Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this grey and windy day. I see the kite surfers are out in force, so it's good for some people. Oh and now it's raining.

5.9 this morning, but only 75% TIR over 24 hours. Yesterday's baked beans at lunchtime to blame.

So today I'll be making jam and applesauce. Not as interesting as @ColinUK s day with nothing in his diary but a 4 hour opera!

Thinking of Singapore airport I can only recall the dump it was back in the early 70s though we did break our journey to Australia for 24 hours there in 2009.

Congratulations to @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on the HSs.

@Martin.A hope you have a lovely time in the Cotswolds.

@TinaD sincerely hope you feel better soon.

Have a good day all.
Bicester Village has changed a lot, and not in a good way, I feel. I've stopped going there.
Us too! Once Starbucks closed there it lost me!
A poor 6.8 for me this morning after my HS yesterday. Oh well, that’s life!

Congratulations @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Off to visit my daughter and family today which will be good and a chance to catch up. With the rain today I don’t think we’ll be doing much else.

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. Woke very late to 5.4 and a headache, tickly throat and nose. Taken some meds so hopefully it will head off the cold before it properly takes hold.

Yesterday we had a lovely day out in Worcester. A walk along the river, wander around the shops and lunch in a mexican restaurant where the food was fab! Today, nothing is planned apart from a bit of ironing and catching up on Strictly which we recorded last night. I think Claudia is funny but skip over the bits with Tess, looking forward to seeing the dances.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your HS. Have a lovely holiday and a safe journey tomorrow.
Congrats also to @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS.
@ColinUK happy YP. Enjoy the opera later.
@TinaD i hope you feel better soon.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Forecast yesterday was bang on and I managed to get all the laundry dry on the line. Amazing this late in the year. Needed to get it all done as my wife and I are off to the Cotswolds in the morning for a short break and there were things in there that we need to pack. When we travelled down to Cornwall last month we stopped at Clarks Village, as it was on our route, and had lunch and did some shopping there. Bicester Village is on our route to the Cotswolds so we're going to do the same by stopping there. Been before but that was years ago.

Well South Africa v Ireland in the Rugby World Cup lived up to expectations. What a match! Result in doubt - literally - right up to final whistle. Well done Ireland on beating the current world champions. Always favourites to win the tournament and on this performance rightly so. Hopefully Wales can make it a Celtic double by turning over Australia tonight. Maybe this morning's BG test a good omen.

Bit grey and overcast out there at the moment but I think we're going to be spared the remnants of Hurricane Nigel down here. Hope anyone in its path don't have their plans for Sunday ruined.
Bicester Village- over priced, over rated. Expanded hugely from what it was years ago.
So today I'll be making jam and applesauce
I got a free local newsletter yesterday and there was a recipe for apple jelly. Similar recipe to the grape jelly. Just needed to chop apples ( no peeling) and cook I some water and strain. Same sugar to juice ratio. You could add whatever you wanted to it, spices etc. I’m sort of tempted as we still have a few huge Bramleys left but I’ve used all our jars!
Morning all.5.8 for me this morning After alarm went off 4 am it was 12 .4 Took a correction dose Was high yesterday afternoon when out on good walk with dog Hit a 16 at one point started dropping down to the 9 range Decided to increase my long acting insulin by a couple of units normally have to do it after summer ends . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
10:20 BS 9.2 & quite relieved as I just don’t know WHAT happened with mu dinner bolus last night?

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ll let that stand as of 11:09 as I type this: could be past midday by the time I finish & post?

Yesterday was a pretty ok day in terms of BS & NR control until last night when I put in 40 NR for wheetabix: started on 48 for the last of the vegetable soup then, 44 for ramen; BS started at 10.0 & highest peak was 13.? that I scanned but, filled in graph was about a mmol higher that I missed a wee bit earlier & was in the 6’s getting next meal & in the 5’s when I ate! But, around 01:00 when 4 hours after dinner NR were almost up, 01:38, I went from BS 10.1 at 00:12 to 01:08 BS 4.6! 😱

I reached for a JB hoping to get it above 5mmol for some oatcakes: it took 3 JBs & 4 oatcakes & still couldn’t get it higher than low 5’s which was too low to sleep on BUT, there was still SOME active NR! At 03:47 BS 5.1 I had another 2 wheetabix with honey & thought about NR. I finished it & decided on how tired I was & REALLY wanted to sleep not to put in ANY NR!

Well, I wasn’t far off being right as I thought I’d wake higher than I did!

Already had cornflakes, two lots of wheetabix last night in quick succession, as it’s quick, just put in the bowl & add milk, & BS is rising fast, in the 11’s getting out of bed!

I’ve had a wee think just before falling asleep earlier & I think it’s because my burn is healing nicely now & almost filled in the hollow where the blister was: still very dark & red but, almost flat; once it is flat & completely healed it’ll still takes AGES & AGES to fade away as burns DO take a LONG time to fade! I think my BS has been a been elevated while the burn was healing & I may need to dial down tresiba back down to 74 & definitely dial down the NR in the meantime! Will call DSN tomorrow!

All of this JB scrambling JUST when I was watching youtube clips of last night’s Strictly dances just posted! Saw all 15 2 minutes clups of each dance on their own & I’ve yet to see the judges comments, when the episode eventually comes onto iTunes, so, used my own judgement! And my favourite dance I enjoyed the most was Layton’s Samba with Nikita Kutzmann! That boy can move! Snaking his hips & body in a TOUGH 1st. week Samba! 😛 It’ll be interesting to see how that stacks up against the judges, when I eventually see it?🙄:confused:

I quite enjoyed Nigel Harman as well & Angela Rippon has still got it: host of the original Come Dancing; also, danced brilliantly in that Morecambe and Wise show! 😎😛

I put in 48 NR for cornflakes as I’m a mmol higher today than yesterday & I have a feeling today is going to be a low day so, have to keep a close eye on things & dial down the NR for the rest of the day? See what BS is at midday & I MAY go down to 74 tresiba? :confused:

Ah! Only 11:40 so, morning greeting is ok! 🙂:rofl:
And earlier this grey morning it was a 5.6 for me....
Well, well, well! FINALLY twigged by scanning a whopping 22mmol twice that this sensor has suddenly gone WILDLY inaccurate: JUST had to confirm that on the FT & they were 15.0 & 16.1 which is high for cornflakes, it sends me higher than wheetabix, but, still NOWHERE near 22! So, I’m thinking was the sensor inaccurate last night as well: maybe I didn’t need the JBs, oatcakes & extra wheetabix! In hindsight, always too late as hindsights are, I SHOULD have confirmed it on the fingertips? :(

Oh, in all the FT confirmations I forgot tresiba which I’ll stick in now at 76 a bit late but, remembered NOW! Which is just as well as it could have been much later before I remember these days of forgetting things at the drop of a hat! 🙄
I got a free local newsletter yesterday and there was a recipe for apple jelly. Similar recipe to the grape jelly. Just needed to chop apples ( no peeling) and cook I some water and strain. Same sugar to juice ratio. You could add whatever you wanted to it, spices etc. I’m sort of tempted as we still have a few huge Bramleys left but I’ve used all our jars!
I adapted the recipe for grape jelly from a recipe for apple jelly that's in my 1979 cookbook "Home Preserves". Now got apples dripping through the jelly bag and 6 jars of apple and ginger jam. Exhausted and still gotta cook duck breasts, roast beetroot and butternut squash with buttered cabbage for dinner, but having a well earned sit down first!
I adapted the recipe for grape jelly from a recipe for apple jelly that's in my 1979 cookbook "Home Preserves". Now got apples dripping through the jelly bag and 6 jars of apple and ginger jam. Exhausted and still gotta cook duck breasts, roast beetroot and butternut squash with buttered cabbage for dinner, but having a well earned sit down first!
I have picked our entire quince crop, about 4kg and will use them for the base some ginger marmalade and if there is enough some lime as well. We are usually overwhelmed with them but that was all there was this year, a bit of a relief actually.
I adapted the recipe for grape jelly from a recipe for apple jelly that's in my 1979 cookbook "Home Preserves". Now got apples dripping through the jelly bag and 6 jars of apple and ginger jam. Exhausted and still gotta cook duck breasts, roast beetroot and butternut squash with buttered cabbage for dinner, but having a well earned sit down first!
Mr Eggy makes rhubarb and ginger chutney. He loves gingery stuff. Including Mary Berry’s Granny’s Gingerbread!
I’m not doing any more home preserves this year. It’s hard work!
Enjoy your duck breasts, one of my favourite things to eat. We’re having roast pork dinner, with grape jelly of course.
I have picked our entire quince crop, about 4kg and will use them for the base some ginger marmalade and if there is enough some lime as well. We are usually overwhelmed with them but that was all there was this year, a bit of a relief actually.
My in laws had a quince tree and I remember them making quince jam. Is it true they’re poisonous until they’re cooked?