Group 7-day waking average?

BTW, is anyone from here joining Abbot's webinar on Freestyle Connect and the health care team?
Yes! On it now, I see you are too!
Went to see Black Sabbath The Ballet last night with our oldest. Bonus was Tony Iommi joining the last scene to play Paranoid with the orchestra
Wow! We would have loved to see that but its completely sold out.

Off to meet a friend in town for lunch and then we're going to see the Hercule Poirot film that's set in Venice
We've been to see that. It made me jump a few times! What did you think of it?
Morning I was very bad last night. So I deserve my 8 this morning. I was so down after being rejected for the course. Hubby wanted a Chinese meal and I said oh what I will have what I like. It was our anniversary too he worked all day and was going out as was a bellringing night so I decided not to cook. To be honest I expected it to have gone up a lot more. Maybe though if I manage to go back on the diet today it will kick start it again. Who knows but yes I did have a meal that was not on the diet or low carb. I am human.
Morning all. Pleased to report a near miss, 5.3!

I very rarely set my alarm as I’m naturally an early riser, but I thought it would be Sod’s Law I’d sleep in today. Set it for 5.30. Woke up suddenly, looked at phone, 5.29! Was surprised to see I’d skimmed pretty low all night, not red line low but pretty close at times. Checked with meter, bob on.
We’re hoping to leave before 8, we have to be at Taunton by 2pm as @SB2015 and her hubby are kindly feeding and watering us. Check in isn’t until at least 4pm, we should be there by 5pm at the latest as long as that blooming A30 isn’t full of roadworks and/or tourists going to their Devon/Cornwall cottages! 😉 It’ll be worth the long journey though, we’re staying on the north west coast of Cornwall and it’s ruggedly beautiful. Hoping for a good sunset tonight.

Have a fab Friday all.
Good morning - 6.2

Have a great day everyone

Charging decision from the CPS. Case closed. No further action.
In their decision outcome letter they cite the lack of forensic evidence but say that my testimony was powerful and compelling.
However they consider that chances of a conviction are small. They suggest that a jury would end up in the position where they believe me but cannot convict as there’s simply not enough proof.
I understand where they’re coming from and given that only about 2% of these investigations result in court and only about 1% of those that do result in convictions the numbers are clearly stacked against that outcome.
I’ll sit with the decision for a few days and discuss it with my ISVA but I’ll likely ask for a review of the charging outcome as that’s apparently pretty standard. It means a team of completely different officers review the evidence and sometimes fresh eyes can see things differently.
We have a fact to face meeting set, finally, for a couple of weeks with my ISVA, the SOIT, the DS in charge of the investigation and the actual investigating officer. That isn’t an outcome meeting but is the long requested one to voice concerns about how victims are regarded during the process.

So… my mind has turned to Poland again as a bolt hole/breathing space etc to decompress. I’m thinking of maybe heading back the week before Christmas.
I dropped Max a WhatsApp asking for thoughts on the weather and if he has plans for Christmas etc, my mind obviously saying that I’m being a pain for asking the questions and that I can’t assume he’d be up for hanging out at all…
He replied opening up his home for me to stay in. I’m completely blown away by that generosity. I declined and said I’d take a hotel room or airbnb but it’s made me feel all emotional that he’d do that. For me.

Enough waffling on for the morning. I’m going to get up and have breakfast before therapy.
Good moaning! Had a good night's sleep until 20 minutes ago when woken by cramp in calf I haven't got. BG an awful 13.2 and been creeping up all night!

Today's plan is to sort out the mess of outpatient appointments and transport bookings others have created. Aim to do it before lunch as speaking to any NHS or council employee after 2:00pm on a Friday is a near impossibility!

Weather dark!
Morning all. Pleased to report a near miss, 5.3!

I very rarely set my alarm as I’m naturally an early riser, but I thought it would be Sod’s Law I’d sleep in today. Set it for 5.30. Woke up suddenly, looked at phone, 5.29! Was surprised to see I’d skimmed pretty low all night, not red line low but pretty close at times. Checked with meter, bob on.
We’re hoping to leave before 8, we have to be at Taunton by 2pm as @SB2015 and her hubby are kindly feeding and watering us. Check in isn’t until at least 4pm, we should be there by 5pm at the latest as long as that blooming A30 isn’t full of roadworks and/or tourists going to their Devon/Cornwall cottages! 😉 It’ll be worth the long journey though, we’re staying on the north west coast of Cornwall and it’s ruggedly beautiful. Hoping for a good sunset tonight.

Have a fab Friday all.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Good moaning! Had a good night's sleep until 20 minutes ago when woken by cramp in calf I haven't got. BG an awful 13.2 and been creeping up all night!

Today's plan is to sort out the mess of outpatient appointments and transport bookings others have created. Aim to do it before lunch as speaking to any NHS or council employee after 2:00pm on a Friday is a near impossibility!

Weather dark!
I hope you get sorted would seem you are in pain with your BS high too.Take care.
Morning all, 7.2 here. Overtreated a stubborn hypo yesterday evening. My fault, thought I’d caught the downward trend early enough to have a couple of choccy digestives to stave it off, but carried on dropping and ended up reaching for the jelly babies as well.
And we’re off, but not after nearly having a disaster. Sitting in the car before leaving, going through our mental checklist. Mr Eggy asked me if I had all my meds, yes I replied, spare insulin he asked. Oops! Insulin hadn’t crossed my mind, I don’t even know how much I’ve got in my current cartridges! I’ve grabbed three of each! Phew! Could have made my holiday a wee bit stressful. 😱
Morning all. 9.3, now a drop to 7.5. A day in target yesterday ruined by a night hovering just over target and some very weird dreams about jacket potatoes and Quavers!

@eggyg Have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
@ColinUK I'm so sorry. A big hug to you. Its shocking that the CPS can't proceed. How lovely though that your friend in Poland has offered what he has. There are lots of good people out there.
Good morning everyone

Wake 7am !!!! (Very tired after yesterdays long practice)
BG 5.4
Temp 36.3
Pulse 52
Oxy 97
BP 117/76

I was worn out after the practice at the church yesterday afternoon. The hymn (right at the start) proved nigh on impossible to play due to its huge number of chord changes and the leader playing it a bit too quickly, other songs had incorrect chord markings, some songs I just didn't know and I had to learn them on the spot. Thankfully the sounds I had selected for each song were good and recieved well (a big issue previously). A long long session followed by my being asked, and fixing the church PC issues. It was all totally exhausting but I enjoyed it.

Today ... I have to correct my song sheets and practice, practice, practice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Safely back home after our Cotswolds break and up & about at my usual 7am this morning. Everyone else is still in bed, though I expect to see our eldest shortly as he has work today. Thank you those who recommended dropping in at Batsford Aboretum on our way home but my wife had planned to browse some of the antique shops in Stow-on-the-Wold and Chipping Norton, so that's what we did. She finds antique shops and emporiums fascinating.

Covid booster this morning, then it's the regular Friday jobs - Big Shop at Sainsbury's and a trip out to the greengrocer at the garden centre. Washing machine's going to be busy, and as it's very grey and wet outside so is the tumble dryer. Looks like it's time to pack our rotary clothes line away until next year.

5.4 on waking, and weekly BP check 113/73, so happy with both those results.

@eggy - have a safe journey and enjoy your time in Cornwall.

Have a good Friday, everyone.
Morning all. 9.3, now a drop to 7.5. A day in target yesterday ruined by a night hovering just over target and some very weird dreams about jacket potatoes and Quavers!

@eggyg Have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
@ColinUK I'm so sorry. A big hug to you. Its shocking that the CPS can't proceed. How lovely though that your friend in Poland has offered what he has. There are lots of good people out there.
I do understand that they have to limit court time to only those cases where there’s a more than likely chance of a conviction. I think the cut off is 60%. And I’m also aware that this is basically my word against his.
What they did say is that my reporting on the actual day corroborates the circumstances even if it missed out the details. They’re accepting of the reasons why reporting was so delayed as well.

I’ve been on a jury a few times and I have to ask myself what I’d have thought of this came to a jury I was on. I’d have come to the conclusion that I believe the allegations because there’s nothing to gain from making them but I’d also have to accept that there’s no proof. So I don’t know if I could get beyond a reasonable level of doubt in order to return a guilty verdict. Especially when it’s a serious allegation which may result in custody.