Group 7-day waking average?

I am so very sorry if I have caused offence. I did wonder if we were getting a little close to the line, but it was all meant in a spirit of fun. I have worked with people who are dyslexic and have other issues and I'd never make fun of anyone for that. If anything I was making fun of myself for being so anal. I think that was what all the "grammar police" were doing on here, but I do understand that it could have been misconstrued very easily.
Was in the 8s when I woke up.
Tummy has been pretty uncomfortable for the last 24h which woke me up at 3am and hoping I will be able to get a few more hours when I'm done posting and taken some buscopan.

Not totally upset with numbers, was out last night at an event involving food so it was bit of a guessing game adding up carbs 🙂
Out again today for an afternoon tea (fundraising event) so another guessing game to play.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!
Ohh those rabbit' about white squirrels'. Ours (not white) have definitely taken up residence. (I was almost tempted to jokingly write 'residents' but they're is to many grammar police .... all joking... honest)

Good morning everyone

Wake 4am
BG 5.4
Temp 36.4
Pulse 52
Oxy 97
BP 120/72

The 'wonderful' GP had not corrected my repeat prescription I discovered on Friday. After a year of struggling to get the meds, the presciption was changed last month to one they could (and did) get. But unknown to me the change was stupidly done as a temporary change (on a repeat, for life, med). So now I have to contact the med team again and say in large block capitals what they need to do and should have done before. I so hate incompetent 'professionals'.

We failed to have a band practice (or was it 'practise' - ha ha) last night (the leader was too exhausted) so todays service could be very intetesting.

After the service some exercise and rest (at the same time?)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

4.7 and once again could not lie in until 8am, going for a walk with a friend as she can’t run at the moment, the coffee, followed by some ironing (which I hate)

@Nayshiftin - I don’t think any one intended to cause offence and I don’t feel they were aiming at any particular person, just their personal bug bears. i am certainly not worried what people think of my grammar, no one has ever corrected me.
Good morning everyone, 5.4 for me today.

Off to Cheshire Oaks today for a spot of shopping, been ages since we went there so should be a nice change for us.

@Nayshiftin - I’m so sorry if anything caused you offence, certainly not my intention at all. As @Grannylorraine says, just personal bug bears and not aimed at anyone.
5.1 this morning at 8 a.m I’m going to test again at 10 as I had a small portion of oats mixed with Greek yoghurt and berries
I do hope my BG isn’t too much affected as really want to be able to eat this for breakfast. Feel very nervous about not taking diabetic medication any more DN assured me it would be okay but …….

diagnosed July 2022 hba1c 117.
august 2023. 37
A 5.7 for me again today. 🙂
Off shortly to exercise the old brain with the cryptic crossword.

Morning all. 5.3 and a night in target. Not much planned for today, ironing and a short trip to Lidl. Have a good Sunday.
Bon matin @ColinUK, moi aussi 5.9! That’s about the limit of my French, I failed my French O level.

Had a lovely day yesterday. Relaxing morning after our mammoth drive. We then walked up to the local community shop, run by volunteers, for a few bits to tide us over, ie wine and beer! We also got an artisan granary loaf. Four quid! But I like to support the local businesses when we’re away so I took it on the chin! Walked down to the beach, only took 5 minutes if that. It’s wonderful, so beautiful. A few surfers out so we watched them for a while, fascinating rock formations too. Walked onto the SWCP to get the views and walked a circular to get back to the cottage. We only did just over 3 miles but 49 floors! I home for tea, spag Bol and watched Strictly. A pretty perfect day.

Have a super Sunday. I will once my breakfast is ready, not used to electric hobs and we can’t get it right! Everything is taking forever to cook. :D
Here’s a few photos.


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5.9 on this rather grey Berkshire morning. Just me up so far but our youngest has a shift at Sainsbury's today so I expect he'll be putting in an appearance shortly. Anyone's guess when our eldest will be up as he didn't get back from London until nearly midnight. It's his birthday today, too. Wife's awake but not well so is likely to stay in bed a while longer. At least I can have breakfast in peace in front of the TV while I watch Match of the Day.

Had a sore arm after my Covid booster Friday but it's OK this morning. Also felt a bit achy yesterday so I don't know whether that was a side-effect of the jab, but fine now. HbA1c coming up this week and for some reason I'm feeling a little anxious about this one. Last three have been 38, 41, 40 so maybe it's because it feels like I'm continually hovering just below pre-diabetes. My waking average for the last 3 months is 5.4 and my post-prandial average is 5.8, so it ought to be OK. Fingers crossed.

Nothing special planned for today, but as the ironing basket is clamouring for attention that'll take up some of the time. Our eldest has Futsal this evening, back in London (Gunnersbury Park) but he'll be driving this time, so we're having his birthday meal out tomorrow evening instead.

Whatever your plans, have a good Sunday.
Bon matin @ColinUK, moi aussi 5.9! That’s about the limit of my French, I failed my French O level.

Had a lovely day yesterday. Relaxing morning after our mammoth drive. We then walked up to the local community shop, run by volunteers, for a few bits to tide us over, ie wine and beer! We also got an artisan granary loaf. Four quid! But I like to support the local businesses when we’re away so I took it on the chin! Walked down to the beach, only took 5 minutes if that. It’s wonderful, so beautiful. A few surfers out so we watched them for a while, fascinating rock formations too. Walked onto the SWCP to get the views and walked a circular to get back to the cottage. We only did just over 3 miles but 49 floors! I home for tea, spag Bol and watched Strictly. A pretty perfect day.

Have a super Sunday. I will once my breakfast is ready, not used to electric hobs and we can’t get it right! Everything is taking forever to cook. :D
Here’s a few photos.
@eggyg Lovely photos. Enjoy.
Morning all. :D 8.7 here...oops.

I was a very good sister yesterday. My brother’s beloved Springer Spaniel (she is lovely, tbf) needed a lift from Swansea to Bristol, so I volunteered. Dropped her off, then had a nice afternoon pootling in n out of the shops on Park Street. Had a text message from my bruv later on to say there’s a surprise waiting for me at our local Spanish deli as a thank you. Dyna neis. / There’s nice. He always was my favourite brother. 😉😛

Lovely pics @eggyg as ever!