Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.9. An up and down day yesterday...stress highs, a hypo and rebound...and then overnight a very odd dream about filling in tax forms o_O!! I've never had to so no idea where that one came from. This week is going very slowly.

Congrats on the HS @Paul Gibbins
Dear me! Sounds like you’ve been Swinging from the chandeliers” too BS wise! It’s EXHAUSTING! A 🙂 in sympathy!
Good morning everyone

The last 6 months or so have been very difficult and I have suffered a lot.

10 days ago I had a very bad hypo in the kitchen. Was out of it for about 5 hours.

Took some easy carbs and got to bed.

The next evening I cooked a meal and injected Novorapid to cover the carbs but in the night I had a massive hypo and severly damaged my arm, blood everywhere. My doorbell rang it was my English neighbour with two others who wanted to let me know that my emergency key to get into n the house was visible to all and sundry. I showed them the state of my arm and two of them went off to get the docor and they came back with her and she stitched me up. She also gave me a stern lecture about living alone and suggested that I should move to a residencia for my own safety.

In the meantime I had reduced my evening bolus to a fraction of what I would normally take but I was still having nocturnal hypos leaving me bedridden.

The next evening I decided not to bolus at all and just ate the meal. It is now 6 days since I used Novorapid and I am sleeping well, no hypos and waking up to readings of between 4 and 6 with no ill effects.

It is all very strange and nowhere can I find any reasons for why I should benefit from not using a bolus injection.

As long as this regime works for me I am reasonably happy, but I would like to know why.
Oh no Michael what an awful experience for you. Maybe the doctor is right, perhaps you should think about moving into what I suspect means some sort of sheltered housing with on-site staff. Would that be a possibility at all?
As for the reasons you aren’t needing bolus perhaps your appetite isn’t what it was but you were injecting the same amount of insulin as you have in the past. Has it been very hot of late? Have you been walking more than usual? Perhaps you need to do a basal check, it possibly needs reduced. But if by not injecting any bolus works just carry on but don’t forget to keep testing. Hope you get sorted soon. If you need any help with basal testing or advice on bolus ratios just ask us on here. Take care.
@Michael12421 So sorry to hear of all the trials you have had with hypos and subsequent damage to yourself. I have no idea why you would require no bolus insulin - unless of course perhaps your basal needs have lessened for any reason e.g. you've lost weight or similar (of course they do change with the seasons) and therefore the basal is dropping you.. All I can say is that it must be a worry and would it be a thought to consider going into a protected residencia?
Good morning everyone

The last 6 months or so have been very difficult and I have suffered a lot.

10 days ago I had a very bad hypo in the kitchen. Was out of it for about 5 hours.

Took some easy carbs and got to bed.

The next evening I cooked a meal and injected Novorapid to cover the carbs but in the night I had a massive hypo and severly damaged my arm, blood everywhere. My doorbell rang it was my English neighbour with two others who wanted to let me know that my emergency key to get into n the house was visible to all and sundry. I showed them the state of my arm and two of them went off to get the docor and they came back with her and she stitched me up. She also gave me a stern lecture about living alone and suggested that I should move to a residencia for my own safety.

In the meantime I had reduced my evening bolus to a fraction of what I would normally take but I was still having nocturnal hypos leaving me bedridden.

The next evening I decided not to bolus at all and just ate the meal. It is now 6 days since I used Novorapid and I am sleeping well, no hypos and waking up to readings of between 4 and 6 with no ill effects.

It is all very strange and nowhere can I find any reasons for why I should benefit from not using a bolus injection.

As long as this regime works for me I am reasonably happy, but I would like to know why.
Sorry to hear you’ve been in the wars again, but glad you seem to be managing to avoid hypos now. I'm with @eggyg here, I wonder if your basal is doing the job of mopping up your carbs as well as its background job, and whether you need to keep an eye on it.
Ah! A bit of good news I found out today! My monthly supply of two libre sensors that I couldn’t order on repeat is now available for me to order online on repeat so, less worry about running short when faulty ones need to be replaced! I found out because I should have gotten 2 last Monday & the chemist still didn’t have them today so, I rang up the Health Centre to ask & I need to order themself. So, just ordered two & I’ll always keep a good stock of them! 🙂
@Pattidevans and @Robin
Thank you for your replies
I have lived alone for many decades now, apart from my dogs, only one left now. I could not even contemplate moving to a home.
I will carry on not using a bolus injection and see how I get on.
I will post my reaing tomorrow morning after another meal without bolus.
Thank you again
@Pattidevans and @Robin
Thank you for your replies
I have lived alone for many decades now, apart from my dogs, only one left now. I could not even contemplate moving to a home.
I will carry on not using a bolus injection and see how I get on.
I will post my reaing tomorrow morning after another meal without bolus.
Thank you again
Certainly in the UK sheltered housing is not quite the same as a Home, in that people retain independence in their own flats but have the back up of easily (in theory) on call help if needed. Many places allow people to have pets. Something you should consider to keep safe, it was just a good job you had a vigilant neighbour.
Thank you. There s only one such place in this village and it is right on the edge, far away from the shops and does not allow pets. As long as I am careful I can manage on my own. Nurse came this morning and changed my dressings, he will be back on Friday morning to do the same. Going to sit in the garden, enjoy the sunshine and more than likely have a beer
@Michael12421 sorry to hear how you've been but pleased its hopefully settling a bit now. How frightening for you. If you don't want to/can't move into a residencia could you have an arrangement with your neighbour where they check on you regularly, either by phone or visit. If you don't answer the phone they would know to come and check you were ok?
Oh no, I wasn't suggesting a home, just as Robin said a
flat in a complex that had a warden, but I can see why you wouldn't care for that option. I have a friend who texts me every morning and if I don't hear I can alert a neighbour to go in and check, or alternatively we can drive over as we have a key.
Late on parade today but a 5.7 this morning.

Had a full day yesterday taking in NT Snowshill Manor in the morning, had lunch there, then the Broadway Tower in the afternoon. Pic attached of me at the top, where on a clear day you can see for 62 miles apparently. Had a quick look at Evesham to see if was worth a longer visit. Short answer, no.

Today we went to NT at Croome, which was used by the RAF during the war for work on airborne radar. Fascinating museum telling the story. Went to Stratford-upon-Avon afterwards as we'd never been there. Curious mix of Shakespeare and normal life, I thought.

We're in a lovely B&B and now trying to decide where to go for dinner tonight. Getting a bit windy so I think that might be Agnes.


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The amazon basics one says 5l capacity but, it looks TINY as it’s in the round rice cooker shape compared to my old Tefal long oval shape slow cooker! The other casings are very thick, for safety I suppose, & the whole thing has a very big footprint on my countertop! 😱
Mine is a Mini Instant Pot. It’s 3L.
Currently £80 on Amazon although I paid about £50 I think.
@Michael12421 sorry to hear how you've been but pleased its hopefully settling a bit now. How frightening for you. If you don't want to/can't move into a residencia could you have an arrangement with your neighbour where they check on you regularly, either by phone or visit. If you don't answer the phone they would know to come and check you were ok?
What about some kind of On-Call button thing?
Agnes has been raging outside all day today & there’s a lull at last! Don’t know if it’s over or just going through the eye? It’s a duvet day for me: under my CQ, two hot water bottles & 3 layers of clothes, on my top half anyway as I have a dress on & then, a bolero & a knitted cape on top of that! I’m pretty snug! 😛:D

But, I’ve kept over doing the NR today despite me reducing the doses so, it’s just as well I’m in bed & not moving much! 🙄:rofl:

I keep having to eat early today! I’m about to cook Shepherds pie an hour early while my BS is still in 7’s as leaving it later to cook when I’m lower could tip me into hypo territory? Just wrote in libre logbook “ I can eat it later once it’s cooked”! 🙄:rofl: Anyway, dinner is going to HAVE to an ULTRA ULTRA conservative dose! Oh the joys of changing Tresiba doses: which is worse; reducing or increasing?:confused:

Going to leave my comfy bed now! Sigh! The kitchen’s freezing but, the oven should warm the place up a bit? :rofl:
Shepherd's pie in oven, ready about 19:50/20:00, about 30 minutes early so, could eat it, 3 JB’s as I dropped pretty fast & in the low 5’s despite them, see if I stay steady now I’m sitting down? More JB’s to hand in case! 😱

Anyone want some genuine Shepherds pie made with lamb, this time: can’t always get lamb mince from Tesco; usually have beef! It’s a much nicer, subtle, sweeter flavour, I think? 😛
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