Group 7-day waking average?

I do understand that they have to limit court time to only those cases where there’s a more than likely chance of a conviction. I think the cut off is 60%. And I’m also aware that this is basically my word against his.
What they did say is that my reporting on the actual day corroborates the circumstances even if it missed out the details. They’re accepting of the reasons why reporting was so delayed as well.

I’ve been on a jury a few times and I have to ask myself what I’d have thought of this came to a jury I was on. I’d have come to the conclusion that I believe the allegations because there’s nothing to gain from making them but I’d also have to accept that there’s no proof. So I don’t know if I could get beyond a reasonable level of doubt in order to return a guilty verdict. Especially when it’s a serious allegation which may result in custody.
When I did jury service last year my case was very upsetting. It was a historical sexual assault and we all knew he was as guilty as hell, but it was her word against his and there was no evidence. It was awful having to say not guilty. It’s still with me now 18 months later. I’m so sorry you won’t get your day in court. Big hugs. Xx
It was a 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

When I did jury service last year my case was very upsetting. It was a historical sexual assault and we all knew he was as guilty as hell, but it was her word against his and there was no evidence. It was awful having to say not guilty. It’s still with me now 18 months later. I’m so sorry you won’t get your day in court. Big hugs. Xx
Thank you. Both for your well wishes and for executing your jury duty as intended.
It’s not your fault that the evidence wasn’t there, sometimes it just isn’t.
6.1 this morning, making up for the last couple of days dancing around hypo land!

Attended the online session from Abbott last night about healthcare appointments. Some interesting talk about how to get the best from them and views from both the patient’s and HCP’s perspective. Quite a few on the chat too and some are getting really poor help and support by the sound of it. Shame we don’t have consistent, good, services across the country.

@ColinUK - so sorry to hear of the CPS devision, sending {hugs}

@eggyg - glad you’ve got your insulin! Enjoy your holiday!

Have a great Friday everyone, whatever you are doing!

4.9 today, yoga was lovely yesterday, but then I had a bad nights sleep, might try for a run afterwork today weather permitting, I know I have to get used to running in the rain again.

@eggyg - have a safe journey.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about the CPS decision, I too have been on a jury where my heart told me the defendant was guilty but where it came to the actual evidence there was very little, so reluctantly I had to say not guilty. But sending you hugs and pleased that your plans to go to Poland again are coming together.
5.3 this morning One week anniversary of being told to stop taking metformin. Still very nervous
hubby had open heart surgery yesterday, told all went to plan, ringing in a short while to see how he is.
My hubby had open heart surgery 15years ago. Quadruple bypass. He’s still here. Hope all goes well.
Good morning all. Sun is shining. 🙂 6.9 @ 8.45am not bad seeing as I succumbed to a piece of butter toast at 2am 🙄
Good morning.6.5.

Sorry to have missed lots of news - have been in bed save for the minutes needed to let Wolf out and feed him + check ponies through windows. The filthy lurgy did indeed return with a vengeance. Alternating freezing cold and dripping with sweat - pain below right shoulder blade, increased by coughing but not increased by attempted deep breaths - possibly intercostal muscle strain from the foully productive cough. Not much appetite so ignoring BG and nibbling what I can grab easily rather than cook - a bit too wobbly for that.

Got an appointment with a respiratory consultant near end of November. Might even get the results from the tests from 4 years ago...don't know why they bother.

Sorry to hear that @ColinUK 's case is not going ahead but a sad reality - what a victim knows to be the truth in the absence of sufficient supportive evidence is sadly not enough. I admire his calm resignation and dignity in the face of the news.

Hop everyone has a good weekend.
@ColinUK sorry about the case, tho you seem to be taking it in a very rational way. On the positive side, is nice you are planning another trip to Poland and Max's response was so lovely, it moved me just reading so can imagine how you would feel about it.

Between you and my colleague this morning you are making me dream about travels. He was recommending Milan and New York for designer shopping, which is not really my thing and not in my budget. I'm sure the cities would be worth a visit tho. I should have asked if they have Primark just to see his face :rofl:
Good morning! 6'1 today at 5 am. I haven't taken insulin for a whole month and my BG don't seem to go higher than normal, so I'm really questioning my diagnosis at this point. Will I be allowed to stay in the forum? 😳

(Well, I have some sort of diabetes as I had all the symptoms in the book and the initial HbA1c was 81. Just might be a different type).

We have a couple of French guests in the hotel and I had the chance to practice the language a bit. I used to study for years and had a decent basic level, but I didn't speak in a looong time and my brain has been busy leaning English so it was quite hard to speak. My French is rusty and I kept throwing English words in the mix! But I'm pleased that I understand them pretty well and they seem to appreciate the effort 🙂

Then I had an informal chat with someone higher in the company, when she came to ask for some tea. She asked when I had my days off and I said "Monday and Tuesday...I think, not sure yet". She seemed shocked "how, you don't have the rota yet". "No. It's an ongoing issue, the rotas get published very late". More shock on her face. "But you need to know before, otherwise how can you make plans??". Yup, tell me about it, I thought. She said she is going to speak with someone as it shouldn't be like this. I was not trying to throw my bosses under the bus but I'm glad that conversation happened, they might do something about it. I'm skeptical tho, they've promised many times they would fix that but here we are...🙄
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Drat! It’s after midday when I’m posting this but, I’ll let it slide but, just mention as a note in case you think I’ve lost my marbles! 🙄:rofl:😉

Managed to only eat 3 meals yesterday & an earlier oatcake: only wanted to eat twice after the day before’s over eating but, despite drastic lower dose, only 32 NR for cod no batterI & chips, was still too low to go to bed on so, had shepherds pie for 28 NR. Still woke on BS 4.6, not really awake, for loo trip early this morning & had an oatcake after getting back into bed. Then, woke on a better BS 6.7 around 11:30. Still felt a little stuffed so, only just put breakfast in the oven & done about 13:15?

Mustn’t get distracted over posting or I’ll burn it: how many times has that happened; extremely dicey posting mid food in oven! 😱:rofl:

So, no temptation & sign off now! :rofl:😉
Afternoon everyone, it was a 5.3 for me much earlier this morning.

Beautiful sunny day here I hope it is where you are....
Hello all - late reporting on this sunny day.

7.4 this morning and a bit disappointed, but probably due to a very very late dinner last night - 9:30pm

Already got a stew in the oven and a pile of ironing done.

@eggyg - bon Voyage. Have a nice meeting with SB2015. We met the lovely lady at the Taunton meet and concert. See you Monday! Really looking forward to it!

@ColinUK so sorry to hear of the CPS decision and I think you are very brave accepting it the way you have. It's lovely what your friend Max has offered. You must be really touched and looking forward to meeting him again.

@freesia - yes I enjoyed the film. I thought Kenneth Branagh tackled it very well, especially as we all think of David Suchet as being Poirot. It also made me jump out of my skin several times. Venice at night can indeed be very spooky. Several years ago we had a 4 day stay there. On the last night we went to a concert in an old school on the other side of the Grand Canal in a residential district. It was a lovely concert with a string quartet, opera singers and ballet. The School was a beautiful building with Renaissance painted ceilings. At the end I went to the ladies and by the time we walked out everyone had gone. The streets were dark with not a soul in sight. We wandered around lost, trying to find the vaporetto stop. All of a sudden, with no warning at all (no sounds echoing) we rounded a corner into a square lit only by a bonfire that people were dancing round! We could only see silhouettes against the fire. We scarpered. We found the vaporetto stop about 1am. Fortunately they were still running!

@TinaD wishing you get well soon.

Enjoy what's left of Friday folks
Late posting too :D was around 10 when I got up. Been a while since dawn visited).

Just back from town to get kiddos glasses fixed and try and sort out prescriptions. The GP is so backwards with how they do things that fall off repeat. I have to contact them every single blummin time they do and they cant just fix the ones that are about to fall off, they have to get to 0 left. Total waste of my time and their time.
Asked if libre could be auto ordered for me but they cant do that either 🙄

Annnyway I'm home, got a coffee and besides getting the dog out in a couple of hours, can chill for the rest of the day :D
Well! I feel like a bit of a numpty! 😳:rofl: Just spent 30/40 minutes figuring out, reading the thick manual & pressing buttons, how to use the new pressure cooker to cook pea & ham, well I’m using pancetta, soup! I was too impatient & kept pressing the cancel button to start again when I couldn’t see anything happening: never used a pressure cooker before & it takes time to build up the pressure to start cooking; even for soup as it’s on the menu of 15 food items! 😳🙄o_O:rofl:

I’m pretty short of food after over eating the last 4/5 days & had to bring shopping, usually Monday, forward to tomorrow night, 20:00 to 22:00, being the closest slot at short notice just before going to bed around 2am today! So, as I wrote in my libre logbook I only have oven chips, cod, haddock, cod or salmon fillets left along with the peas & pancetta plus the last portion of shepherds pie! I had cod & chips for breakfast, making pea & ham soup, for dinner & will ding the last portion of shepherds pie pretty soon now for lunch! 😛

BS is ok on -4 NR & today being the 3rd day stickiing in 72 tresiba, tomorrow ought to be normal NR doses hopefully? :confused:

The sun is out today albeit cloudy after 2/3 days of hiding & being dark, grey, windy, wet & miserable so, not a duvet day today! 🙄:D Been soaking up some natural vitamin D with my sunglasses on in the kitchen which is not bad temperature wise in the sun! 😎😛

Today is The Chinese Moon Festival which is the 15th of the 8th month on the Chinese Lunar calendar when the full moon, every month on the 15th, is the biggest & brightest of the year that last practically all night! I believe you Westerners call it The Harvest Moon as in the olden days people gathered in the harvest under it’s light in the rush before winter sets in!

So, wishing you all a belated, forgot about it earlier, Happy Chinese Moon Festival! 😛:D😉
Wide awake even after various meditations that are focused on sleep.

7.1 because it’s so early I’d guess.