Group 7-day waking average?

To explain... my grandson is a chef at a "rather nice restaurant " located on a beach on the Gower

Is it the one at Oxwich? By the way, “the” Gower, said like a true local LOL @Docb. :D 😉

Morning folks. 🙂 9.3 here. Oh, here we go, a busy week ahead and my BGs are already trying to grab my attention. I shd’ve expected it. 😉

Had a nice time at Narberth food festival yesterday. Got in for free cos the Welsh learner choir I’m in was performing - “I’m with the band” hahaha. We sang for an hour! The not very large audience joined in with the famous Welsh songs that ev1 knows and sang/clapped along to the catchy ones. We always have a lot of fun and it’s usually contagious. Then we all got to check out the stalls, in the sunshine. I bought ‘’im indoors some beard-styling stuff made from beeswax. All-in-all, a fun day out and lotsa Welsh spoken. Cwl/cool. 😎
As a vertically challenged woman I’ve never had the problem of being taller than a man, or many women/children either TBF, but I have a friend, who like you, is taller than her hubby and she had to give up the heels too as she also doesn’t have Jerry Hall’s attributes. :rofl:

I dated a lady for two years who didn't wear heels as they would have made her taller than me. But then I could have put on my Chelsea Boots. I gave up the idea of ever wearing them again last year and donated them to charity! :(
8.6 this morning.

Nothing at all in the diary for today apart from opera this afternoon.
La forza del destino
It’s another one I know nothing about other than what I read in the synopsis and that it’s long… I think it’s 4 hours or so with two or three intervals. It’s had solid 4 or 5* reviews across the board though so it should be fun.

Tonight sees the start of Yom Kippur with the Kol Nidre service. YK isn’t a festival honouring zip manufacturers but is a solemn occasion that marks the closing of the Book of Life for another year. It’s meant to open at Rosh Hashona and over the last ten days what’s inscribed in there as the course of one’s life over the next year is written.
During these ten days it can be amended by prayer and jumping through various religion-prescribed hoops and tomorrow night as Yom Kippur ends the book is closed.
No food for this festival as it’s a 25ish hour fast. No food. No water. Nothing. Apart from prayer.
If one’s on medication which requires food or liquid however you’re forbidden from fasting.
I grew up going to shul on YK and fasting properly but I don’t bother so much anymore. I take my morning tablets with the minimum of water though and I’ve never worked on YK as it just feels wrong to do that but I don’t go to shul. I might watch Yentle or Fiddler on the Roof though.
Morning all, 7.5 here. Slept like a log til 3am, after the previous poor night, then happened to wake up, and made the mistake of checking my ipad for messages, son and daughter are flying home from Malaysia today, and I knew they’d be taking off around then. So of course, I found a flurry of messages to the effect that their flight is so delayed that they’ve been rerouted via Singapore, and will now arrive three hours later than planned, and we have to meet them at a different Heathrow terminal!
So I then spent an hour awake and messaging to daughter while they were in the transit lounge between flights. (Meanwhile, the flight the should have got obviously solved it’s problem, and has taken off from KL, and will still arrive ahead of the one they’re on).
New timings mean I have to call in at daughters house on my way back from riding and hunt for the timer bowl for the cat's dinner, so she can eat it at the correct time ( she is on a load of meds that have to be evenly spaced out). First world problems!
At least Singapore is a fabulous airport to be delayed at. And I’m sure the cat will be appreciative of ear and belly rubs as well as you sorting the dinner out!
Good moaning! I was woken by a combination of both phantom pain and the equivalent of Blackpool Illuminations. Not sure what was going on outside but suspect there was a car driving sround the car park (but why?)! Oh, BG a none to good 10.9!

Might as well turn on radio for Japanese GP!

Now the lights have gone too dark to tell anything but seems cloudy..

A hour on (6:50) and it's mainly grey fast moving cloud with a few small white ones and the odd patch of blue! And it's a cool 13C.

Race over and with Max winning comfortably and Red Bull winning 2023 Constructors Championship. If Spurs can win at lunchtime it could be a good day!

Well no insulin and pain tamed, and I am closing on HS at 6.1! 🙂
Forecast yesterday was bang on and I managed to get all the laundry dry on the line. Amazing this late in the year. Needed to get it all done as my wife and I are off to the Cotswolds in the morning for a short break and there were things in there that we need to pack. When we travelled down to Cornwall last month we stopped at Clarks Village, as it was on our route, and had lunch and did some shopping there. Bicester Village is on our route to the Cotswolds so we're going to do the same by stopping there. Been before but that was years ago.

Well South Africa v Ireland in the Rugby World Cup lived up to expectations. What a match! Result in doubt - literally - right up to final whistle. Well done Ireland on beating the current world champions. Always favourites to win the tournament and on this performance rightly so. Hopefully Wales can make it a Celtic double by turning over Australia tonight. Maybe this morning's BG test a good omen.

Bit grey and overcast out there at the moment but I think we're going to be spared the remnants of Hurricane Nigel down here. Hope anyone in its path doesn't have their plans for Sunday ruined.


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At least Singapore is a fabulous airport to be delayed at. And I’m sure the cat will be appreciative of ear and belly rubs as well as you sorting the dinner out!
I'm sure they’re happy, they went to Singapore first, for the Grand Prix, and actually went back to the airport on a free morning to visit the attached shopping mall and gardens.

4.8 today, had a lovely time at the knit and natter charity event, £422 was raised for a local hospice, it was all arranged by a 12 year old boy who learnt to crotchet during lockdown. Today ill be going for a run, watching the Grand Prix even though I now know who won, then going to do a dance workout on my exercise app that Oti Mabuse has been worked with Davina McCall to make.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS and enjoy your break in the Cotswolds.
I'm joining @Martin.A this morning on the HSS (House Special Step) 🙂

The moggie cornered a huge spider in the bedroom just as I was dozing off last night. This one was too big to fit into my usual humane trapper, so I had to resort to that old time method of pint glass and birthday card. 😱
It's now safely deposited at the far end of the garden.

8 when I finally got up. Lots of stressful things going on, so it could have been worse. Skipped my usual Sunday morning ride because the weather didn't look promising, a bit too windy for my liking, but now I'm regretting it, maybe I'll manage to go out in the afternoon.

@ColinUK, as a follow on with my surname story. We had a delivery last week, and the driver asked if I was Polish, as he had a friend at school with the same surname back in Poland. It was only later that I thought that I should have asked if his friend was Jewish.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
At least Singapore is a fabulous airport to be delayed at.
Agree. We had a couple of hours there en route home from New Zealand some years ago. I also remember coming in to land and being astounded by the incredible number of ships I could see.
Afternoon! I’m well late, 6.2. Managed a lie in after waking at 5.10, tossing and turning then the next thing I knew it was 7.40 and then 8.20! Just awaiting the chef to finish cooking our full English. I’m starving, this is nearly lunch time for me.
No plans as forecast is rubbish, heavy rain expected. I’ll just “potter” about.

Congratulations @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

Happy YP @ColinUK I did laugh about the zip! I personally think zips should be celebrated as what would we do without them? Life would be like a Brian Rix farce! :rofl:

Have a super Sunday whatever your plans.
Bicester Village has changed a lot, and not in a good way, I feel. I've stopped going there.
Shame if that's the case but we're stopping more for lunch than for shopping, instead of using a Services.