Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - late reporting. It was 6.3 at 0700 hrs.

Wind has dropped, not raining, some blue sky - altho' a lot of shower clouds.

Think I have the lurgy on the run - no longer feel as if I am drowning in filth, temperature down, aches reducing. Not planning on doing anything energetic - just keep warm, plenty of fluids etc.

Hope everyone doing well.
Yard is closed on a Monday, otherwise I'd be tempted. :rofl: I must say it is quite a nice feeling having the kids under the same roof.
awe maybe a polo tomorrow.

I have just 'completed' the stew prep and bunged it in the oven for a long slow cooking.

Does anyone else take 2 hours to prep their stew?




I'm fair whacked now.

Hope it tastes good this evening....and the following 3 evenings!!!

I have just 'completed' the stew prep and bunged it in the oven for a long slow cooking.

Does anyone else take 2 hours to prep their stew?

View attachment 27649



I'm fair whacked now.

Hope it tastes good this evening....and the following 3 evenings!!!
Yesterday we were out so I slow cooked my beef. Yours is a labour of love . I am more wham bang hoping for abthank you which to be fair not my best but he did. Its just food. I am so discouraged. Grass is greener as they say. ,
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It's a 5.2 for me today and the sun is shining with a gentle breeze instead of that gale we had yesterday.
It's a 5.2 for me today and the sun is shining with a gentle breeze instead of that gale we had yesterday.
Lovely here Well done can you yell me how to get an HS?
4.7 this morning (@eggyg - since the Libre turned CGM I now just tap note and type W in the comments when I want to record waking BG, but I guess scanning would be quicker!).

Lovely afternoon yesterday with my daughter and also saw my son as well, so a good family catch up.

For no particular reason here are my olives starting to ripen (sadly the label on the tree said they’re not edible, not really sure why but don’t want to risk it)


Congratulations to @Barrowman and @42istheanswer on your HS today!
Today’s been good so far, 2 meals, & stable albeit with slightly less NR. Sensor is pretty accurate so, touch wood, stay stable today!

Social worker’s been & went & I’m on the list but, I’ve been warned it’s a pretty backed up list! Was told to be careful after I told her about my burn when she asked if I have any injuries or wounds at the moment? Also, had to answer more psychiatry questions as a fallout from the psychiatrist visit when I was in hospital that surprised me a little but, should’ve expected it really: it’s on my record; didn’t upset me this time, though, as it wasn’t a shock!

Just PIP assessment tomorrow to be nervous about!

I think I DO need a bit of basal reduction to give me more wriggle room to eat or not eat as I like & will call DSN tomorrow with today’s pretty accurate libre scans & start the 3 days wait for the reduced dose to settle in?
since the Libre turned CGM I now just tap note and type W in the comments when I want to record waking BG, but I guess scanning would be quicker!).
I’ve have to sit up, find my glasses before I do that. I sometimes struggle to see the numbers as it is and get 3, 5 and 8 mixed up! I should just scan!
4.7 this morning (@eggyg - since the Libre turned CGM I now just tap note and type W in the comments when I want to record waking BG, but I guess scanning would be quicker!).

Lovely afternoon yesterday with my daughter and also saw my son as well, so a good family catch up.

For no particular reason here are my olives starting to ripen (sadly the label on the tree said they’re not edible, not really sure why but don’t want to risk it)

View attachment 27656

Congratulations to @Barrowman and @42istheanswer on your HS today!
The olives on your tree will be perfectly edible, but our Greek friends tell us that you need to treat them before you can eat them. This involves soaking them in brine, changing the brine and soaking again etc. If we had enough on our tree I would bother to look it up and do it, but we don't have enough to bother with.
To be honest I am getting a bit fed up with trying to be Barbara and Tom (is that the right names?) from the Good Life. Yesterday and today we have made Apple and Ginger Jam, Spiced Apple Jelly, harvested yet more grapes (and there are even more still to harvest) and currently have the jelly bag bursting with a huge (and I mean huge) amount of grapes to be made into more spiced jelly tomorrow. Done 3 loads of washing (bedding and 2 loads of towels) and still have a full linen basket and ironing basket! Not worked so hard since I retired! Exhausted and still have dinner to cook!
Good moaning! Another bad result at 11. 1 after another bad night. No idea if it is the phantom pain or the infection in my right foot. The top of the foot is uncomfortable but is that the infection or my brain mirroring the phantom pain which at the moment is a burning sensation at the top of the non-existent foot Sick and tired of the whole thing and the lack of progress.!

Podiatry for redressing later today. Wonder what is going on under the dressings?

Dark butt don't care what the weather is! :(
Good morning - 4.6

Have a great day everyone
Good moaning! Another bad result at 11. 1 after another bad night. No idea if it is the phantom pain or the infection in my right foot. The top of the foot is uncomfortable but is that the infection or my brain mirroring the phantom pain which at the moment is a burning sensation at the top of the non-existent foot Sick and tired of the whole thing and the lack of progress.!

Podiatry for redressing later today. Wonder what is going on under the dressings?

Dark butt don't care what the weather is! :(

Dropped to 9.9 over 30 minutes. Wheelchairing must be burning off calories. Maybe 50 reps with the 5kg dumbbells?
Good morning everyone

Great supper last night. Stew was really good. Ate far too much! Guess what's for supper tonight...

Wake 5:30 am (it's too dark to wake natuarally my usual time of 4am I guess)
BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 96
BP 119/76

All good

Today...a walk with my friend, order meds for me and my wife, Christmas carols practice and I need to write out the music sheets.

My wife put one of those Christmas films on last night. Sometimes I like them but often they are a bit too cheesy. At least they have zero carbs ! 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Must have been a bit heavy handed with a correction last night as looking at the Libre graph I was in the red for most of the night. Anyway, starting today with a 3.9.

@Pattidevans - I thought as much with the olives! Maybe the label means not to eat them straight off the tree! But as you say, not really worth the trouble for the half dozen or so on the tree!

Hopefully a slightly quieter work day today before the next couple of full on days.

Have a good day everyone!