Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.9 for me. 🙂
6.1 this morning for me, not too surprising after a curry at our local restaurant last night. We went straight there after our trip to Cheshire Oaks and by then I only had 6U left of NR, so I was forced into a split dose, being lazy and not wanting to stop off at home on the way to the restaurant! Took more NR on getting back home, but it looks like I continued to convert the food into glucose through the night. At least it was still in range.

Busy working again today and wondering why it is so warm when we are now in October, even the sun is trying to break through the clouds, so mustn’t grumble!

@Pattidevans , @ColinUK , @eggyg and @Grannylorraine - enjoy your meet up today! Would love to join you all, maybe one day!

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
5.7 for me on another grey Berkshire morning, much like yesterday but with rain in the forecast this time. Actually managed to get three lots of bedding dry on the line yesterday despite there being no sunshine.

My wife felt a little better after lunch yesterday so we went for a long walk through nearby woodland. It's a popular location and lots of others were doing the same. The pop-up refreshments tent next to the picnic area was doing a roaring trade. We do prefer a walk where there's somewhere to have a tea or coffee on the way round.

Nothing special planned for today but we'll be out this evening for our eldest's birthday meal. His birthday was actually yesterday but he was in London with his futsal team during the evening. They won 4-2, so they're unbeaten after 3 games. Nice start to the season.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS this morning

Hope everyone's Monday Blues have gone and you have a good day.
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Good morning everyone! 6'2 this morning. In a good mood as I got 2 days off in a row (today and tomorrow). Yeah, in most jobs you would get that every week but I usually don't.

Yesterday was the first of the month, which for me is Money Management day: I pay rent, check expenses and income from last month, and make some movements between my accounts. As it fell on a Sunday, some transfers had to wait until today. I feel all organised with my Excel sheet... Today will look more like Money Spending day :D. Going to the big city to visit a friend and do some shopping, need work shoes, smart trousers and a belt. Will need to stop for lunch somewhere as well.

Enjoy your meet-up @Pattidevans @eggyg, @Grannylorraine and @ColinUK , and tell us all later! 😉
Afternoon all

It was a 4.6 on waking at 9 a.m. this morning.
1 batch ginger marmalade successfully accomplished, but the lemon and lime marmalade in and out of the pot 3 times as it wouldn't set. I added the juice of another lemon and boiled it to death and it has finally set. 3 less jars than I started with though. Tastes good very lemony.
Morning all. A 6.8 and a fairly flat line all night. I really don't want to get up and go to work today. It's so tiring i get home and sleep for an hour or more!
Morning folks from a wet and very, very windy Cornwall. 5.6 for me today.

Had a fab day yesterday with @Pattidevans @Grannylorraine and of course not forgetting the force of nature @ColinUK. Oh and Julian, ( Patti’s OH) and Mr Eggy. Had an amazing meal in a seafood “shack” right on Polkerris Beach. We talked non stop for about four hours. Julian and Mr Eggy couldn’t get a word in edgeways! We had a wander onto the beach but the weather wasn’t the best. What started as a bit mizzle turned into torrential rain and gusty winds as soon as we got back to our cottage after a trip to Tesco in St Austell. That was fun. NOT! Especially after sharing a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc with Patti and Lorraine. 😛 Had toast for tea at 8 o’clock as I was still quite full. The wind kept knocking the TV signal off so watching any telly was a bit pointless. Slept well until 5am but the wind kept me awake, it’s rattling the house, so got up. Should clear up after 10am according to the BBC App and the rest of the week is looking good weatherise. Fingers crossed.

Plans for today are to walk along the SWCP from the opposite side of Crackington Haven towards Boscastle, we won’t go that fair but will make a circular of it. Praying and hoping it’s not half as bad as the walk on Sunday!

Have a fabulous day.

Here’s the motley crew. Clockwise L to R. Colin, me, Julian, Patti and Lorraine. Mr Eggy was behind the camera where he’s happiest!


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Good morning everyone

The GP, receptionists, pharmacists all seem to be messing me around regarding a med I need to take every day. All was fine until the old supplier stopped supplying the med and a new version was available (but that particular one was not on my repeat prescription). After a lot of mucking about I got the new med through the surgery med team and thought the repeat prescription had been changed. Wrong as I discovered on Friday! So I go back and am told to contact the med team (who sorted it all out last time or so I thought) they now want to do blood tests amd a med review with the pharmacist. Hang on, I had bloods taken mid Sept and a doctors (DSN) review on the 19th. So why the new bloods and new review just to sort out a med (which was reviewed 2 weeks ago)? I have enough stresses in my life already without this lot fighting each other to muck up my meds and life further!

Rant over...and on a much better note

Wake 6am
BG 5.2 Yesss come on @ColinUK award me a really nice house where I can chill out and appreciate nature
Temp 36.4
Pulse 56
Oxy 96
BP 113/73

All good, so I don't want it all messed up. Grrrrr!

Today... do the stuff I should have done yesterday!!! Practice 'Jerusalem' on a pipe organ (fake pipe organ, on a keyboard pretending to be a pipe organ), exercise walking with my friend, relax and chill out.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 6.3 here. Off for my flu and Covid jabs this morning. The appointment time showing on Patient Access is 15 minutes later than the time I selected (and have a confirmation text for) from the text link I was sent. Not that they check appointment times, you just turn up and join the queue.