Group 7-day waking average?

My in laws had a quince tree and I remember them making quince jam. Is it true they’re poisonous until they’re cooked?
I shouldn't think so. We had a quince tree in the farm growing up, and I've eaten a fair few just off the tree, not the nicest fruit raw, but to a six year old they looked really nice, so they should taste nice.
My in laws had a quince tree and I remember them making quince jam. Is it true they’re poisonous until they’re cooked?
I don't think so but they don't taste very nice until cooked. I tend to cook them then strain through the jelly bag as it can be very grainy but it is high pectin so makes a good base for the marmalade.
Good evening I did test this morning it was 7.2
after having a cup of tea was back to bed for a lazzzzy Sunday a lay in
we did pretty much nothing until brunch time today 🙂

congratulations on the HS @Martin.A & @MeeTooTeeTo

I’ve just done my ironing ready for work next week, and my arm / elbow is still aching ( it has been occasionally hurting since I lost my balance about 3 weeks ago)
hopefully I’ve not done any damage other than pulling or straining something, thinking to myself :confused:I’m going to look a right sight if I’ve got my left leg in it’s support boot
and my right arm in a sling, or worse (not currently in a sling) :rofl:

have booked collection of the specialist equipment, the hospital loaned following my ankle operation (back the end of May)

Hope everyones had a Superb Sunday 😎
I have picked our entire quince crop, about 4kg and will use them for the base some ginger marmalade and if there is enough some lime as well. We are usually overwhelmed with them but that was all there was this year, a bit of a relief actually. Quince jelly and Membrillo to go with cheese? You can get both out of the same batch of cooked quinces.

You are right @eggyg it is hard work and I have already made 35 jars of jam earlier in the summer for the village charity!

I've also been caught red handed from prepping the Beetroot! Quince jelly and Membrillo to go with cheese? You can get both out of the same batch of cooked quinces.

You are right @eggyg it is hard work and I have already made 35 jars of jam earlier in the summer for the village charity!

I've also been caught red handed from prepping the Beetroot!
Thanks might give that a whorl with the pulp, we don't usually bother to peel or core them which you would need to do if making the Membrillo.
Yes, The Beach House. Not been there myself but I believe it has a decent reputation amongst those who know about such things.
My mum very kindly took me there for my birthday a few years back - v nice indeed. There’s a cookery show on S4C filmed there. Lovely spot too, on Oxwich Beach. Well done, the grandson!
WHAT a day it’s been! o_O According to the libre sensor I’ve been swing from the chandeliers, al la The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher!🙄

BUT, I DID go low again after lunch today: fives on libre; 4’s on FT! So, I think I DO need a basal reduction.The sensor will need replacement tomorrow as it’s anything from 6-over 8mmol out high or low I was FT testing all day! I’m currently in the 13’s now coming up to 4 hours after dinner as I under did NR, 30 for dinner after 40 for lunch, after my heading off a hypo after lunch earlier, had to eat about 30 minutes early! So, will have a wee bit of soup, made a fresh batch for lunch earlier, & a very conservative NR dose as I’m going to bed soon! Don’t want to go too low in the night so, I’m thinking around 24 NR despite being in the teens: check again on FT before I decide the dose!

I felt the BS swinging about too! o_O

Currently reading, just started earlier this evening, on kindle & audible “Jo Jo: Finally Home” the autobiography by Johannes Radebe Strictly pro dancer. Just read, & heard read by him, the first two chapters & I’m enjoying it!

Ah. That brings me nicely up to 23:07 which at 23:00 is 4 hours & I’ll test, have some soup, decide NR & go to bed!

A Very Good Night to you all & I NEED my sleep as BS swinging from the chandeliers is every bit as exhausting as doing it for real! 🙄:rofl:😉
Morning all. First awake (but not up) with an 8.4. BS high overnight, probably due to cold.
good morning 6.4

have woke full of chesty cough today
guess we’re not long away from putting the heating on

looks like I’ve just been beaten to the first post of the day
have a marvellous Monday 😎
Morning 7.5 this morning. Went to Yorkshire yesterday to see my son . Did a lot of walking with him and really lovely staff. Did not take medication yesterday as travelling then forgot . So combination of no med and very sore tgis morning. Still not hitting those 5’s and was very careful what i had I just had coffee when they all ate . Still Im not going to get a low HbA1c snd guess she will be telling me to take statins too. Have i hot it right Empagliflozin raises cholestral but them it helps the heart . I never understand all the different things one medication can treat but cause other problems .
Good morning. I think it was 7.2, the only thing with this CGM malarky is it doesn’t record your BGs unless you scan. I checked it, got up to the loo and as I was walking downstairs I realised I couldn’t quite remember! I bet I’d remember if it was a HS!

Today I start my holiday prep, ie getting clothes out to take, last minute washing and ironing and putting together some dried/canned food. We don’t need as much as we normally take as we aren’t as isolated as when we go to Scotland. It seems they’re quite civilised in Cornwall and have supermarkets! Albeit not close to where we’re staying. Our plan is to pop into Aldi and a butchers in St Austell’s on the way back from our mini forum meet in Par. There is a community shop in the village we’re staying in so that’ll be handy. Mr Eggy will finish putting the garden to bed, he wants to cut the hedge, we leave it from March until this time so as not to disturb any birds who may be nesting, so consequently it’s very overgrown. Thank goodness for electric hedge clippers! A busy few days ahead for us both.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, 6.5 here. Kids safely retrieved from Heathrow last night, but they are still cluttering up the house. It was 10pm by the time we got home, and they’d been up for 24 hours, so both stayed the night and will commandeer the living and dining rooms respectively to work from here today. OH and I will be relegated to the kitchen. Only the cat will be allowed free roam.
Good morning. I think it was 7.2, the only thing with this CGM malarky is it doesn’t record your BGs unless you scan. I checked it, got up to the loo and as I was walking downstairs I realised I couldn’t quite remember! I bet I’d remember if it was a HS!

Today I start my holiday prep, ie getting clothes out to take, last minute washing and ironing and putting together some dried/canned food. We don’t need as much as we normally take as we aren’t as isolated as when we go to Scotland. It seems they’re quite civilised in Cornwall and have supermarkets! Albeit not close to where we’re staying. Our plan is to pop into Aldi and a butchers in St Austell’s on the way back from our mini forum meet in Par. There is a community shop in the village we’re staying in so that’ll be handy. Mr Eggy will finish putting the garden to bed, he wants to cut the hedge, we leave it from March until this time so as not to disturb any birds who may be nesting, so consequently it’s very overgrown. Thank goodness for electric hedge clippers! A busy few days ahead for us both.

Have a good day everyone.
Take care for someone who has your trials with your gut problems you are amazing . Wow . Can you organise me lol
Morning all, 6.5 here. Kids safely retrieved from Heathrow last night, but they are still cluttering up the house. It was 10pm by the time we got home, and they’d been up for 24 hours, so both stayed the night and will commandeer the living and dining rooms respectively to work from here today. OH and I will be relegated to the kitchen. Only the cat will be allowed free roam.
you just love them all though. What about your new horse? Can you not go to give him
a polo from me?
My in laws had a quince tree and I remember them making quince jam. Is it true they’re poisonous until they’re cooked?
That's not a totally unusual belief about in-laws I think.

I'll post CCC from yesterday tomorrow as it's Yom Kippur and I'm not supposed to use tech stuff today so the least I can do is cut it down to a minimum.