Group 7-day waking average?

@Michael12421 sorry to hear of all your recent problems but glad that you are reasonably well. Please take care and I hope things improve for you soon. 🙂
@gll good luck with your procedure this morning. It is absolutely fascinating to see yourself on screen and keeps your mind occupied and takes away a lot of the worries. 🙂
And it was a 4.6 for me this morning (same as before last night's dinner). :D

Managed to dodge most of Angry Agnes yesterday. Hope everyone else did the same.


4.8 for me this morning, today is yoga soa nice stretch out after yesterday’s run.

@Michael12421 - sorry to hear about all your issues, hope your D is settling down and no more hops.

@gll - hope the procedure is swift and goes well.

@ColinUK - I hope you are looking after yourself, you know you are important to so many of us. Please at more than just a burger today.

@eggyg - in case I do t get on early enough to tomorrow, have a safe journey to Cornwall.

I also noticed @rebrascora hasn’t been on this thread for a few days. Hope you are doing ok but sending love to you as again you are important to us. Hopefully you will be back when you are ready as I totally understand we all have our reasons for taking a break.
5.5 this morning, our last day here in the Cotswolds. Agnes gave us a couple of hours of heavy rain and strong winds yesterday evening but we were already done for the day, had got back from a meal at the local pub so were safely indoors by then.

Breakfast shortly and then need to decide what we do on our way home. No rush to get back so will want to make the most of the day. Will probably head in to nearby Broadway for a while and then push on to Chipping Norton.

Hope no one's mopping up this morning or picking up any debris that Agnes left behind.
oh i loved Broadway stayed years ago at halfway house. They had a nice garden with an Aviaries there too I recall in the town. Enjoy
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Batsford arboretum in Bourton on the Hill, (just outside Moreton in Marsh) is a lovely place for a stretch of the legs, a bit early for the main autumn colour, though, but it has a nice coffee shop with good views from the terrace.
i want to go
A better overnight for me, just out of the red and waking with a 4.8.

@Martin.A - glad you’re enjoying the Cotswolds. Batsford Arboretum is worth a visit as @Robin says, if you’ve not been there.

@Michael12421 - sorry to read of your troubles, wishing you well, stay safe!

Agnes was a dud (thank goodness) here too.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all.4.3; for me this morning.Just in time . Doctor rang from diabetes unit at hospital yesterday afternoon. Singing my praises said she and the rest of the team had looked at my data from my phone and we're amazed.Told her about the blip I had a few weeks back or it would have been better.Must be doing something right . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all.4.3; for me this morning.Just in time . Doctor rang from diabetes unit at hospital yesterday afternoon. Singing my praises said she and the rest of the team had looked at my data from my phone and we're amazed.Told her about the blip I had a few weeks back or it would have been better.Must be doing something right . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Thats great news
All done! Just managed on gas n air although was sore in a few places.
Prep was poor in some areas so I said I will tell my insides to do better next time. (not anything I could have done different as I followed all the rules properly)
All normal looking, & they took 12 biopsies.
They said specifically they were expecting to see IBD based on calprotectin levels, however, sometimes it only shows up microscopically in the biopsies. 8-10 weeks wait is average wait for those.
No answers yet except to rule out pretty much everything apart from IBD 🙄
was out by half 10.15

Got a coffee and need to get something to eat (nomnomnomnom)
6.2 this morning for me.

Went to see Black Sabbath The Ballet last night with our oldest. Bonus was Tony Iommi joining the last scene to play Paranoid with the orchestra. I may write a report later somewhere if I can find the time.

BTW, is anyone from here joining Abbot's webinar on Freestyle Connect and the health care team?

Have a lovely day everyone.
Hi there - wind has dropped and it's brightening up.

6.1 this morning with a nice flat line.

Off to meet a friend in town for lunch and then we're going to see the Hercule Poirot film that's set in Venice. If the plot is silly at least the scenery should be worth looking at.

@Ditto you may have broken that toe. I've done it 3 times just by stubbing a toe. Even if you go get it seen they don't do anything.

Glad to hear all went well @gll. Fingers crossed for the result.

Have a good day all.
Good morning! It was an 8.1 for me but as I overslept I was rushing to ve ready for Patient Transport. Yet again appointment in 10 minutes 25 minutes away! This weekly worrying about will you get there in time to be seen is grinding me down... :(

Never happened! When I rang Patient Transport they said it had been cancelled but didn't know by who or why, yet when I have had to cancel I have had the third degree as to why! Now need to ring on another line to check on upcoming bookings as it wasn't today's clinic that cancelled my transport! (p*ss*d off emoji)
And it was a 6.2 for me today.

Now I'm off for my flu and covid jabs that should be fun....
A Very G’day Mates & hope you’re all snuggly wrapped up & warm? 😉

12:40 BS 10.3 & only JUST ate now when BS was in the 12’s cooking, 13’s when eating & right after finishing 14’s with 52 NR! I ate SO much late last night after dinner that I just couldn’t eat anything upon waking today BUT, BS didn’t drop much after I went to sleep after 01:00 this morning! I ate four meals yesterday plus 4 JB’s & 4 oatcakes: what I should have done first, hindsight too late as always, is eat the 4th meal first & then, I might not have needed 4 oatcakes; the oatcakes were just not going to be enough to hold my BS up! 🙄 So, reduced tresiba DID start coming through in the early hours of this morning?:confused:

Another stormy day & it’s another duvet day: listening & reading Johannes Radebe’s autobiography! 😛😎🙂
Morning all. 7.6, I don’t know why but the meter agrees.

It’s a mild and wet morning, Agnes was more a damp squib than a full blown named storm. Hope everyone escaped any damage etc. One more sleep until our Cornish adventure. Got loads done yesterday, today I’ll pack, clothes all ready, do the obligatory tidy up ( after our visitors) and I need to make two loafs. Mr Eggy has a parish council meeting tonight so I’ll probably do the hoovering then. I’m really looking forward to it and the weather forecast isn’t too bad at all as far as I can see. Don’t think I’ll need my hat, gloves and scarf!

Good luck @gll glad you survived the prep, the next bit is easy. You’re starring in your own movie! :rofl:

Have a good day folks.
You’re looking forward to hoovering? o_O:rofl:
Evening all. :D ‘Twas 7.2 this morning.

Not at choir this evening cos I’m pooped. Also, I never seem to be at home atm, and my OH isn’t feeling 100%. So it’s ratatouille and sausages in front of crap telly - we know how to have fun! 😛:D