impact of them for ever. So perhaps that is justice of a sort.
I can only try to empathise and that doesn't help, the truth you know the other speculate but usually their instinct rings true. I struggled to believe that Letby could be guilty making excuses for her innocence. Only to face the truth about me is I could not accept anyone could be so ....well words fail. There are many out there but why? Life is so hard with illness and accidents thrown at us and for those deliberately destroying lives well I hope they get something. I shall never understand why anyone intentionally wants to upset another. I can do it without thinking or trying but my whole life I want to care and show peace to all. Yes I wanted to have a go as the course rejected me and was mad at my Gp and thought I'll do a plus b and c and have been up again cross about it. They will not even give it another thought. So yes it is difficult mine is minor not major but I guess you are healing now. As you say it was put to him and your eyes looking on must have done something. Yet a coward not owing up to what they did. I hope it impacts enough no one else suffers as you have done.
Morning all from beautiful Crackinton Haven in North Cornwall. 7.2 after a day of not moving and grazing.

Arrived here at 5.30pm after setting off at 7.45am! It was sunny all way down once we’d got through Cumbria! Had two stops, one being at the home of @SB2015 and her husband. We had a cream tea, very welcome it was too. Lovely to meet them again. Our accommodation is quite quirky, it’s part of a bigger house but a decent size, it’s got two bedrooms, one downstairs ( the double) and the kitchen, and a twin upstairs along with the living area and bathroom. That is taking some getting used to, I might just be used with it after two weeks. We don’t have a sea view from the cottage but we do from our patio area which is a bit out of the way. From our first look as we drove in, down a road with grass growing up the middle, it looks a like a lovely little village. There’s a pub, cafes and shop down the hill, glimg to explore the locale today. Weather forecast good, sunny intervals and about 18c.

Have a super Saturday, I’m sure we will.
Here’s our view from our patio area.


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Morning all, 5.8 here.
That photo brings back memories, @eggyg . 50 years ago, I youth hostelled round part of the Cornish coast, and we were dropped off by my friends' father at Crackington Haven. (my friends were twins, just in case the grammar police think my apostrophe is in the wrong place).
Good Morning 6.9 when I got up had coffee nothing to eat and its now 8.9. That to me seemed a bit for me so tried other hand 9.7. Is it this machine i guess 15% out so washed hands done it again and its 8.8. Would you buy a new accu chek machine or is this normal?
My hubby watched me yesterday and cannot see what I am doing wrong on my check list. Yes i was naughty the day before but technically at this time of day it is going up. I used to think it was the coffee but I am now thinking its my body.
Would a libre2 tell me more? I am not sure as I cannot do anything it seems to change it at the moment.
I really do want good results but cannot eat any less at the three meals I have. I am very sore from exercise and yes I understand many do much more. I have arthritis so cannot do more than normal daily things like walking gardening but I move on and off all day as much as I can. I drink plenty too. I also know it comes down in the middle of the day to nice 5 and 6's and is usually down in the evening before my meal. Goes up a little but in the morning on the Accu chek it is certainly going up.
Not dawn Phenomena as I have been up since 4.30 maybe even before. yes 4.08 I took the 6.9 reading.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
That photo brings back memories, @eggyg . 50 years ago, I youth hostelled round part of the Cornish coast, and we were dropped off by my friends' father at Crackington Haven. (my friends were twins, just in case the grammar police think my apostrophe is in the wrong place).
Oh NO (((Yikes))) we have grammar police here (do I go into hiding) and my texting is what I can boast about I must be typo Queen surely?
Ah Happy memories are always good. I hope the holiday Eggyg and friends have is great.
Good Morning 6.9 when I got up had coffee nothing to eat and its now 8.9. That to me seemed a bit for me so tried other hand 9.7. Is it this machine i guess 15% out so washed hands done it again and its 8.8. Would you buy a new accu chek machine or is this normal?
My hubby watched me yesterday and cannot see what I am doing wrong on my check list. Yes i was naughty the day before but technically at this time of day it is going up. I used to think it was the coffee but I am now thinking its my body.
Would a libre2 tell me more? I am not sure as I cannot do anything it seems to change it at the moment.
I really do want good results but cannot eat any less at the three meals I have. I am very sore from exercise and yes I understand many do much more. I have arthritis so cannot do more than normal daily things like walking gardening but I move on and off all day as much as I can. I drink plenty too. I also know it comes down in the middle of the day to nice 5 and 6's and is usually down in the evening before my meal. Goes up a little but in the morning on the Accu chek it is certainly going up.
Not dawn Phenomena as I have been up since 4.30 maybe even before. yes 4.08 I took the 6.9 reading.
It still might be DP as I find mine climbs when I start to do stuff rather than just wake up.
Also you can usually/always buy a test fluid to check calibration of the meter is OK. Look on the manufacturers website I’d think.
Good moaning! Another rubbish result at 13.6! No idea of cause but feel a bit rubbish this morning _ slightly lightheaded and acidity.

Quiet day as NHS phones not answered over weekend. Got a different story about Thursday's ambulance yesterday (don't believe either version). After early a month's wait next Thursday's appointment that was displaced by the foot clinic is now another three weeks down the road! :( Still one more to sort - project management was easier! And it got toate to arrange a sharps collection - 3 tubs!

Started with a blue sky with dark cloud to the east that became a Shepherd's Warning. Now cloudy but brightish - thin white clouds!
Also you can usually/always buy a test fluid to check calibration of the meter is OK
Far too complex for me. It works it doesn't. Calibration wow its still early. Oh well even later I must be an idiot. oh lol better than a cry.
Morning all. 6.1 and a unicorn day yesterday! Plans for today: hair cut and coloured, cleaning then coffee with a friend. Better get moving. Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
That photo brings back memories, @eggyg . 50 years ago, I youth hostelled round part of the Cornish coast, and we were dropped off by my friends' father at Crackington Haven. (my friends were twins, just in case the grammar police think my apostrophe is in the wrong place).
I can’t wait to explore, it’s so rugged and dramatic. We love the Atlantic coast and this is the first time we’ve stayed within walking distance of it, in Cornwall that is. The SWCP runs past here so hoping we can can a bus to Bude and Boscastle and walk back.
Morning all. 6.1 and a unicorn day yesterday! Plans for today: hair cut and coloured, cleaning then coffee with a friend. Better get moving. Have a lovely day everyone.
probably told me before but what is a Unicorn?
I can’t wait to explore, it’s so rugged and dramatic. We love the Atlantic coast and this is the first time we’ve stayed within walking distance of it, in Cornwall that is. The SWCP runs past here so hoping we can can a bus to Bude and Boscastle and walk back.
Bag and sell your enthusiasm its wonderful just reading how happy you are. Do this more often than take the children to Blackpool it seems much more your thing. Or do I read between the lines and get it wrong. Good that you are enjoying this.