Group 7-day waking average?

Anyone want some genuine Shepherds pie made with lamb
I'll take some, please and thank you! 😛

I did some cooking today as well. Tried tempeh for the first time and I don't plan on buying again anytime soon, is not for me. Also made some things for the next few days: plain rice, boiled eggs and the star of the show, a soya mince Bolognese. I'm much happier with that than the tempeh, even though I almost burnt it! Must accept I'm not a pro cook and have to limit the multitasking in the kitchen.

I plan to have the Bolognese with the rice and with pasta, either the conventional type or some konjac I have in the cupboard. Now, Lanny gave me another idea: top it with a layer of mash potatoes and a bit of cheese. Is not the same as Shepherd's pie but very tasty too 😉
Good evening! A 4'5 in this distant morning.

Monday was my day off, yesterday morning my shift was cancelled, and today I had the morning off as well. That means I had 3 proper nights of sleep in a row and boy, does it make a difference!

I also had a chance to cook some meals for the rest of the week, when I'll be busier. I mentioned that in the previous post. But that involved a trip to Tk-maxx yesterday, when I realised there was not a single usable saucepan in the shared kitchen. I have my own plates and utensils but tend to use the shared pans, turners and such, as it saved me bringing more stuff from my room and back (and storing cooking pots in the room, which felt weird but tbf, doesn't make much difference when I already have all the plates there lol). The issue is that the shared equipment often disappears or is not kept in good condition, so I've been buying more for myself recently to be able to cook when I want to. I already had a frying pan that I'm using more now, and I got nice colourful tongs, turner and spoon this month. I remember I thought a saucepan would be a bit much, that I won't use it so often and it takes more space, and I probably can do with what we have at home. Clearly I didn't check what we had at home at that time, and I regretted it! But no worries, I had this unexpected time off after all, so I walked to Tk-maxx and now I have a new addition to my kitchen collection AND a new pair of boots for this winter! 😎

(The boots were not in my plans yesterday but I like the style, they fitted like they were mine already , and I did plan to get a pair this season so, win-win!)
I'm sure the burger is nice but I can't take my eyes off the metallic container for the drink. It looks strange to me. A sustainable choice? :confused:
It’s the mixer container for the wonderful milkshake.
And… 6.2 this morning.

The burger etc was the only thing I ate yesterday and I did walk 18,000 steps so that probably balanced each other out.

Physio yesterday morning. New physio. This guy is a senior physio rather than those on rotation. He’s pleased with my progress and my attitude about what constitutes recovery.

He’s now my physio and he’s set out defined measurable improvements he would like me to work towards over the next year. Yup he’s going to be seeing me monthly for the next year.
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5.4 and fotf is slowly working in my favour and nudging me up (7.3 now) so will just let it run wild.

I survived the bowel prep, my goodness that was an ordeal.
Appointment is at 9.
I'm kind of stressing over possible results/findings. I'm defo on the side of if there's something to find, I hope they find it so they at least get an indication about what's going on.
I haven't decided on sedation yet or just go with gas n air on standby. Would be nice to not be a zombie for the rest of the day. Also just really don't want a canular put in :rofl:

Will check back in when im home with you all x
Morning all. 7.6, I don’t know why but the meter agrees.

It’s a mild and wet morning, Agnes was more a damp squib than a full blown named storm. Hope everyone escaped any damage etc. One more sleep until our Cornish adventure. Got loads done yesterday, today I’ll pack, clothes all ready, do the obligatory tidy up ( after our visitors) and I need to make two loafs. Mr Eggy has a parish council meeting tonight so I’ll probably do the hoovering then. I’m really looking forward to it and the weather forecast isn’t too bad at all as far as I can see. Don’t think I’ll need my hat, gloves and scarf!

Good luck @gll glad you survived the prep, the next bit is easy. You’re starring in your own movie! :rofl:

Have a good day folks.
Good morning everyone

Woke 5:15am
BG 5.1
Temp 36.4
Pulse 52
Oxy 96
BP 120/80

Today lots of very early practice, then a bigger practice this afternoon at the church. Only just got the list of songs/hymns late Wednesday and about 4 of them I do not know (yet), hence the very early practice.

Last of the stew tonight. It's still really nice but had enough of it. Chicken Kiev tomorrow!!!

Storm Agnes was indeed a damp squib. My wife tying down the bins was a bit pointless.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, a round 6.0 this morning. Off to watch daughter riding our shared pony later. She’s got the opportunity of taking him down to the local cross country course with one of the girls from the yard on her own horse.
Good morning everyone

The last 6 months or so have been very difficult and I have suffered a lot.

10 days ago I had a very bad hypo in the kitchen. Was out of it for about 5 hours.

Took some easy carbs and got to bed.

The next evening I cooked a meal and injected Novorapid to cover the carbs but in the night I had a massive hypo and severly damaged my arm, blood everywhere. My doorbell rang it was my English neighbour with two others who wanted to let me know that my emergency key to get into n the house was visible to all and sundry. I showed them the state of my arm and two of them went off to get the docor and they came back with her and she stitched me up. She also gave me a stern lecture about living alone and suggested that I should move to a residencia for my own safety.

In the meantime I had reduced my evening bolus to a fraction of what I would normally take but I was still having nocturnal hypos leaving me bedridden.

The next evening I decided not to bolus at all and just ate the meal. It is now 6 days since I used Novorapid and I am sleeping well, no hypos and waking up to readings of between 4 and 6 with no ill effects.

It is all very strange and nowhere can I find any reasons for why I should benefit from not using a bolus injection.

As long as this regime works for me I am reasonably happy, but I would like to know why.
i wish you better. For now no hypos should be good . Have you thought of a sheltered accommodation ? Not easy to move have you friends and family yo help? Now you sre not having as many hypos could you not return to Gp and ask why?
5.5 this morning, our last day here in the Cotswolds. Agnes gave us a couple of hours of heavy rain and strong winds yesterday evening but we were already done for the day, had got back from a meal at the local pub so were safely indoors by then.

Breakfast shortly and then need to decide what we do on our way home. No rush to get back so will want to make the most of the day. Will probably head in to nearby Broadway for a while and then push on to Chipping Norton.

Hope no one's mopping up this morning or picking up any debris that Agnes left behind.
5.5 this morning, our last day here in the Cotswolds. Agnes gave us a couple of hours of heavy rain and strong winds yesterday evening but we were already done for the day, had got back from a meal at the local pub so were safely indoors by then.

Breakfast shortly and then need to decide what we do on our way home. No rush to get back so will want to make the most of the day. Will probably head in to nearby Broadway for a while and then push on to Chipping Norton.

Hope no one's mopping up this morning or picking up any debris that Agnes left behind.
Batsford arboretum in Bourton on the Hill, (just outside Moreton in Marsh) is a lovely place for a stretch of the legs, a bit early for the main autumn colour, though, but it has a nice coffee shop with good views from the terrace.
Good morning 🙂 6.6 @ 6.22am for me 🙂

Stubbed my toe a few weeks ago and it's still hurting. Dunno what to do about that. I think it should have eased by now. 🙄
Good morning 6.0 today

collected repeat prescription yesterday
it seems Trulicity was both prescribed and available for collection from the pharmacy
despite what my surgery led me to believe (which was a relief)

have a great day everyone 😎