Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.9 very late for me. Did TikTok in the night then went back to sleep, I seem to prefer old-fashioned sleeping routine in two halves. Have a good day all. Hope the bunny is fully recovered. 🙂
And a rather late 5.1 for me at 8.15 this sunny morning'

Have a good rest of the day everyone.
Na, that's the Three Graces!

Note: Ford UK's Mk II Consul, Zephyr and Zodiac were also known as the Three Graces. I have owned two.
My grandpa had a Zephyr and a Zodiac venue both of which I remember. They were huge!
Congrats on the HS @harbottle.

Morning all. Woke 15 mins ago to a 5.8, must have dozed for a few minutes then the alarm went off at 4.9. I'd better get up before i drop back to sleep and end up late for work.
Good morning everyone

Wake 6am
BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 52
Oxy 98
BP 117/72

All good

About 300 thousand years ago, when I was a young man, I had a Ford Popular car. It was great. You could fix pretty much anything on it with a screwdriver and a 1/4" whitworth spanner. It had unusable wipers whrn you put your foot down and a top speed of...well, the circular ribbon speedo just flopped back and forth between 10mph and about 50mph constantly. The seats were horribly uncomfortable and it was always cold, but I thought the whole thing was great. I named her Percy, short for perseverence. Well named.

A bit like this only they had just invented colour when I got mine...

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Some time after that I swapped to motorbikes, a Kawasaki 750 with a white faring and paniers, called Weena (after the girl in the film 'The Time Machine' Cos the bike was so beautiful and I thought that she was too). But she was way too fast for me (the bike!).....ahhhh, memories. I once went on a bikers holiday with a friend, all around Scotland. A wonderful country. Truly magnificent. Lovely people. We slept in tents at night all over the place, once in a 'converted...almost' graveyard. And I was almost run off a single track road by a huge petrol tanker. Even back then carbon based fuel could be bad for you. Great times. To fill up cost half a groat!!! (Okay, that's not quite true, but it was cheap).

It looked a bit like this (but with a white faring and paniers, but this is not my pic, not my bike (but very similar). I have no good pictures of it now. I only had a Kodak box Brownie camera back then)


Today rest, exercise, and trying to tame a new laptop that, so far, won't do what I need it to do (I think it's a Kawasaki). Aghhhh!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Good morning! A 9.3 for me although in the mid 8s before I woke. Fairly level all night whereas ptevious night it spiked about 12! Dies funny things this phantom pain!? (None last night but suffered some night before).

Covid jab today. Fingers crossed no reaction (especially tiredness)) as Foot Clinic early doors tomorrow. Thing is I didn't want to turn it down after last autumn's eight month Saga!

Morning all. 10.5 here - oops, basal tweak done.

I wouldn’t normally post sad stuff on here, but we made the tough decision yesterday to put our big fluffy, friendly, fun-loving Bloden to sleep. She’d been going down hill gradually all summer long, so it was the right thing to do. Born in a field in Northern Spain, lived in two countries, disobedient in three languages, spent her days play-fighting with her ‘sister’ or lying in the grass dreaming of sausages...what a fab life. 🙂 Here she is...

Morning all. 6.3 after a decent nights sleep.

Had a day of two halves yesterday. Quiet morning and a bit pootling, first wash of the holidays, how exciting, and I prepped the tea. The reason being we were waiting for a message from youngest daughter to let us know her 20 week scan went, this is the one where they hope to tell you the gender of the baby. We couldn’t leave the cottage until we’d heard as there isn’t any mobile signal or WiFi in the area. To cut a long story short, it was a long wait, her appointment was at 11am, she’d had to have an extra scan to recheck something. Anyhoo, they weren’t 100% certain of the gender but were inclined to say it’s a girl! She’s going back next Tuesday for another scan and hopefully they can say for certain. Another girl! Three daughters and now we’ll possibly have five granddaughters! Poor Mr Eggy!

After receiving the news we set off for another coastal walk. This time it was a much more easier one than Sunday’s. We headed towards Boscastle and turned off just before we got to High Cliff, the highest cliff in Cornwall. Mr Eggy wanted to go up it, I didn’t! 4.5 miles and 900ft of elevation was quite enough for one day! Fabulous views over to Tintangel and Boscastle, it was very, very windy. I’m no Slim Jim but I was getting blown about at times. Home, stretches, tea, Bake Off.

Congratulations @harbottle and @ColinUK on achieving your HSs.
@Bloden I’m so sorry to hear about Bloden. She had the best life with you both. Big hugs.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone, if you’re able. We’re off to St Ives. Will I meet a man with 7 wives? :D0

Here’s yesterday’s photos, just taken on my iPhone as my camera decided to play silly beggers whilst we were out.


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Congratulations @harbottle and @ColinUK on your HSs. I'm joining @Paul Gibbins on the 5.6 step this morning.

Another dry day forecast, which is just as well as Wednesday is always a washday for us. Hopefully everything will get out on the line, otherwise the tumble dryer will have to put in a shift. We are fortunate in having a double airing cupboard so it does double-up as a drying room, especially for our sons' collections of football shirts (we tend not to put anything in the tumble dryer if we can feel the printing on it).

Back on kitchen painting duty today. It's pretty well done apart from the utility area and some touching up here and there. Oh, and the ceiling. Hate painting ceilings but it has to be done so best get it out of the way.

So sorry to hear about your dog @Bloden. I'm not a dog person but my wife is. She's a volunteer with the Cinnamon Trust and walks a dog for a lady who's unable to do it herself. We've had two rescue dogs, both of which had to be put down, so I know what a tough decision it is.

Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow @MikeyBikey

Have a good day all.