Group 7-day waking average?

Take care for someone who has your trials with your gut problems you are amazing . Wow . Can you organise me lol
I am very organised, or anal/OCD/control freak as some members of the family call me! There’s a long standing family joke that I have my passport open on the photo page three days before I am due to fly! It’s not true, it’s only two days! 😉 I make lists upon lists, I even make lists of my lists! 😛 I’ve always been the same, it’s just in me. I am never late for anything, I never forget anything, I have a diary, and a chalk board in my kitchen with all our appointments. I can’t cope with disorganisation, Mr Eggy is the complete opposite, if I pop my clogs before him no one will get birthday cards or Christmas presents, he’ll either forget about appointments or be very late. He drives me mad sometimes but he says it’s because I do everything so he doesn’t bother! There’s a bit of truth there as at work he was very organised as he didn’t have me there!
My daughters don’t take after me, think they’ve rebelled!
Good morning everyone. Great day yesterday.

Great church service. I gave a testimony about my eyes now fixed and being in remission from the dreaded D. And I played a few Christmas carols in the afternoon at home. I will be playing again at next Sundays service.

Wake 5:15am
BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 51
Oxy 96
BP 120/76

Today, rest, preparing beef stew for this evening (and for tea the next 3 nights!). Friend is coming to tea too. More practice on the keyboard. More carols!

The last beef stew that I cooked, a few weeks back, was the best ever I have made in my life, so I have a lot to get right today!!!

It's certainly turned colder but the heating will stay off until it drops below -10C, well maybe a tad sooner


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Did I dream it? No - it really happened. Wales 40 Australia 6. OK, the Wallabies were awful but Wales were like the Wales of old after a dismal couple of years and are the first side through to the QFs. Cymru am Byth!

5.8 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning and the forecast is for a fine, dry day both here and in the Cotswolds, where we'll be heading off to later. Will pass verdict on Bicester Village after we've stopped there for lunch and had a look around.

@goodybags our heating went back on yesterday, but only for an hour to take the chill off the house first thing

@eggy enjoy your break in Cornwall. We love Cornwall and have holidayed there every August for the past 9 years, staying in Fowey.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
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Morning all. 🙂 7.0 here.

Got a dr’s appointment later, but I always feel like I’m wasting their time so I’m fighting the urge to cancel. It doesn’t help that the niggles I want to talk about have taken a holiday and I’m feeling fine. Typical! :confused:😛

I couldn’t watch @Martin.A. Wow! Yn eich wynebau Awstralia, tee hee. :D

5.3 today, and wondering where the weekend went, feeling a bit post holiday blues this week. Anyway running with the group this evening.

@eggyg - you do sound organised, I do write a list of what I need to take but usually a couple of days before we go away.
A few months ago somebody suggested Cheesies which are 0 carbs per 20g packet. I thought I would try them but they were actually not very nice and they were pretty expensive.
I do like them but yes they are expensive
I forgot to come and update the last few days... Friday was 4.9 and Saturday 5.5. Then yesterday was 5.2 but not quite fasting (pre-lunch after church so had had a communion wafer and a mug of coffee...)

So I was already feeling pretty happy with those averages but then this morning was a nice straightforward fasting HS of 5.2 as well!
I forgot to come and update the last few days... Friday was 4.9 and Saturday 5.5. Then yesterday was 5.2 but not quite fasting (pre-lunch after church so had had a communion wafer and a mug of coffee...)

So I was already feeling pretty happy with those averages but then this morning was a nice straightforward fasting HS of 5.2 as well!

Maybe a church conversion @ColinUK ?
@eggy enjoy your break in Cornwall. We love Cornwall and have holidayed there every August for the past 9 years, staying in Fowey.
This will be our third holiday there but have “popped” over the border when we’ve been in Devon for a visit. Never stayed for two weeks though, and the last time we had three grandchildren with us so lots of walking will be done this time. Really looking forward to visiting places we haven’t been before, like Fowey.
Enjoy your break in the Cotswolds. Hope the weather is much better than last time.
And a 5.9 for me this morning. 🙂

09:23 BS 6.4 🙂 Got the NR right!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already called Abbott & replacement coming also, a kit to send this one back to them as there are 7 days left on it,

Official advice is apply it to the back, the outside, of the arm. But, I applied the new one to the other arm high on the inside again with just a moderate push & didn’t hold it on & no signs of bleeding or difficulty in lifting the applicator off! New one ready just before 11:00. Hopefully it’s a good one?
Breakfast sushi eaten after tesco delivery early, I’ve changed some time ago to morning deliveries 09:00 to 10:00, with a much reduced, for sushi, 40 NR.

Still running low but, with the confusion of this faulty sensor I’ve decided to leave it a bit to call DSN either tomorrow, to see how this new sensor reads, or on Thursday, no DS cover on Wednesdays? So, cautiously.sticking to 76 tresiba & NR? :confused:

Very busy day today with my social worker sent by my health centre today at 14:00 to access me for home help. Quite anxious as I haven’t met this one before!

Then, tomorrow the phone assessment appointment for my second PIP application! I’m REALLY nervous about that one after the first one’s refusal with the wrong mindset going into it: thinking of my best days; need to think of my worst days tomorrow! My usual social worker, actually she says she’s a support worker that’s a level below (labels), for that PIP assessment!

Let’s hope for a bit of stability for today & keep swinging from the chandeliers to a minimum? :confused:🙄:rofl: I’m not Essie Davis playing The Honourable Miss Phyrne Fisher with such verve & energy: the type of thing she would do for real; I’m too old now in my 50’s!:rofl:
Morning all on this bright, sunny day with no breeze.

7.3 this morning with a flatfish, but a really nasty spike after a bacon baguette for lunch yesterday, so only 56% TIR for the last 24 hours. I really must not eat bread, particularly delicious crusty white baguettes!

Lots to do today. Make jelly out of the apple mush that's been straining overnight. Pick and wash grapes then stew and put into the jelly bag to strain overnight. Make more headway with the photobook if possible. Only got 12 pages to do now but it's time consuming.

Congratulations to @42istheanswer on the HS.

Hope you all have a good day!