Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Into the garden I think. Some ivy trimmings to bag before the rain.

Hurrah, our record company have started talking to us and their other bands as well. Things looking more promising.

Have a good day everyone.
To be honest I am getting a bit fed up with trying to be Barbara and Tom (is that the right names?) from the Good Life. Yesterday and today we have made Apple and Ginger Jam, Spiced Apple Jelly, harvested yet more grapes (and there are even more still to harvest) and currently have the jelly bag bursting with a huge (and I mean huge) amount of grapes to be made into more spiced jelly tomorrow. Done 3 loads of washing (bedding and 2 loads of towels) and still have a full linen basket and ironing basket! Not worked so hard since I retired! Exhausted and still have dinner to cook!
You saved me from a disaster as I read that. I put my quinces on to cook and forgot about them, just saved them from catching too much, the pot still is going to need a fair bit of scrubbing.
Morning all - it is, at least for the time being, sunny with blue sky and little fluffy white clouds. Rained a bit earlier but forecast is for a generally dry day here in Cornwall.

6.4 first thing... now dropped to 5.9. 87% TIR over the 24 hours. Better... no spike after lunch of 1 slice toast with melted cheese and a fried egg on top with 2 tbs baked beans. Probably the fat flattening absorption.

Had a really good sleep last night, the best in umpteen nights. Probably exhaustion!

So just the grape jelly to boil up and pot today, and cook "Marry Me" Chicken for dinner. Hopefully I'll find time to finish the photobook. Groupon says the whole book takes 5 minutes to do... they lie... it's hard work and takes time if you want to get it right. On the other hand if you choose one of their templates and upload all your photos so it can arrange them willy-nilly it might only take a short while.

@ColinUK - just big hugs.

@TinaD do take care. The symptoms you describe sound horribly like my friend described her heart attack symptoms.

@Grannylorraine fingers crossed for at least 1/2lb off at your weigh in.

@Martin.A hope the weather treats you kindly today. Enjoy the Cotswolds.

So have a good day all.
You saved me from a disaster as I read that. I put my quinces on to cook and forgot about them, just saved them from catching too much, the pot still is going to need a fair bit of scrubbing.
Exactly what happened with the apple and ginger jam! Only just saved it! Hope your quinces are still OK! How are you going to use them now they are cooked?
And it was a 4.6 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good rest of the day all and stay safe....
A Very G’day Mates & hope you’re all having a Wonderful Day? 😉

12:00 BS 6.4 & a long dip into the red, set my range to 4 to 10 mmol some time ago, from the filled in graph so, definitely need reducing tresiba. Left message to DSN but, still stuck in 76 as doing things by the book & under instruction has relevantly come up, yesterday & today, even though I would be seriously tempted to go ahead & reduce in the meantime: probably Thursday before DSN gets back to me?

Very nervous & couldn’t eat earlier my stomach was so unsettled so after very long PIP phone call, 90 minutes, BS was in the mid 13’s before I just had some vegetable soup & 48 NR: a guess & hope it isn’t too much as I’m so high!

Don’t know how the PIP will go so, support worker will help me get Universal Credit? Shes about to go on leave so, it’ll be 10th October she’ll come round to help me apply on the phone.

I did go very high last nght after dinner because I under guessed the NR so, left in the 16’s, had some extra soup & put in 48 NR which sent me up to the 19’s & dropped back down in the 17’s in about an hour & I slept around 2/3am afterwards. I drifted down from that & went below 4, officially hypo, on the graph for about two hours & a steady rise until 12:00 alarm.

In the middle of this post the home care social worker, from yesterday, just called & aI don’t meet the criteria but, I’m referred to occupational therapy to access me for more help, aids, gadgets & things around the house, kitchen bathroom etc: the same department as the bath lift!

No idea how the PIP, not even my support worker knows, & just have to wait for the decision, however long it takes?
Oh! Forgot! One other thing of note is I replaced my slow electric cooker, The Great Kitchen Cull of November 2022, with an Electric Pressure Cooker, it’s an all-rounder that does soups, slow cooking even congee (a rice porridge), from amazon; was thinking about getting one & they were all about £100 that I can’t justify! But, Amazon’s basic one has just dropped their price by £20 this week: £87:99 to £67:99; ordered it yesterday & it’s just been delivered now. Already unpacked, a HUGE two boxes within each other, & will read the very thick manual later! Winter is here & I’ll be doing soups, casseroles & stews. Never used a pressure cooker before but, that’ll speed up the process over a slow cooker! :confused:🙂
Good morning - 6.1

Helped out as a tour guide for my schools open evening yesterday, always lots of questions from prospective parents and students, this time in was a lot of questions about the SEN department.

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.5.9 on this very dark, maybe wet day. According to the BBC weather app, Agnes won’t hit us until this evening but we’ll have heavy rain mid afternoon. That’s ok as I’m not leaving the house today.

I never got to see GBBO last night, no spoilers please, as eldest daughter visited after dropping grandson off at Young Farmers. Can’t honestly tell you when we last had a proper long natter, there’s always kids hanging about or she’s flying off to work. Although we have a family messenger group and communicate through there everyday it’s not the same. It was worth missing Bake Off. I’ll hopefully catch up tonight.

Busy day today cooking up a storm, I’ll have that radio on full blast and probably do a bit dancing and singing whilst I’m stirring and chopping. I do like a batch cooking day. I wouldn’t want to do it everyday though.

Congratulations @Paul Gibbins on the first of today’ HSs.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. Maybe put some stones in your coat pockets if you’re venturing out. :rofl:
Morning all. 8.9. An up and down day yesterday...stress highs, a hypo and rebound...and then overnight a very odd dream about filling in tax forms o_O!! I've never had to so no idea where that one came from. This week is going very slowly.

Congrats on the HS @Paul Gibbins
Good morning! And a rather better 7.1 for me. After two bad nights I felt I needed a decent night's sleep and swapped out my last Gabapentin of the day for something stronger (No, not a fabled Red Smartie). Result, an undisturbed nights sleep and a better BG.

Nothing on today.

Horizon to horizon heavy grey cloud!
Oh! Forgot! One other thing of note is I replaced my slow electric cooker, The Great Kitchen Cull of November 2022, with an Electric Pressure Cooker, it’s an all-rounder that does soups, slow cooking even congee (a rice porridge), from amazon; was thinking about getting one & they were all about £100 that I can’t justify! But, Amazon’s basic one has just dropped their price by £20 this week: £87:99 to £67:99; ordered it yesterday & it’s just been delivered now. Already unpacked, a HUGE two boxes within each other, & will read the very thick manual later! Winter is here & I’ll be doing soups, casseroles & stews. Never used a pressure cooker before but, that’ll speed up the process over a slow cooker! :confused:🙂
I’ve got a small one and it’s fabulous. Although it’s really too small and I could do with a normal sized one.
Morning all. 6.9 for me.
Off to physio in a few minutes but just caught up on GBBO and @eggyg all I’ll say is that they’re a lovely bunch and Alison seems right at home.
Morning all. 🙂 5.0 for me.

Must dash - hubby wants to get out for a walk before storm Agnes comes a-knocking. o_O I hope she doesn’t put my students off coming to class this evening - the bridge some of them have to drive across’ll probably be closed...😳

My mum grows chillies in her greenhouse @eggyg - they’re belters! Enjoy your new toy. :D